I’ve said before how I wish I were wealthy, so I could send each of my readers a package with one of each of my favorite diapers. Unfortunately for all of you (and me too), I’m not. I have however, gotten lots of great stuff because of this blog, and I just earned my first little bit of money. None of that would be possible without you.
So, I decided to pay it forward and offer one blog reader a “mini stash” of three of my favorite diapers. Here’s the deal: This is just three of the diapers I like a lot. I have other favorites too. I don’t want my other diapers to be sad that these three were getting special attention!
You’ll notice they are all snap closure diapers. That may seem strange since you probably know that I prefer aplix/Velcro for ease of use and adjustability. Unfortunately, I don’t have a single Velcro diaper that hasn’t given me some kind of trouble, usually from the aplix itself. It either immediately won’t stick to the laundry tabs, sticks too much and is difficult to remove, or is good initially but poops out over time. Also, my son has discovered the Velcro, so now as soon as I close a diaper, I hear “rrriiiipppppp.” Hee hee.
Here’s how it’s going to work: Follow the “rules” at the bottom of the post as usual to get your entries. I’ve taken photos of my own diapers for this post, but the winner will choose their own. I buy them and have them shipped to you. The winner will give me a first and second color choice for each item!
As of now, I’m planning to buy from Diaper Junction, but I reserve the right to change my place of purchase based on availability, price, or my whim. 🙂 Diaper Junction is one of a few online stores I like to buy from; they’re usually the second place I look, if my first choice is out of stock or doesn’t sell the item I’m looking for. They have a good selection and are usually well stocked. You have to spend $75 to get free shipping, but their shipping rates are very reasonable. You don’t have to pay $5 or $10 flat rate shipping charges for one item.
The winner will get one Kissaluvs Marvels AIO, one Flip Diaper with stay dry insert, and one Smartipants diaper (insert included).
My Kissaluvs diaper was one I was blessed to receive as a review diaper. Click that link to read my full review. I haven’t quite been using my diaper for two months, but it quickly became a favorite.
It’s an all in one diaper, but the insert is only sewn at one end. When I wash it, it turns completely inside out for thorough washing and faster drying. I haven’t had any stink issues, but the design would make it easy to remove the insert if you had to, and use it as a pocket diaper, or replace the insert.
The Marvels AIO is one size by way of a snap down rise (my favorite) has the microfleece inner I prefer and has an easy snap setup. It fits wonderfully and doesn’t leak. It’s one of a few that I would grab if we were going out or if my son was getting ready to nap. It’s a little pricier than some others, but definitely not the most expensive.
I bought my Flip when the Bumgenius spend $10 get a free AIO coupon was out. Again, you can click that link to read my full review.
The flip is a hybrid or an all-in-two, depending on who you talk to. You can get stay dry, organic, or disposable inserts for it. Pairing the flip with inserts (changing the cover only when soiled, wiping between uses) or prefolds can be a very affordable way to get started in cloth.
Again, it has a snap down rise to make it one size, and an easy snap closure. I only have the one insert, so after I’ve used it, I use the cover with my fitteds. It’s trimmer than a true cover would be, but it still works fine. It fits great, doesn’t leak and again, it’s one I reach for if my son may be in it for a while.
I’ve been using my Smartipants diaper for over six months now. Initially, I wasn’t that impressed. It’s not that I didn’t like it, I just thought that it wasn’t that great. It didn’t seem like anything special, and it was only $3 cheaper than the Bumgenius 3.0, but didn’t include a doubler.
The Smartipants is the perfect example of why I give things a good use, trying not to make a judgment based on initial impressions. I also think it’s smart to try different things, rather than put all your “eggs” in one basket. You never really know what you will like, or how your feelings will change over time!
The common theme here of course is that it’s one size via a snap down rise, has a simple snap layout, fits well and seems to be leak proof. In fact, I keep this diaper upstairs, and if it’s clean, it’s the first one I put on my son in the morning.
I just took this photo, so this is what it looks like after 6 months of nearly daily use! What’s unique about this diaper is that the insert goes under more of a patch of fabric than a pocket. It has openings at the front and back, and the insert agitates out in the wash. With my other pocket diapers, I pull the inserts out before I put them in my wet bag, so I can just dump it in the washer on wash day (don’t want to touch them again, ick!) This one, I can put directly in the wet bag.
So, there you have it. A few of the diapers I reach for first, just don’t tell the others they’re my “favorites!”
Here’s how to enter to win one of each, in your choice of color (subject to availability, I reserve the right to make substitutions):
Do any or all of the below. Leave a comment for each entry. Be sure to leave your email address in at least one of your comments, if it isn’t visible in your profile. This giveaway may seem swayed toward my followers since I’m offering some extra entries for using my button, adding me to your blogroll etc. That’s because it is. I want everyone to enter (hence the easy peasy entry as always) but hey, I want to encourage people to keep coming back and give my loyal readers a good chance to win!
1. Leave me a comment. Anything you’d like to say. What’s your favorite diaper? What’s the first cloth diaper you used? Have your likes changed over time? What would you like to see me review or give away? Do you like how I run my giveaways? Any other entry options you’d like to see? Are there too many? You don’t have to answer all that, just some ideas of what to talk to me about!
2. Follow my blog. Your choice of Google friend connect, RSS feed or email.
5. Tweet about this giveaway and include a link. One tweet per day please. I go back and forth on whether to allow tweeting more often, but I don’t want people to associate my “name” with annoying giveaway tweets, nor do I want to make it too confusing! You may use this tweet if you like: kissaluvs, flip and smartipants #clothdiaper #giveaway from @chgdiapers. Build your stash! Ends 7/8 http://bit.ly/aC6UYz
6. Blog about this giveaway and link back here.
7. Grab my button and tell me where to find it. (Put it in a highly visible area somewhere on the main page of your blog for this entry. Sidebar etc. If it’s on a harder to find page, you qualify for the blog roll entry only.)
8. List me on your blog roll, leave me a link to it.
I will accept entries until Thursday, July 8th, 2010 at 9 P.M., Eastern. I’ll select a winner with random.org’s true random number generator and notify the winner by email. The winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen.
Please note that this giveaway is not approved by, endorsed by or affiliated with the above diaper companies, or any diaper retailer.
Quick reminders to please send me a message if you’d like to be listed on my blogroll or if you have a link that should be included on my link page, or if you know of an affiliate program you think I may like to add to the bottom of that link page. Also if you have any questions or have suggestions for reviews or giveaways!
