Looking for cloth diaper help? Ever week, on Monday, I’ll answer a user submitted question.
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This (or similar) is a common question:
Which diapers are the easiest for the daycare providers?
Daycares would be most likely to accept a pre-stuffed pocket diaper or AIO with velcro since they are most similar to disposables. That said, there are daycares that accept prefolds & covers. I’d suggest bringing one to show them, since when you say “cloth diapers” they may be thinking pins & plastic pants!
Check out the RDA/RDIA’s database of cloth diaper friendly daycares, and be sure to add yours if they accept them! They have lots of fantastic information on using cloth in daycare (PDF.)
We use OS diapers at daycare. Our main diapers are KaWAii with velcro, they’re cheap and work for us. though we do have some snap diapers as well. Though the diapers with snaps only have one row of snaps to make it easier (they don’t understand the double row of snaps on my bgs.) I always have at least 2 sets of extra clothes in the diaper bag for the times they do have leaks. We send one diaper that is stuffed for nap and that one is set aside from the others and I always try to make it the same color everyday. There was a bunch of trial and error to figure out what worked and what the daycare did not like. We found a system that works for everyone.
I’ve always had certain colors for night time stuffed dipes to make it easy on hubby too. GREAT idea for daycare!! Love the give & take “let’s see what works for everyone” attitude!
We use one size snap pocket diapers at daycare. They were a little concerned at first, but once they realized that they don’t have to do anything extra, just send the dirty diapers home, they are great with it now. Also, we had to send a few more extra sets of clothes… we often have leakage problems when someone new starts using them. I think this is because they are not sure about the snaps. We took the approach of, “we are starting cloth diapers, let me know how it works out, and we can always switch back if needed.” I think this helps because they werent given a clear opportunity to reject them. I also had one there to show when I asked…. that way they have a better idea of what they are agreeing to.
That’s a great approach!
We use all sorts of diapers at daycare. We started with velcro AIO’s but have now added some snap pockets, itti bitti’s. I set the snaps on the ones that fit my baby and they just look before they unsnap them. Its worked pretty well so far.
That’s a good idea, I might have to try that for my husband, LOL!
We use GroVia at my daycare – they are totally fine with just switching out the inserts. We don’t use the GroVia snap-in inserts though; I think NOT having to snap them in to the shell probably makes it easier. Definitely get hook/loop for them – it’s quicker and easier for new people.
I need a like button. What inserts do you use w/them?