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Facebook Default Setting Change

Have you noticed that you’re not seeing updates from some of your friends, family or pages (ahem, me?)  Facebook changed the default setting to show posts only from friends and pages you interact with most.

I saw this several days ago, checked mine, and it was already set to show posts from everyone.  A few days later, I checked again, and it had been changed.  It was an easy fix, but I just wanted to let everyone know to check theirs, even if they don’t suspect it’s been changed.

First, click on the arrow beside “most recent” on your news feed, and select “edit options” from the drop down menu.

facebook privacy changes

From there, click the drop down beside “show posts from” and select “all of your friends and pages.”

facebook default setting changes
Click save, and you’re all set!
Speaking of Facebook, this morning we had 1,000 Facebook “likers,” but we’re down to 998 997 995.  (I think I need to stop looking, we’re going the wrong way!)  I was all set to post the 1,000 follower giveaway tomorrow morning, since we’re over 1k GFC, RSS & Twitter, but it’s been postponed until we bump back over 1,000 Facebook “likers.”  If you know of someone who might be interested, send them over!  🙂
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“What’s a disposable diaper?” and My First “Dunk and Swish”

>Saturday, my son had one of “those” diapers.  I commented to my husband that the, ahem, “deposit” (which was creeping dangerously close to the outside of the Fuzzibunz perfect size diaper) would never have been contained in a disposable diaper!  It’s been a while since I used disposables, but I remember blowouts all too well!

My almost-6-year-old daughter said “what’s a disposable diaper?”  I’m a little baffled by the question, since we used disposables on her brother for 4 months, and I’m pretty sure she’s seen other people change a diaper and throw it away.  I’m guessing she was just confused by the term “disposable.”

In any case, I said “It’s a diaper you throw away,” and she said “Oh.”  It would be pretty cool if someday we looked back at our “throw it away” generation, and didn’t understand it!

So that diaper led me to my first “dunk and swish.”  In over 15 months of cloth diapering, I’ve never done that.  But this diaper…let’s just say it was a little beyond scraping, but was too much to throw in the washer.  I was asking myself why I hadn’t bought a diaper sprayer yet.

After I already had to reach into the potty to fish out a cloth wipe I’d accidentally dropped in, I used a tip someone gave me.  I pulled the insert out, held the ends of the diaper in my hand (firmly) with the inner facing out.  I dunked it in the toilet and flushed (several times.)  I held onto it tightly, but let it kind of get pulled down with the flush.

It really worked quite well and wasn’t terribly gross!  I was able to flip it back around with the PUL side out again and carry it to the wet bag (I need to put one in the bathroom!) without dripping.

So now I feel a little more initiated, and more like a real cloth diapering Mom.  Ha ha!

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Bring on the mama cloth, I finally have somewhere to put it!

>I don’t know if you remember my post asking where you keep your “supplies,” but we previously had zero space in our half bath, and I was trying to figure out what to do/where to keep stuff.  I am so excited that we’ve finally updated our half bath to new, more modern decor and I have storage space now, woo-hoo!

My husband received Lowes gift cards for Christmas, and I received one to Bed, Bath and Beyond.  We went to Lowes to get salt for our water softener, and they had a gorgeous vanity with granite top and under mount sink for half price!  We got that, some beaded wainscot, trim and other things, and spent around $200 for the update (money we received as Christmas gifts.)

Here’s a reminder of what the bathroom looked like before:

my potty tee heemy bathroom

I chose the towels/rug ten years ago, so I think it was time for a change.  My tastes have definitely changed since then!

We’re not completely done yet, we need to paint over some caulking, put some knickknacks on the shelf, and I’m working on some modern artwork for the side wall.

half bath remodel with beaded wainscotvanity with granite top

nautica west end bath rug

I’m so excited! I was just hoping for an above the toilet storage thingie, and I got this! I can’t get over how nice it looks, and I’m so proud of my hubby for getting it (mostly) done!

mirror ledge shelf

So, yay!  Now I definitely want to start getting some mama cloth now that I have somewhere to keep it.  Though, can you imagine if someone decided to snoop in there?  That surprise would serve them right, hee hee!

