>I don’t know if you remember my post asking where you keep your “supplies,” but we previously had zero space in our half bath, and I was trying to figure out what to do/where to keep stuff. I am so excited that we’ve finally updated our half bath to new, more modern decor and I have storage space now, woo-hoo!
My husband received Lowes gift cards for Christmas, and I received one to Bed, Bath and Beyond. We went to Lowes to get salt for our water softener, and they had a gorgeous vanity with granite top and under mount sink for half price! We got that, some beaded wainscot, trim and other things, and spent around $200 for the update (money we received as Christmas gifts.)
Here’s a reminder of what the bathroom looked like before:

I chose the towels/rug ten years ago, so I think it was time for a change. My tastes have definitely changed since then!
We’re not completely done yet, we need to paint over some caulking, put some knickknacks on the shelf, and I’m working on some modern artwork for the side wall.

I’m so excited! I was just hoping for an above the toilet storage thingie, and I got this! I can’t get over how nice it looks, and I’m so proud of my hubby for getting it (mostly) done!

So, yay! Now I definitely want to start getting some mama cloth now that I have somewhere to keep it. Though, can you imagine if someone decided to snoop in there? That surprise would serve them right, hee hee!
If you use mama cloth (I swear I’ve asked this before but I can’t remember?) what is your favorite brand?