Category : Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 1/31/11 – Washing Questions – Not Just Diapers!

Every Monday, if I’ve received a submission, I will answer reader submitted questions.  Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject!

Maria says (and no, I’m not talking to myself again!):

Hi, Maria! I’m a Maria, too! And I have a couple questions for you about detergent.

First, I’d love to know if you can recommend a good diaper detergent that is NOT clean-rinsing. I live in an apartment and have to wash my diapers at the shared laundry facility, so using many popular cloth diaper detergents like Rockin’ Green or Charlie’s is not an option for me!

Second, this one’s always puzzled me. If using less than the recommended amount of detergent can get nasty poopy diapers clean, then why don’t we do the same for all the rest of our laundry? (BONUS QUESTION!– exactly how much detergent AM I supposed to use for diapers, anyway? I’ve heard different opinions on that)

Thanks for your time answering questions! We Marias gotta stick together, don’t you know! 😉


Maria D.

These are great questions! I will apologize in advance that this will get long!

For those who may be wondering, when you use shared laundry facilities, typical “cloth diaper safe” detergents can pose a problem, because they tend to lift the detergent residue from the machine.

My first rule for diaper washing is “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” so if your diapers are clean, stink-free and not repelling, leave your routine alone! That said, it’s a good idea to use the same detergent on your clothing and your diapers both, so you can avoid one detergent working against the other.

Some people have great luck with cloth diaper detergents, other people, not so much. Others just don’t have them locally available to them and/or prefer to use a less expensive, and more readily available detergent. I think we’re all aware of the charts that list the no-no detergents and ingredients, but many people successfully use standard detergents, and I’m one of them.

I use Tide Original HE powder, using about 1/4 the lowest load line for a full load of diapers. Many other cloth diaper users report successfully using Tide Original powder. Powder detergents tend to rinse out more easily, and don’t gunk up your machine as much as liquid detergents do.

Another standard detergent brand that’s been widely used with success is Arm & Hammer with Oxyclean and Arm & Hammer Essentials. I’ve tried it, but don’t care for the liquid variety, and the smell was a little much for me.  I’ve also heard of several people using Country Save.
For more eco-friendly options, I’ve heard mixed reviews of Planet, Seventh Generation, Ecos and Ecover detergents. I haven’t used any of them myself.

Though Tide is a no-no with the detergent police (and it’s not exactly the most “green” option), it seems to be the most common “standard” detergent that cloth diaper washers use with success. I’ve said before that I’m not a huge fan of the charts, I really think you need to do a little trial and error to find what works for you!

As far as your second question, I do have a water softener and an HE machine (I use HE powder of course) so I use less detergent than others, but I never use more than half of the lowest load line for my largest, most soiled loads of laundry. While most people wouldn’t be able to get anything clean with a tablespoon of detergent, I doubt even the hardest water and dirtiest clothing would need a full scoop/capful of detergent.

If you normally use the largest load line for your other laundry, try running them through a rinse cycle with no detergent and check for bubbles. I’m guessing a lot of people would be able to wash their laundry a few times without adding any, thanks to all the detergent residue!  Really, why wouldn’t companies recommend using a huge scoop of detergent for regular laundry?  It lines their pockets!

I think it’s a great idea to at least try using less detergent, and see if your clothes still get clean. I bet they will. If they do, you’ve just cut your detergent expense in half, and if they don’t, well, at least you tried!

As for your bonus question, the amount of detergent you use is also a trial and error experiment, depending on how hard your water is, what type of washer you’re using, and what detergent you choose. 

If you are using a detergent marketed for cloth diapers, use the recommended amount (a little less for soft water.)  If you’re using a standard detergent, I’d start with 1/4-1/2 the recommended amount for a typical diaper load (around 15 diapers.)  You want to get them rinsed pretty clean, and I find that if I use too much detergent, I definitely need to do extra rinses.  If you’re paying to wash your laundry, you certainly want to minimize rinses, so check your rinse cycle for bubbles, and cut back on the detergent if you’re seeing a lot. 

The great experiment really gets complicated when you have stink issues.  You have to figure out of the smell is from detergent residue (usually when they smell clean coming out of the wash, but stink when wet) or not enough detergent (usually when they still smell dirty right out of the wash.)

Bleach is another thing some people don’t like, but I find that if I start smelling some ammonia (mostly in the thicker inserts I use at night) a little bleach in with the inserts only knocks it right out!

Is anyone else breaking the detergent “rules” and using a standard detergent successfully?  If so, what do you use?

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 1/24/11 – Discolored inserts

discolored #clothdiapers inserts via @chgdiapers

Every Monday, if I’ve received a submission, I will answer reader submitted questions.  Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject!