[…] My Smartipants cloth diaper was one of the first diapers in my stash. I bought it in December 2009 when I had only been cloth diapering for about two months. After 8 months in use, it turned out to be one of my favorites! […]
>Tweet! http://twitter.com/diggersnacks
>I follow on twitter.(donnak4)donna444444@yahoo.com
>I like all of the varieties, but sometimes it is hard to choose.donna444444@yahoo.com
>love my fuzzibunz & gdiapers:) not so fond of kushies
>follow you blog
>like you on fb
>now following your blogjnterry6@yahoo.com
>following you on twitterjnterry6@yahoo.com
>just started cloth diapering here with baby #7…i finally got brave enough ;)jnterry6@yahoo.com
>Your button is on my bloghttp://karinetraverse.blogspot.com/ktraverse82@gmail.com
>Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/18068377881
>Follow on twitter (@SAHMofDQ)ktraverse82@gmail.com
>I like you on FB (Karine Capobianco Traverse)ktraverse82@gmail.com
>I follow you using email and GFC (Karine Traverse)ktraverse82@gmail.com
>Lets see I have to say my favorite diaper was BG 3.0, but then I was introduced to Fuzzibunz and now I am in love! I like most of my diapers, but FB have become my favorite and my youngest daughter's as well seeing she poops in it within minutes of it being on her.ktraverse82@gmail.com
>Oh, and follow on Facebook! :)meldishman@ymail.com
>I'm a fan on FB!
>The first cloth diaper I used was the gDiaper system, and I used it first as a hybrid with the throwaway/compostable inserts. Then my DD started getting a rash from them, so we purchased some of their cloth inserts. I have since added to my stash with some organic cotton prefolds, a Flip (I went for the AIO coupon, too), a BumGenius 3.0, and some Bumboo Bamboo/Silk fitteds. Honestly, I love all of my cloth, although I have been a little disappointed in the quality of the gDiapers. After using them for about 6 months, the covers are already showing quite a bit of wear. I love my Flip, too, and would love to get more and the Bumboos are fabulous! So soft! That is my nighttime diaper, paired with a Disana wool soaker.
>I follow your blogkariwestphal at hotmail dot com
>My favorite hybrid is Best Bottom. My favorite fitted is MotherEase Sandy's.kariwestphal at hotmail dot com
>Fb likekariwestphal at hotmail dot com
>Google friendkariwestphal at hotmail dot com
>Google Friend
>http://sapsmama.blogspot.com/I have your button on my blog roll!mphin278 at yahoo dot com
>I like you on FB.yentroc79 at aol dot com
>http://sapsmama.blogspot.com/I have your button on my blog on my sidebar!mphin278 at yahoo dot com
>I am a bumGenius AIO fan. I prefer the velcro closers. I have also found antsy pants, which I LOVE, since my little guy is on his way to potty training!
>http://sapsgiveaways.blogspot.com/2010/07/mini-stash-giveaway-on-f-oh-my-blog.htmlblogged about the giveawaymphin278 at yahoo dot com
>http://twitter.com/SAPsMaMa/status/18062281907tweetmphin278 at yaho dot com
>I follow you on twitter@SAPsMaMamphin278 at yahoo dot com
>I liked you on facebookmphin278 at yahoo dot com
>I follow your blog, via RSS, email, and GFC! mphin278 at yahoo dot com
>My feelings about my babykicks bumboo diaper have changed, I didn't like the side snap at first and the color, way it fit etc., now I use it all the time! My favorite right now is the rumparooz, they are amazing!mphin278 at yahoo dot com
>Going to give smartipants a try.Jenn@euseb.org.
>i already like you on facebook… but i'm a computer moron so gonna try and get this right but honestly i doubt it. even if i mess it up if anyone knows where to get a cheap sample of cloth diapers let me know. baby due aug 4th and still no clue what i'm doing about diapers
>I am a newbie and am still hesitant to go all the way with cloth. I use Gro-baby diapers as they were discounted before the new Gro-Via. I would like to use some FuzziBunz too.
>tweethttp://twitter.com/Caedmen/status/18060127320richardrachel at hotmail dot com
>tweet: https://twitter.com/chalcedonia/status/18057759668
>tweethttp://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/18045564505erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>Tweethttp://twitter.com/fefchakjune/status/18051086390fefchakjune at hotmail dot com
>following you on twitter klp1965
>like you on facebook Kathy L Pease
>Google Friend klp1965
>in the old days i was always scared to death to use cloth diapers..i was afraid of sticking the kid with a pin..thank god for velcro 🙂
>We are expecting our first child next month and planning to CD. Wish us luck!
>Facebook “like” Jennifer G.
>I follow you with twitter (DixieDisneyDiva)
>I follow you with friend connect
>have your button on my blog: biehladventures.blogspot.com
>tweet http://twitter.com/MamaBiehl/statuses/18034708133
>follow you on twitter: MamaBiehl
>like you on facebook
>follow your blog!
>what an awesome giveaway! You are so kind! I would have to say my favorite diapers right now are bumgenius OS, new age nappies Pixie Poppits, bubele bums AIO OS, and Lollidoo ecopockets!crystalbiehl AT ballstate dot bsu dot edu
>twitter follower @fdp4lifesusansmoaks at gmail dot com
>fb fan tony l smoakssusansmoaks at gmail dot com
>followersusansmoaks at gmail dot com
>I haven't started using cloth diapers yet, but i am ready!susansmoaks at gmail dot com
>i havent got to try cloth diapers yet so this would be nicegothicdaymares@aol.com
>flip diaper tyvivianbl@olg.com
>I have five kids and have used cloth wipes with all of them. I'd like to try the cloth diapers with my twins. We go through a lot of diapers!
>Hi! My name is Hope & a friend of mine (Mindless Musings) started following you. Both my friend & I agree on a lot of things when it comes to babies & the options, so I started following you too <3 I love the information you give out, because I decided to use cloth diapers for my son due on September 10th & added them to my baby registry, but had NO idea of the opti9ons I had for them. So thank you for the information & I appreciate the free giveaways & help!Hopealexisrenee0101@gmail.com
>Tweet: http://twitter.com/HRA3Mom/status/18012108112theaguilars at verizon dot net
>I have your button! http://coopersmommy09.blogspot.com/
>I follow on Twitter (@coopers_mommy09)
>I "like" you on FB
>I follow coopersmommy09@gmail.com
>My favorite diaper right now is Fuzzibunz OS but I just got new fluffy mail today so we'll see 🙂
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/18010541132simplymerry at gmail dot com
>I follow your blog!
