Category : Personal Posts

Birth Co-sleeping Home Birth Motherhood Personal Posts

I Wasn’t Born Yesterday!!


But I know someone who was!!


Hopefully I will have time to write the birth story soon. (Birth story here!) It was amazing and I feel fantastic. I still haven’t shared my other birth stories.

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Birth Motherhood Personal Posts

I’m an Obsessive Planner, but This Doesn’t Bother Me

I’ve mentioned before that I’m an organizer, a planner, a worrier and an obsessor. I know I drive my husband totally nuts by not resting until I’ve worked out minute details of even hypothetical situations.

So, it seems kind of funny that someone with my personality doesn’t schedule a c-section as soon as the lines show up on the pregnancy test and/or have repeated ultrasounds until I can see the gender.

In fact, not only am I not bothered by not knowing the gender or baby’s birthday, but I actually enjoy it. Weird, huh?

We didn’t found out the gender of any of our children, so I have boy clothes (though they are the wrong season) girl clothes, and some gender neutral clothes. As it turns out, I didn’t have as much gender neutral clothing as I thought I did, so we did buy a few outfits. Clothes are ready, diapers and blankets are ready…they just aren’t pink or blue. 🙂

It is a little weird wondering if this weekend was our last as a family of four, and not knowing when the baby will decide to arrive. As of the date I’m posting this, I’m either 40 weeks 1 day, or 40 weeks 3 days, depending on what date you use. I’m not gonna lie, I’m on the edge of my seat waiting and wondering. It doesn’t help that I’ve had Braxton Hicks contractions for the past two months, that have recently gone from annoying, to uncomfortable, to somewhat painful.

I’ve had people comment that they couldn’t stand to know know the gender etc. since they couldn’t plan. I guess I feel like I did plan, and we are prepared. *shrug* Really, I think this feels less like something to plan and more like a big gift! More of a surprise than a project. 😀

I’ll be honest that I am starting to feel like a watched pot though, hee hee!

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Motherhood Personal Posts

The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far from the Neurotic Tree

I love things to be clean, neat & organized. My owner’s manuals (and recipes) are in page protectors inside binders, divided by category tabs. I love an excuse to use my label maker, and I can’t help but drool over beautifully organized closets and pantries. Give me a shopping spree in an office supply store/container store and I’d be happy as a clam.


So, I couldn’t help but laugh when my son started lining up his cars! My husband would make fun of me because I like to eat my food in a certain order, and when I have something with colors/flavors (Skittles, Mike & Ikes) he would watch me and try to predict which I would eat next. Would I keep the colors even, or would I eat a flavor I like least, first? (I don’t do this anymore because I don’t get to eat candy any more, my kids would just take it, LOL.)


When my son did this to his Annie’s chocolate/vanilla bunny cookies/crackers, I had to take a picture & send it to my husband.

Now if only he will turn out to be more “organizer” and less “pack rat” (like my daughter)…hee hee!

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Co-sleeping Personal Posts

Co-Sleeping and Arm’s Reach

Hopefully you have already read my post about Co-Sleeping: My Story as well as part 2, Co-sleeping: Facts and Expert Opinions. If not, I hope you do!

If we play a word association game and you say “co-sleeping” to me, I immediately think “co-sleeper” followed by “Arm’s Reach.” Though I had heard of Arm’s Reach Co-Sleepers, I didn’t actually know much about them until my desperate search when my son was an infant. I’ve had an Arm’s Reach Co-sleeper on my Amazon wish list since before my current bun was in the oven!

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Co-sleeping Personal Posts

Co-Sleeping: Facts & Expert Opinions

#Cosleeping Facts & expert opinions via @chgdiapers - Co Sleeping

Co-Sleeping: Facts & Expert Opinions

This is part 2 of a 4-5 (?) part post series on Co-Sleeping. If you missed the first, please check out Co-Sleeping: My Story.

By now you know I’m a tired, tired hypocrite, who is advocating for co-sleeping, but has not actually co-slept. Other than my own personal opinions & feelings, there is a ton of science supporting co-sleeping. So much so that The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now encourages room-sharing (or co-sleeping on a separate surface) in its policy regarding SIDS prevention. “Room sharing is a form of co-sleeping and it is known that roomsharing decreases an infants chances dying by a third of one half compared with babies sleeping alone.

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