If you use mama cloth (I swear I’ve asked this before but I can’t remember?) what is your favorite brand?

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Do you have a wish list of your own?

>My husband and I don’t exchange gifts anymore, for the sake of saving money.  I know if we did, he’d be dreaming of flat screen TVs and flat screen TV stands!

So, I really don’t have a holiday wish list, but I have a running fluff wish list.  I know, I know!  I really don’t “need” any more fluff, but I have this desire to try and review every diaper.  It’s an illness!  No, I don’t expect to ever actually buy or own all of these, but if I found a screaming deal on one of them, I’d bite!

Here’s what I haven’t tried that I’d like to (that I can think of, I’m sure there are more!):

  • Tot Bots
  • Wee Huggers
  • Applecheeks
  • GoGreen
  • Bottombumpers
  • gDiapers
  • GroVia
  • Tiny Tush
  • Bum Essentials
  • Tiny Tush
  • Tweedlebugs
  • Bumkins
  • Knickernappies One Size
  • Sposoeasy
  • Green Acre Designs
  • iCandy
  • OsoCozy
  • Snap EZ
  • Sustainablebabyish
  • Wahmies

If I ever get to cloth diaper a newborn, I’d wish for:

  • Rumparooz Lil Joey
  • Tot Bots Tiny Fit
  • Fuzzibunz XS
  • Bumgenius AIO XS
  • Eli Monster Newborn Diapers
  • Happy Heinys Mini One Size
  • Smarti Pants Newborn Diapers
  • Thirsties Size 1 Duo Diaper/Wrap
  • Heartland Dreams Newborn Diapers
  • Doodle Dypes Dynky Doodle
  • Guerilla Fluff Newborn Diapers
  • Thirsties Fab Fitted XS
  • Almost Heaven Diaper Co. Newborn Diaper
  • PLUMP Newborn Diaper

I’d also probably want to try any prefolds and covers with a newborn too, since they go through so many diapers!

How about you?  Do you have a running fluff wish list?  Are you wishing for anything for yourself this year?

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Where do you you keep your diaper pail and, um…”stuff”?


my potty tee hee

We spend the majority of our time downstairs and consequently, that’s where I change most of my son’s diapers.  Our half bath is pretty stark, and I’ve been looking for some wall art or something ever since we moved here.  More recently, I’ve been looking at bathroom furniture.
When I change a dirty diaper, I clean it out in the bathroom, then take it to the laundry room (also on the first floor) and store it in my Planet Wise large hanging wet bag.  Really, this works for us, but I wish I had some storage space in the bathroom.

my bathroom

  The bathroom just has a toilet and pedestal sink, so there’s nowhere to put anything really.  My apologies in advance for “too much information” but after more than two years, my “monthly cycle” has returned, and I’m left running upstairs and back down every time I need to “take care of business.”
I really want to try Mama Cloth (don’t point and laugh and call me a sposie user, even though I deserve it!!) but this is the bathroom that my kids, husband, as well as any guests use.  I thought about putting a wet bag in here for diapers, but I don’t really have anywhere to put/hang it.  I’d love to have a cabinet that goes over the toilet, which would not only fill the empty space and make the room seem cozier, but give me a place to put stuff.  I don’t know that I really want to leave a small wet bag for used mama cloth, or clean mama cloth just laying on the floor.
Not only that, but it would give me a place to hang another wet bag for diapers, a place to store a scraper for dirties (I know, I know, I need to buy a sprayer!) and a place for air freshener and spare TP.  I’ve been left stranded with an empty tube more than once!
How about you?  Do you have a diaper pail or wet bag in the bathroom?  If you use mama cloth, where do you keep your stuff?

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