>I am a facebook fan!
>My first cloth diaper was a purple WAHM pocket I got from diaperswappers. And it was a piece of junk! Thankfully, I kept at it and got some diapers that did what they were supposed to do! After 8ish months, I'd have to say my favorite diaper is our one lonely Katydid. Super awesome diaper!!
>Tweethttp://twitter.com/fefchakjune/status/18003813822fefchakjune at hotmail dot com
>Like you on FB!shelleycharles2@Gmail.com
>follow your blogshelleycharles2@Gmail.com
>I am new to cloth diapering and have only used gdiapers!shelleycharles2@Gmail.com
>Like you on FB
>Found your blog and going to become a follower as I start this journey!!
>I think that I'm going to start CD with the Flip (really liked it when I saw it in store) for my son. jess.mclard@gmail.com
>Tweeted about the giveawayracheyj76@gmail.com
>I followed you on Twitterracheyj76@gmail.com
>I liked you on Facebookracheyj76@gmail.com
>Thanks for the great giveaway.. I Love Cloth Diaperingracheyj76@gmail.com
>I am now following your blogracheyj76@gmail.com
>tweet: https://twitter.com/chalcedonia/status/17992500546
>Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17989197018
>I love the smartipants!!rjfunk81@gmail.com
>http://chicagocouponconfessions.blogspot.com/2010/07/giveaways.htmlI blogged about the giveaway!TaraTagli at gmail dot com
>http://twitter.com/TaraLin/status/17975790673I tweeted about the giveaway! TaraTagli at gmail dot com
>I follow you on Twitter!@TaraLinTaraTagli at gmail dot com
>I like you on FB!TaraTagli at gmail dot com
>I follow you publicly on Google Friend Connect!TaraTagli at gmail dot com
>I would like to see a vote on Top Mommy Blogs button! Are you on there? I know it's a great way to get lots of hits!!!!I actually am about to order my first cloth diaper and I'm really nervous! Have you used the liners before that you can just flush? Do you have any brand recommendations for those or do you not use them? My son is about 9 months old and his poop is like a really thick paste (ew sorry for the TMI) and I don't know how I could possibly get it into the toilet without creating a huge mess!!!! Thanks for the giveaway! TaraTagli at gmail dot com
>I follow you on twitter @mkgottmanmk_mitchell90 at hotmail.com
>I am not even pregnant yet, but I am strongly investigating what kind of cloth diapers to buy.mk_mitchell90 at hotmail.com
>my random comment…what a great giveaway!i want to start a simple cloth diaper demo class at the hospital, pregnancy center and wic office in my town. unfortunately, i cloth diaper for financial reasons which also make it difficult to purchase diapers that would only be used as a sample! (i would show well washed used diapers, but I dont even own any name brand diapers…i made all my own diapers!)anyway, thanks for the great giveaway…over 700 comments! pretty popular!have a great daywayneandnaomi at yahoo dot com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/17959903180erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I have actually never tried cloth diapers yet…But I have a 6 month old and another on the way, so my husband and I are really thinking about switching. It just seems there are SO many types and styles, and we don't know which are best. So I am excited to see this giveaway! I would love to try some of these and see how they work!girlforgotten81@aol.com
>I tweeted: http://twitter.com/MadelineMiller/status/17954713778
>I would love to try these diapers! I've always just used prefolds and rubber pants until I recently got a couple of bumGenius AIOs. I love them and I'm hooked now on trying different diapers! Thanks for offering this great giveaway!munchkinsari at yahoo dot com
>Tweet! http://twitter.com/butterfly1979_2/status/17951092756
>Already follow on Twitter! @butterfly1979_2
>Already Like you on Facebook.
>Already follow via GFC.
>I just started using cloth a few months ago. My current favorites are Rumparooz, FuzziBunz, Knickernappies and GroVia. I haven't tried any of the diapers you are giving away so winning this would be awesome!
>I love these.erma7516@sbcglobal.net
>tweet: https://twitter.com/chalcedonia/status/17919692367
>I am a public folower and get e-mails! tracyhgb at hotmail dot com
>I am a FB fan tracyhgb at hotmail dot com
>The first diaper I ever used was a econobum prefold/cover given to me. I prefer pockets these days, but haven't tried AIO or hybrid. I love the way you do giveaways! tracyhgb at hotmail dot com
>Like you on FB
>following your blog via e-mail!
>I just discovered your blog! I love reading mommy and cd blogs!jennifer_ishler@yahoo.com
>Tweeted! http://twitter.com/diggersnacks
>I started out using FuzziBunz and a few homemade pockets. Believe it or not, my old highschool science teacher taught me about cloth diapers and encouraged my use.I'm using mostly pockets now, but I love to try new brands. It has been fun to stay on the search for the "perfect diaper". I hope to win this contest. I would love to try a Kissaluv or Smartipants. I have one Flip and enjoy using it as much as I can! email: mchapman@rock-hill.k12.sc.us
>First one I tried was a FuzziBunz. Haven't been able to try Smartipants, Kissaluv, OR Flip. I would love to though! e-mail: carlee dot henry at yahoo dot com.
>follow blog
>We mostly use pre-folds and covers but I would really like to increase my stash of pockets.stephanietaylor824 at hotmail dot com
>Facebook fan of FPSOM.sarah.robot at gmail dot com
>Blog follower.sarah.robot at gmail dot com
>This is a great giveaway. I've been wanting to try Flip diapers and LOVE smartipants!sarah.robot at gmail dot com
>Tweet!! http://twitter.com/newwife777/status/17903612591
>Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17898426591
>I tweeted about this giveaway. (@owlheart)I'm having a problem linking from my iPod, sorry!Madaleysah@aol.com
>Tweet!http://twitter.com/notimeMom/status/17893961515andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
>I follow you on Twitter. (@owlheart)madaleysah@aol.com
>I follow you on facebook.Madaleysah@aol.com
>I follow your blog.madaleysah@aol.com
>I only started cloth diapering my daughter a few months and am constantly looking for new blogs to read on the topic. I came across yours from the Diaper Junction blog and have been enjoying your material ever since. Your giveaways are some of the first I've entered and think your format is easy to use, thank you!madaleysah@aol.com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/17892004189erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>the first cloth diaper i tried was kissaluvs size 0 – loved it for my newborn. now, i'm into trying all sorts of different kinds in search of my new fav!maryanne.leross@gmail.com
>I follow your blog on GFC
>I like you on Facebook
>My first diapers were BG 3.0 and Fuzzibunz, but the first ones I reach for now are AppleCheeks.candy_mak at hotmail dot com
>I'm a facebook fan!Kathryn.Turbek@gmail.com
>I like you on FB.