Rachell says:

Hi Maria

I have a question about inserts.
Some of my Microfiber inserts have discolored to a light brown with darker brown streaks. Is this ok? And what can cause this?


Hi Rachell.  The first thing that comes to mind is discoloration from mineral deposits in your water.  Do you have hard water?  Do you notice buildup/stains in your sinks, bathtubs/showers or toilets?

Is your other white laundry (non-diaper laundry) discolored too?  Are you having stink issues?  Was the discoloration gradual or sudden?  What is your wash routine?

I know that’s a lot of questions!  If you have hard water, you will most likely be having buildup issues in your sinks etc. and be having stink issues with your diapers.  If that’s the case, you may need a detergent designed for washing cloth diapers hard water, like Rockin’ Green’s hard rock.

If you’re not having any of the other typical hard water issues, you may need to switch up your wash/rinse routine a little bit.  I do get a little bit of streaking staining when a messier BM seeps into the insert.  The best treatment for stains seems to be some good, old fashioned sun!

Another thing to try (if you don’t have an issue with bleach) is to wash the inserts only with about 1/4 cup of bleach.  Then, continue to rinse the inserts until there are no suds and no residue in the water, and you no longer smell the bleach.

I do think the cause of the discoloration is most likely to be deposits from your water, but if you aren’t having any issues with stink or repelling, it’s really just a cosmetic issue!

How about the rest of you, have you had this type of discoloration?  Did you discover what was causing it?

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 1/17/11 – Wet Bag/Pail Liners and Washing Natural Fibers

wet bags & #clothdiapers pail liners via @chgdiapers

Every Monday (if I receive submissions, that is!) I will answer reader submitted questions in my Mailbox Mondays post. Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject!

Tamara says:

I have a question! I meant to get it in in time for submission today, but alas, life got in the way. So…..Which side of the pail liner do you put toward the diapers? I have a planet wise pail liner, one side is the shiny PUL and the other side is the fabric. I’ve always put it in the pail so that the diapers are touching the shiny side. But, I had a friend of mine ask if that was right and it made me wonder….. I investigated and noticed that the tag is on the fabric side and I know that sometimes manufacturers recommend putting a drop of essential oil on the tag so then I was confused. Does that make sense? What do you do? Does it matter? Have I been doing it wrong this whole time?

Diapers do go on the shiny PUL side, so you are doing it correctly! 

Whamies Pail Liners have a patch of fabric at the seam for essential oils, but as far as I know, Planet Wise’s tags are just for brand identification and laundering instructions.  If you’re having trouble with smell, you might try keeping the pail open a crack.  It seems counterintuitive, but I find that air circulating actually helps with the smell.  Washing every 2-3 days at most helps of course too!

Hope this helps!

Stephanie says:

Hi Maria!

I was wondering if there was any rule of thumb about washing microfiber inserts with natural fibers. If so, do you have any recommendations?

Thanks! 🙂


When you get a new diaper or insert that is made from natural fibers, wash it separately to prep per the manufacturer’s instructions.  For example: a hemp product may say to wash and dry it 2-3 times before use.  This will remove the natural oils and get it ready to use.  It will continue to gain absorbency up to 10 washes.

Once you have prepped it, there’s no issue washing them with your microfiber products!

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Cloth Diapering Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 1/10/11 – I’m asking you some questions!


 email me

Another week with no Mailbox Mondays submissions!  Remember that submitted questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related.  Email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject.

Since this makes two weeks with no submissions, I’ll put the MM posts on hold.  If I get a submission, I will publish it, otherwise I will post something else/skip etc.

Today I think I’ll ask you some questions instead.

1. People choose to cloth diaper for many reasons.  Financial, environmental or health concerns, or even because they are just so gosh darn cute!  What was your main motivator for using cloth?

2. What was your very first cloth diaper?  Do you still have it? 

3. What is your favorite brand/type of diaper?  Has your favorite changed over time?

4. Have you overcome any obstacles with cloth (eg. detergent/stink issues, yest, rash, leaks, night time solutions etc.)

5. Is there a brand of diaper you’re interested in, that you’d like to see me review?  Is there a diaper you’re just dying to win?  One you don’t see given away much, or just one you keep entering to win but don’t win?

Anything else you have to say for yourself?  🙂

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 1/3/11 {{Tumbleweeds}}


 email me
It’s the first Monday of 2011, and there were no submissions!  How terrible is it that I initially typed 2001?  Talk about living in the past, huh?
If you have a question you’d like answered in a Mailbox Mondays post (it doesn’t have to be cloth diaper related) email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject.
Hopefully next week there will be something other than tumbleweeds in the Mailbox Mondays post!
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