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Bumgenius News

>It is a 4.0.

Larger sizing, better hook & loop,  and easily accessible, replaceable elastic.

3 new, light pastel colors including lavender, and a snap closure option.

Whole lotta hype for nothin’!  As far as I’m concerned, they’ve “cried wolf.”  If they tell me again there is some fabulous new product, that the one size diapers are being discontinued, I will not believe them.  I’ll assume it’s just some lame new color, a tweak and a 5.0 label.  I’m not waiting around on YouTube again.

I would have been just as likely to buy if they had told me there was a 4.0 coming, it would have improvements, but be the same diaper we love.  In fact, I would have bought some just for the new closures, and I wouldn’t be peeved like I am now.  Hope it was worth it Cottonbabies.

That said, expect a review/giveaway soon.  😉  After many page loads, I managed to get an order in for a diaper for me to review, as well as a snap AND velcro closure diaper for a winner. 

P.S. They also say the bright colors will be coming back, so that’s good news at least.

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Change is good. Change is good.

>At least, that’s what I am trying to tell myself.  You may have received this email from cottonbabies.

Cotton Babies

June 22, 2010
The last couple of years has been a wild ride for Cotton Babies and the brands we created. We started out on our product venture with a tiny shipment of diapers that sold out within hours on December 21st, 2005. Since that date, the production lines haven’t stopped and our most popular brand, bumGenius, has gone on to be sold all over the world, winning awards and accolades from media nearly everywhere it goes.

In keeping with our long standing tradition of excellence, we have been working on something new for quite some time. I’m not very good at keeping secrets, so news has gotten out here and there about what might be new. Speculation from you and your friends has been quite literally all over the map about what the new product might be. Up until today, we weren’t 100% sure of when we could tell you, but finally, we have a date. I am excited to announce that a new bumGenius product will be born on June 29th!

We’re confident that you will be just as excited about this new product as we are. So, immediately following my announcement, we will open up to preorders. We begin actually shipping orders on July 14th.

Something fun and new is coming. But that usually means that we have to say goodbye to something else. So, it is with slightly heavy hearts that we have to announce that we have discontinued our highly acclaimed bumGenius 3.0 One-Size Cloth Diapers. If you’re in the midst of building your stash, we still have a limited inventory available at the awesome Buy 5, Get 1 Free deal (while supplies & coupons last). Shop now or forever hold your peace! 🙂

We’ll email you soon with details of when and where the new product announcement will be made…. have a great Tuesday everyone!

Kindest Regards,

Jenn, Owner

Cotton Babies, Inc.
I got this email, just as I was working on a giveaway for a few of my favorite things, including Bumgenius 3.0’s.  I am very worried, to be honest.  It may sound crazy but OMG!  Don’t tell me something is discontinued and then make me wait a week to find out about the new product!!
Here’s what I’m hoping for: a 4th snap setting for smaller babies, a snap closure option, more colors and prints, a hemp insert/microfiber that doesn’t end up reeking and better/more durable velcro closures/laundry tabs.
I’m taking some deep breaths, I didn’t know I would get this worked up over a diaper.  I’m not going to include the BG in my “favorite things” giveaway, since I might have difficulty finding one in stock.  However, definitely count on a review and giveaway for the new Bumgenius in July, as long as it looks good when I find out what exactly it is next week!

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Dads change diapers too!


Last week marked 9 years of marriage for my hubby and I.  Sometimes I think he deserves a medal for just putting up with me, but he’s been supportive of all of my seemingly “crazy” ideas, including cloth diapering.

In fact, he even changes a few diapers.  The Pocket diapers with Velcro are just as easy as disposables for him, and he even changes dirty diapers.  That’s right folks!  If any of your hubbies/partners/significant others/male counterparts are hesitant, you can ask mine.  It was no harder to flip the poop in the potty and flush than to deal with (pee-yew!) a dirty diaper again on trash day. 

I wanted to do something special for him on Father’s Day.  We celebrated a little early since he will be on a plane for the actual day.  I’m shocked and amazed that I managed to pull this off.  Dana of Dana Grayson Photography took photos of the kids (we’ve never had professional photos done) and I managed to keep it a secret!  I think the trick was not telling my daughter what we were doing or that it was a surprise.  She usually spills the beans instantly, but smugly adds that it’s “a surprise.”  Ha.

I had special, custom embroidered shirts made by Nikki’s Little House.  She also made my son’s birthday shirt.  Beautiful stuff at great prices.

We did some shots in formal outfits, but I wanted to get some photos in their special shirts.  I was worried that the matchy-matchy shirts would look like something on Awkward Family Photos, but I think they look great!

It was nearing bedtime; I had just fished a rock out of my son’s mouth, and he was pretty mad at me for not letting him eat rocks.

That is another rock he is contemplating tasting.
Dana squeezed me in at the last minute, but still edited/touched up the photos and got digital copies to me in time for Father’s Day!  If you live anywhere near the Maryland/D.C./Virginia/West Virginia/Pennsylvania area, I highly recommend Dana Grayson Photography.  She does amazing Wedding/Engagement photography and I thought she did a fabulous job with my kids.  Especially considering the real reason we’ve never had professional photos done is not so much because of the cost, but because of how uncooperative my daughter has been since birth!
My husband chose to go to the Chinese Buffet for lunch, and I gave him a special, manly “bouquet.”
Yum yum!
There are too many reasons to list why my kids are lucky to have my husband as their Dad!  Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads, especially the cloth diaper-changing, baby wearing ones!
I wanted to do a special, Dad related giveaway for Father’s Day, but I wasn’t able to think of anything in time!  If anyone has any great ideas for something to do in the future, let me know.  In the meantime, check out the giveaways that are still going on:
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day (Last chance on this one, ends 6/21!  Two winners.)
Please remember you can email me any time at at gmail dot com.  I love to help if you have any questions, or if you have any comments or suggestions about my blog.  I especially love suggestions for what you would like to see me review or give away!  just remember to be gentle if you have constructive criticism for me, I’m still working on thickening my skin!
Please note: I received permission from Dana Grayson Photography to use the above, copyrighted photos on this blog. 
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New Name!

>Yippee!  Fitteds and Pockets and Snappis, oh my! now lives at 

Old links will still work, they will redirect, but please update any links or bookmarks you may have, and send me an email if you have any problems!

Thank you to Derrick at Axis 80 Interactive Web Design & Development for all the help & guidance!

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Initial Impressions vs. Longevity

>I was re-reading a few of my posts and realized that with quite a few of my diapers, my initial impression of the diaper was a complete 180 from what I thought of it after using it for a few months.

I’m trying to decide whether I should put a “bolded” update at the end of each post to say what I think of it now, or if I should create a new post with a link to each initial post and a blurb about what I think now.

What do you think?  Does anyone look through the archives?

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