>I follow your blog.
>The first diaper I tried was a BGOS and I loved it, still use them now two years later. alsatia23@hotmail.com
>I am just getting started with cloth diapers (actually haven't started yet because I'm still pregnant), and it's all very confusing. I'm excited to try different kinds so I can experiment with which ones I like best! Thanks for this! Juliemjmuch@gmail.com
>tweet http://twitter.com/teamshoemaker/status/17871650655
>My favorite cloth diaper right now is Gdiapers. I started out CDing with prefolds and covers, then went to fuzzibunz, and back to prefolds. Now I love Gdiapers. They are so easy to use.
>Liked On Facebook. 🙂
>i follow your blogmcintosh dot kimberley at gmail dot com
>Our first baby is due end of September and I think I am becoming obessed with cloth! I knew from the begining that we would cloth diaper this babe but I now find myself researching and looking at reviews and blogs of cloth diapering mamas everyday. Our plan thus far is to go with applecheeks dipes (used as covers) with a variety of inserts/prefolds. But now I have a long list of ones I want as well… 🙂
>Tweeted! http://twitter.com/diggersnacks
>I follow on twitter @mommie_Tay
>I like you on facebook
>I follow on google
>I am just starting my cd journey! Our first diaper we bought is smartipants!Tiff_233@ hotmail.com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17853991190simplymerry at gmail dot com
>liked your blog on FBemnaj4e at hotmail dot com
>I am still new to the whole CD world…so I would LOVE to win some new ones!! 🙂 emnaj4e at hotmail dot com
>Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17836670238
>tweethttp://twitter.com/Caedmen/status/17836547521richardrachel at hotmail dot com
>following you on twitter @caedmenrichardrachel at hotmail dot com
>following your blog via gfcrichardrachel at hotmail dot com
>I have 2 different favorite cloth diapers for different reasons. 1-Fuzzi Bunz OS. I love them because they are so adjustable and so reliable. 2-AMP Duo Pockets. I love that use can use them as a pocket or just lay an insert inside. They fit lower than my Fuzzi's so better under clothes and never leave red marks on my little guys chubby legs!richardrachel at hotmail dot com
>tweet: https://twitter.com/chalcedonia/status/17819824509
>I tweeted! http://twitter.com/lilfluffers/status/17816124407
>I'm following you on twitter! @lilfluffers
>I "liked" you on facebook!
>I subscribed through the feedburner/e-mail!
>I prefer velcro to, but don't hav emany anymore. It just looks so ragged after while and my LO has begun ripping his velcro diapers off. I've learned to love my snapping diapers much more after that!
>tweeted http://twitter.com/bcgood83bcgood83@yahoo.com
>I tweeted: http://twitter.com/MadelineMiller/status/17805058083
>And I just liked you on facebook!~Sarah
>Thanks for this give-away, too! What a fun blog!~Sarah (tsoldre @ msn.com)Oh, and I love the cool blue color of dipe!
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17778254603simplymerry at gmail dot com
>Tweeted – http://twitter.com/hollowstar/statuses/17775270894
>I Like you on Facebook.
>Following your blog via RSS- J @ http://AlternativeHousewife.com
>I really want to win this and as many other cloth giveaways as possible. It seems like everyone has a different favorite diaper so I'm trying to build a collection for when Baby #1 is born in September! I'd love to know which diaper you would pick if you could only buy/register one brand/type.j@hollowstar.com
>added your button
>blogged about the contesthttp://onelittlemister.blogspot.com/2010/07/cloth-diaper-mini-stash.html
>following on twitter@onelittlemister
>liked you on FBonelittlemister at hotmail.com
>following from:http://onelittlemister.blogspot.com/
>I like your blog, I NEED some CD's. lol.Check out mine if you'd like. http://onelittlemister.blogspot.com/
>new to cd-ing
>I just found you from prizey for another giveaway – THANKS!We are mostly a bumGenius family here at our house!
>i'm a new follower!
>those look like great options! i'm new to the whole cloth diapering thing, so i'm trying to learn a lot right now. i love the butternut and butter yellow colors, as well as the seaspray.
>Tweeted… http://twitter.com/HarvestingHanna/status/17759700111
>Following you…
>"Like" you.
>I'm pregnant. I just found out. My son is 11 months. I need new diapers now. That is all.
>I haven't used cloth diapers yet…But with a 6 month old and 1 on the way, we are seriously thinking of converting. I would love to try one out before making such a costly investment!girlforgotten81@aol.com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17743598210simplymerry at gmail dot com
>tweeted http://twitter.com/bcgood83bcgood83@yahoo.com
>I follow with GFCwanna.be.mother.not.there.yet@gmail.com
>Sounds like a great bunch to get started with. I would love to win these!
>We are interested in cloth diapers and this would be a great way to try them out!seraphou@aol.com
>I subscribe to your blog in a RSS feed also!
>We love the Smartipants too. They are so easy to wash and have stayed stain free for about 9 months now! I would love to try the flip cover since it has snap closures. My toddler can rip off aplix very quickly!
>Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17724386748
>Tweet!http://twitter.com/notimeMom/status/17703695659andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
>I follow your blog via gfcLainestl at gmail dot com
>Our favorite CD is grobaby (now grovia).Lainestl at gmail dot com
>I tweeted!http://twitter.com/katrinawelch/status/17700995215
>I tweeted: http://twitter.com/MadelineMiller/status/17699529747madelinemiller at gmail dot com
>tweet: https://twitter.com/chalcedonia/status/17697211133
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17695432239simplymerry at gmail dot com
>I would love to win in order to try out a few different ones–I'm nervous about CD and think easing in like this with a few of your favs would be wonderful.amanda.townsend2 at gmail dot com
>Tweet. http://twitter.com/zusymoose/status/17687365641
>ashley040508@yahoo.comI tweeted about giveawayhttp://twitter.com/Grow_Diego_Grow/status/17682236926
>ashley040508@yahoo.comI follow you on twitter@grow_diego_grow
>ashley040508@yahoo.comI follow your blog
>ashley040508@yahoo.comI first used a handmade AIO fitted diaper with aplix. I know have switched my likes to One Size Pockets with snaps…or anything with snaps lol
>I'm a new follower of your blog!
>I just found your blog yesterday and I'm so glad! It's so awesome to keep readers updated about cloth diapering and even more awesome that you want to do giveaways so that your readers can try out products that have worked out so well for you!
>I like you on facebook
>Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17677837441
>http://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/17668722459erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I blogged http://arizonamama-fancygrlnancy.blogspot.com/2010/07/cloth-diaper-giveaways.htmlbwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>tweeted http://twitter.com/bcgood83bcgood83@yahoo.com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/orangefukurou/status/17647023689tomokofive AT gmail DOT com
>Following you on twitter andrea909apeak AT hotmail DOT com
>Following you on rss feedapeak AT hotmail DOT com
>This is the first time I'm visiting your blog. What a sweet thing to do for your readers. I'll definatly be back :)apeak AT hotmail DOT com
>http://twitter.com/thischickisaten/status/17612076030tweet!lilbigmonkeysmama (at)gmail(dot)com
>follow you on twitter!lilbigmonkeysmama (at)gmail(dot)com
>I like you on fblilbigmonkeysmama (at)gmail(dot)com
>I follow you via friend connect
>My fav cloth diaper is Fuzzibunz
>Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17608717331
>I tweeted 7/2 (@SavingObsession)SavingObsession@gmail.com
>tweeted"#clothdiaper #giveaway from @chgdiapers. Build your stash! Ends 7/8 http://bit.ly/aC6UYz"@lamouriaseliam05@yahoo.com
>I follow you on TwitterSavingObsession@gmail.com
>I like you on FBSavingObsession@gmail.com
>I follow your blog via GFCSavingObsession@gmail.com
>FuzziBunz were always my favorite with dd2SavingObsession@gmail.com
>follow you via google friend connecteliam05@yahoo.com
>"like" you on FBtonynelisabetheliam05@yahoo.com
>LOVE the bumgenious diapers, but I want to try some other types…these would be perfect!eliam05@yahoo.com*typed my email in wrong, so there are a few deleted posts, sorry!* ;(
>Tweet!http://twitter.com/notimeMom/status/17603745224andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
>follow you on twittereliam05@yahoo.com
>tweeted http://twitter.com/bcgood83bcgood83@yahoo.com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17592519867simplymerry at gmail dot com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/17566753334erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I love cloth diapers the first ones I used were Thirsties Duos with GMD prefolds!jrderatany@gmail.com
>I like you on facebookjrderatany@gmail.com
>I follow you on twitterjrderatany@gmail.com
>I follow you via GFCjrderatany@gmail.com
>Like on fb!Markafisher7@yahoo.com
>Following via GFCMarkafisher7@yahoo.com
>First cloth was gdiapermarkafisher7@yahoo.com
>Tweeted! http://twitter.com/diggersnacks
>tweet: https://twitter.com/chalcedonia/status/17537492834
>Tweethttp://twitter.com/fefchakjune/status/17536130676fefchakjune at hotmail dot com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17531576280simplymerry at gmail dot com
>I'm following your blog via Google reader.
>I'm following you on Twitter.
>I'm a fb fan.
>I've mostly been using prefolds and diaper covers, but have been doing some research on AIOs and pocket diapers. Would love to give these 3 a try.
>Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17523310069
>Like on FB
>my new favorite is the Bumgenius all in one organic diaper. I was always a pocket girl but i'm kinda lovin these all in ones.
>I would like to post a follow up. I loved the Fuzzibunz diapers and when I decided to purchase them they were made in the USA (a big selling point for me!) but now they have moved their manufacturing to CHINA and I am in search for a new favorite… so sad! I am hopeful if enough people tell them they need to come home or have a line made in the USA or Canada that we will have some more options.
>I like Kissaluvs cloth diapers!jenni_aja at hotmail dot com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/17491164953erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>Tweeted (see @ivykhui)ivy114 at yahoo.com
>Follow you on Twitter.ivy1174 at yahoo.com
>Like you on FB ivy1174 at yahoo.com
>Follow your blog. via RSS Feed (Google Reader)ivy1174 at yahoo.com
>My favorite diaper is the Flipivy1174 at yahoo.com
>I am really hoping to win! I have been wanting to try cloth diapers for 5 years! Now on my 4th daughter I REALLY want to. Im hoping to get started with THESE! loljessandshelly@gmail.com
>I follow you on twitter.@mgrimmgossett
>I liked your facebook page.
>I am following you through Google Friends.october19michelle at gmail dot com
>We have a few different brands of cloth diapers and they all, at one time or another, have been my favorite! We love Flips! We have five covers and about 14 or so stay dry inserts. Yay, good times. For night time we use Fuzzibunz one size with extra insert(s). We have some smartipants and a grobaby with extra inserts and one Bumkins size medium. Love them all!october19michelle at gmail dot com
>Tweethttp://twitter.com/fefchakjune/status/17462887103fefchakjune at hotmail dot com
>following you on twitter!@anamgrlanamlgrl@yahoo.com
>I "like" you on facebook!Lauren F. anamlgrl@yahoo.com
>I like you via GFC!anamlgrl@yahoo.com
>the first cloth diaper I ever used was a WAHM made diaper from ebay! It was terrible but I had no idea b/c I was so new!anamlgrl@yahoo.com
>Tweet! http://twitter.com/newwife777/status/17458526988
>Tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17447120834
>I blogged about this giveaway!!!http://adventuresincding.blogspot.com/2010/06/mini-stash-giveaway-fitteds-and-pockets.htmllittlebenjaminbear@yahoo.comhttp://adventuresincding.blogspot.com/
>You are a part of my blog roll!http://adventuresincding.blogspot.com/2010/06/check-these-out.htmllittlebenjaminbear@yahoo.comhttp://adventuresincding.blogspot.com/
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17436331436simplymerry at gmail dot com
>I have your button on my cloth diapering blog! It is in the right column under the Great CDing Blogs section!littlebenjaminbear@yahoo.comhttp://adventuresincding.blogspot.com/
>I liked you on Facebook!littlebenjaminbear@yahoo.comhttp://adventuresincding.blogspot.com/
>I follow your blog!littlebenjaminbear@yahoo.comhttp://adventuresincding.blogspot.com/
>I am very new to CDing, but I wish I'd started sooner! I love it!!! It's addictive! I'm very slowly building up our cloth diaper collection, but I hope to be able to do my own reviews and giveaways on my cloth diapering blog some time soon. http://adventuresincding.blogspot.com/ For now I really like one size pocket diapers, though I would love to try more!littlebenjaminbear@yahoo.comhttp://adventuresincding.blogspot.com/
>I like you on facebookmartinensanchez@gmail.com
>I follow your blogmartinensanchez@gmail.com
>My favorite diaper so far is bum genious AIO organic with snapsmartinensanchez@gmail.com
>tweet: http://twitter.com/beccaann38/status/17433365096rebeccaw2005 at hotmail dot com
>Tweet http://twitter.com/jillypooh480/statuses/17432632546
>Follow on twitter
>Follow you on facebook
>My favorite diaper is the second diaper I tried, Fuzzi Bunz. Really, nothing I've tried compares to them for daytime and occasional nighttime use. They're both functional and really cute. I also like bumGenius pockets, but I have some trouble with odors. For covers, I use a Wonderwraps cover and a Thirsties cover, those are my two favorites, I also have Econobum and wool (love wool for nighttime). I still haven't tried Flip, so I hope I win so I can give it a shot!
>Follow publicly through Google Friend Connect.
>tweet: https://twitter.com/chalcedonia/status/17426714119
>The first coth diaper I used was a bumgenious 3.0. My little one looked so huge in it, and my husband was worried because she couldn't lie flat in it because it was so big on her.
>I love the soft bums diaper.. their absorbent snap in inserts, their leg elastic adjustments, and their adorable prints and colors.
>tweeted http://twitter.com/bcgood83bcgood83@yahoo.com
>Tweeted! http://twitter.com/diggersnacks
>tweethttp://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/17408274436erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I like you on facebook
>I follow you via googleconnect.
>Oh man. I still use just basic old Gerber prefolds and a cover. I love the Bummis superbrites, because they have that nice gusseted leg, and I've never had a leak. I'd like to switch to the inserts, but I can't justify the initial expense yet, so I'd love to win and give it a go! My email is zophiel.parker at gmail.com
>Tweet!http://twitter.com/notimeMom/status/17398332423andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
>When I had my son I didn't think much about cloth diapering until he was about 7 months. I tried a bunch of AIO's made on Etsy and used those until he outgrew them. I gave up at that point and didn't try again until I had my daughter. She was 2 months old and I saw the FLIP. One size? Convenient? So I bought a pack a fell in love. And so I have been hooked on cloth diapering for the last 5 months with no intention of stopping all thanks to the Flip. My current favorite diaper is the Fuzzibunz with a hemp insert. Kamberdawn at gmail dot com
>Tweeted the giveaway: http://twitter.com/bekki1820cb/status/17394260789bekki1820cb at gmail
>Facebook fan: Bekki Orr bekki1820cb at gmail
>Have your button: http://2everythinginbetween.blogspot.com/bekki1820cb at gmail
>Twitter follower: @bekki1820cb bekki1820cb at gmail
>Follower via GFC, email, and feed reader! LOL. :)bekki1820cb at gmail
>Right now, my favorite diaper is my MiniLala. But, I love my bumGenius, Rumparooz and Katydid's as well. I have not tried any of the diapers you are giving away…but have heard many great things about all three of them. Thanks for the chance! bekki1820cb at gmail
>Tweet!http://twitter.com/khaymax/status/17393026474khaymax at hotmail dot com
>I follow you on Twitter. @khaymaxkhaymax at hotmail dot com
>I follow via GFC.khaymax at hotmail dot com
>I just started cloth diapering about a month ago. I have a few Bum Genius 3.0's and 2 Flips. In just that short amount of time I am seeing the long term advantages of the snaps for sure. I am happy to hear the new BG 4.0's will have a snap option. :)khaymax at hotmail dot com
>Following your blog on google friend connectlainestl at gmail dot com
>Following you on twitterlainestl at gmail dot com
>My favorite CD is Grobaby, so easy to use and we've never had a leak!
>Tweethttp://twitter.com/fefchakjune/status/17386610491fefchakjune at hotmail dot com
>I blogged about this giveaway at http://eco-savvy-mama.blogspot.com/
>I am following your blog
>I like you on facebook.
>I love BG3.0's.
>2. Officially following your blog now too!joymcox at hotmail dot com
>3. I like you on facebook!joymcox at hotmail dot com
>1. I'm new to this cloth diapering thing so I appreciate the reviews! I think I like the advice about not having all of your eggs in one basket – that seems a bit easier to me though…instead of having to figure out a diff. diaper each time I change my baby? Thoughts? Thanks for the giveaway – this would be a great way to start my collection!joymcox at hotmail dot com (Nathaniel is my hubby – I'm not cool enough for a blog yet!)
>I liked your FB page. :-)joshncarley@yahoo.com
>I'm following you on twitter.joshncarley@yahoo.com
>I'm following your blog.joshncarley@yahoo.com
>My favorite diaper so far is the Fuzzibunz.joshncarley@yahoo.com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17379500064simplymerry at gmail dot com
>The bulk of our stash is Smartipants (12 of 'em) but we have 2 BG, a FB and a few Thirsties covers. Nighttime diapering is our biggest struggle. Just when we think we've figured it out, he will start to leak out the top again. We've been using disposables at night until we can fix the CD option 🙁 Right now I am about to try some Loopy Do inserts to see if that helps. I hope so!
>I follow publicly 🙂 clovecg at gmail dot com
>I tweeted http://twitter.com/LittleBGCG/status/17371176142clovecg at gmail dot com
>I liked you on FB {Little BGCG}clovecg at gmail dot com
>I follow you on twitter {@LittleBGCG}clovecg at gmail dot com
>My first cloth diaper I used was Bummis covers and prefolds. I still use them all the time but I also really really love my bumgenius diapers! Thanks for the giveaway! clovecg @gmail dot com
>I like you on facebook!
>Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17366891274
>I really hope I win this, I would love to get started cloth diapering but I don't have the extra cash right now 🙁
>following on fbook!cjenkin@blc.edu
>I haven't tried too many cloth diapers, I got started late and I hope to really do it with my next. But I loved it when I had enough diapers to actually do it. Fuzzibunz were my favorite but I did not try too many. But I really loved the fuzzibunz and my daughter rarely had any rashes. I hope to try the fuzzibunz all in one soon! jane dot treat at gmail dot com
>I use mostly fitteds and covers so I would love to win these to give them a try!sydneyv at yahoo dot com
>following you on twitter as HiMamina
>Would love to see more small stash giveaways. How fun.About my experience. Started with Gdiapers & then tried BumGenius. Love Gdiapers by day & pocket diapers for overnight
>I have your button in my sidebar, but since I have a lot of buttons it might not be considered highly visible. naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
>blogged:http://naturalbabygiveaways.com/mini-stash-giveaway-ends-78/naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
>following on twitter @babygiveawaysnaturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
>like you on facebook naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
>following in google friend connectnaturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
>I'd love to try the flips. I'm going to be traveling a lot in July and hate to leave my cloth at home! merrittshops at gmail dot com
>Great giveaway! I'm always happy to see people give good reviews on the Flip diaper because that's one of the ones I plan on using frequently when my little one arrives. I like the idea of being able to reuse the cover =) Smartipants is on my "to try" list too!naturalbabygiveaways at gmail dot com
>I listed you on my Blog Roll at http://www.clothdiapergiveaways.com/
>I grabbed your button. You can find it at http://www.clothdiapergiveaways.com/
>I blogged about your giveaway: http://www.clothdiapergiveaways.com/2010/06/cloth-diaper-giveaways_29.html
>I tweeted: http://twitter.com/MadelineMiller/status/17360485049.
>I follow you on Twitter.
>I like you on FB.
>I follow your blog on GFC.
>It's refreshing to see only 8 ways to enter – I get overwhelmed when there are so many options!
>I tweeted:kissaluvs, flip and smartipants #clothdiaper #giveaway from @chgdiapers. Build your stash! Ends 7/8 http://bit.ly/aC6UYzamber.creativenesting (at) gmail.comamber.burton (at)gmail.com
>I follow you on twitter
>I Follow your Blog
>The Flip was the first cloth diaper I tried and I LOVE IT!!!
>Oh, and I "like" you on Facebook. txgirlcindylou@yahoo.com
>Hello! I am going to be cloth diapering once I have my first towards the end of this year. I'm happy that you reviewed the Flip. I'm looking into this one and would love to start off with trying it. Thank you very much!txgirlcindylou@yahoo.com
>Google friend
>my favorite diaper is the bumgenius organic all in one. In fact, that is all I have in my stash of 19 diaperswaterlily_mc@juno.com
>I would like to try the bum genius, but the hybrid's are also intriguing.shelle1379@gmail.com
>I tweeted this giveaway tarabean25 at gmail dot com
>I follow you on twitter tarabean25 at gmail dot com
>I follow you on facebook tarabean25 at gmail dot com
>I follow you on google reader tarabean25 at gmail dot com
>I am looking into getting diapers for my little one to be! tarabean25 at gmail dot com
>tweet: https://twitter.com/chalcedonia/status/17350706443
>I follow your blogkmcgowan717 at gmail.com
>Since we don't yet have our little one, and I'm just building our stash. I started with a few bum genius 3.0 one size. I've quickly fallen in love with the flips though, for laundry purposes and hope they work out well. I probably wouldn't have initially gotten my husband on board with the flips, but now that he's seen them, he likes them too. Only time will tell which actually work well for us. kmcgowan717 a
>I follow you on twitter.sarah.e.madsen at gmail.com
>I subscribe in google reader.sarah.e.madsen at gmail.com
>I'm hoping to use cloth on baby #1 (due 12.25.10) — I'm really excited about it but a little apprehensive, so reading reviews like yours really helps!sarah.e.madsen at gmail.com
>tweeted http://twitter.com/bcgood83bcgood83@yahoo.com
>Great giveaway! I have a Smartipants and like it but have not tried either of the other two.ooshela at gmail dot com
>I mainly use prefolds and homemade fitteds. I really like the one BG organic AIO that I got on a super sale. It would be really fun to win a few more diapers to try! I have looked at the smartipants and the idea behind the wash out insert facinates me! Cristy cristy_curuncha AT hotmail DOT com
>I follow on FB.
>I have subscribed to your blog.
>I am excited to start using cloth diapers! My first baby is due in Nov! My stash so far is 6 bumgenius one sized diapers. (:
>I've really been wanting to try the flip!
>tweet http://twitter.com/teamshoemaker/status/17331324093
>I'm so excited to get started on my cloth diaper stash. Baby girl will be here in only a few weeks (or sooner if she wants I suppose). 🙂
>tweethttp://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/17324190306erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/17311432650bwneyes100 AT Hotmail DOT com
>I follow on Google Friend Connect.
>I'm going to be a first-time grandmother late this fall and my son is 35, so it's been a long time since I've looked at cloth diapers. Times have changed, and it looks like they've changed for the good! Thanks for the chance to win the new diapers! asthenight at gmail dot com
>tweet: https://twitter.com/chalcedonia/status/17298568744
>tweeted http://twitter.com/helenlamby/status/17289744372
>Button on right sidebarhttp://ourjacobsenfamily.blogspot.comgaryandalesha at cox dot net
>On my blog roll, left sidebar below awardshttp://ourjacobsenfamily.blogspot.comgaryandalesha at cox dot net
>http://twitter.com/JacobsenFamily/status/17283720096garyandalesha at cox dot net
>Following on twitter @JacobsenFamilygaryandalesha at cox dot net
>FB fan (Alesha y Jacobsen)garyandalesha at cox dot net
>Blog followergaryandalesha at cox dot net
>I'd love to win this for our new little guy due in September! We need more cloth diapers!garyandalesha at cox dot net
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17280686657simplymerry at gmail dot com
>Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17279548761
>Tweet! http://twitter.com/newwife777/status/17273939220
>I have only used GDiapers, so I'd love to try these other kinds of cloth diapers!
>tweet! http://twitter.com/diggersnacks
>tweethttp://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/17243797995erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I "Like" you on Facebook.colljerr at comcast dot net
>I follow your blog with GFC.colljerr at comcast dot net
>The only diapers we have used on our 5 month old so far are Bummis with prefolds. We are trying to expand on this! Thank-you for encouraging cloth diapering.colljerr at comcast dot net
>I added you to my Blogrollhttp://ryanandkatiestewart.wordpress.comkatiekstewart@gmail.com
>I grabbed your buttonhttp://ryanandkatiestewart.wordpress.comkatiekstewart@gmail.com
>Tweethttp://twitter.com/katie0stewart/status/17223894254katiekstewart@gmail.comP.S. I'm a fan of the once a day tweet limit. More than that is just too hard to keep up with! 🙂
>Like you on fb too:)
>I follow on Facebook Debbie Cook St. Johnlovelykillerbee@gmail.com
>I Like you on FacebookKatie Farish Stewartkatiekstewart@gmail.com
>I tweeted! http://twitter.com/LovelyKillerBee/status/17223385868lovelykillerbee@gmail.com
>I'm following you with Google Friendkatiekstewart@gmail.com
>I follow using Google Friend Connect. lovelykillerbee@gmail.com
>I would love to try some different dipes. I have only tried a few different types in the past. My first was Fuzzi Bunz. I still love them and use them. I have a Good Mama that I really like (so squishy!) and I have a bunch of flannels that I made myself. I hope I win because I've been feeling bleh about CDing lately because I haven't been able to add any new goodies to my stash. 🙂
>I think it's awesome that you're going to sponsor this giveaway yourself, and it's even more meaningful to me that you are going to give a stash of your favorites. I'm totally new to cloth diapering, so I really have nowhere to start besides through recommendations from other moms. So thanks! The only diaper I've tried so far is the Best Bottoms. I'm really wanting to try some others, but at the moment my husband is unemployed and not really on board yet with cloth diapering so my "experimenting" will have to wait unless I win some! katiekstewart@gmail.com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/17216324937bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>I blogged about the giveaway @ therabbitthutch.blogspot.com!
>I tweeted about the giveaway @guggiedaly!
>I follow you on twitter!
>I follow you on facebook!
>I follow your blog via google connect.
>This is a really creative giveaway! It'd be so much fun to try out three different diapers. I was introduced to cding by a friend who gave me a FB AIO. Then I tried grobaby. If my budget allowed it, I would try all kinds of diapers!
>I like you on facebook.
>I follow your blog.
>I love this! I want more flips!!
>I blogged about the giveaway: http://www.thetwinners.com/2010/06/sunday-blog-linkup_27.html
>Oh, I love flip diapers! This is my first time doing cloth and I am actually cloth diapering twins this go 'round! amanda_c_mills at yahoo dot com
>Tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17202066274
>Haven't tried any cloth diapers yet, but I'm looking forward to turning my first into a diapering guinea pig this Fall! 🙂
>Tweet!http://twitter.com/notimeMom/status/17194614077andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17192201675simplymerry at gmail dot com
>tweeted today! http://twitter.com/trvlgrl121/statuses/17191328551SHull2319 at gmail dot com
>Follow your blog and follow you on fb:) I am fairly new to cloth, but I am loving it. I have a 21 month old and a 2 month old, both using fuzzibunz mediums right now. I have ordered some g-diapers to use as well (with prefolds for inserts). I am LOVING it:) Thanks for your reviews and insight!teachergirl95@yahoo.com
>my Favorite cloth diaper so far is the bumgenius AIO organics! I LOVE IT! I would like to try the flip system! I follow your blog!! willyanddana@hotmail.com
>tweet http://twitter.com/bcgood83bcgood83@yahoo.com
>tweeted http://twitter.com/helenlamby/status/17182550025
>Most of my stash is Sammy's though I've been liking the BumGenius Organic AIO and the Green Acre Designs AIO for trips outside the house.
>Button on blogwww.heatherandavery.blogspot.comhmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
>Facebook fan Heather Mahan
>Blog follower
>My FIRST diaper I ever tried was a BG 3.0. LOVE them and have used them ever since (yes, that means I'm a LITTLE upset about the new change) My favorite diaper is either the BG or I love Goodmamas for fitteds, and I love nifty nappy's with wool covers. hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com
>My favorite diaper is probably the Bumgenius 3.0. That is what my baby girl wears at night or naptime. I also like the Flip and would like more than the 1 I have. The Thirsties Duo covers aren't bad either, but I have the size 1 and she is starting to be too big for them. Thanks for the chance to win.
>You are listed on my blog roll – http://chalcedonia.blogspot.com/
>Your button is on my blog – http://chalcedonia.blogspot.com/
>tweet: http://twitter.com/chalcedonia/status/17159620057
>I follow you on twitter.
>I follow your blog via friend connect.
>I like the one tweet per day option. I don't have time to do a lot of extra tweets per day, so I prefer giveaway that do only one tweet per day.chalcedonia at gmail dot com
>Tweet http://twitter.com/teamshoemaker/status/17154800104
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/17143300357bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>I wish I could use cloth diapers! This would be a great way to start without having to pay a lot to try them out. grahamcracker03@hotmail.com
>I follow your blog through google friend connectmscarlydance@gmail.com
>Wow what a great give awayyou are having:) I would love to win this as I am expecting Baby #3 early Oct and will then have 2in diapers. My fav Diaper right now is Rumparooz. I currently have 2. I have the Smartipants and like them however I do not have the Kissaluv or the Flip so would love to try these.mscarlydance@gmail.com
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17120796746simplymerry at gmail dot com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/17097266108erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I like you on FB!lindseycrock@gmail.com
>I follow your blog.lindseycrock@gmail.com
>I just had my baby on Wednesday and I am so excited to start cloth diapering her little bum! We haven't started yet, because she's so tiny, but we've got lots ready to go for her!! :)lindseycrock@gmail.com
>Tweet!http://twitter.com/notimeMom/status/17108336694andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
>Tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17098572314
>tweet http://twitter.com/bcgood83bcgood83@yahoo.com
>Tweethttp://twitter.com/fefchakjune/status/17090286117fefchakjune at hotmail dot com
>I'm your fan on FB!giabao.ng @ gmail dot com
>I follow your blog.giabao.ng @ gmail dot com
>I haven't started CD'ing yet because my babe isn't due to arrive until September. Thank you for this giveaway & for all your reviews! Invaluable!giabao.ng @ gmail dot com
>Following via twitterjenafer316 at yahoo.com
>Following on google friend connectjenafer316 at yahoo dot com
>Liked you on face bookjenafer 316 at yahoo dot com
>the first cloth diaper I used was a Cooshies (now known as Kushies) so long ago it was befre the name change :)jenafer 316 at yahoo dot com
>tweethttp://twitter.com/fancygrlnancy/status/17071648874bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com
>Tweeted!http://twitter.com/hannahcookcross/statuses/17069062569hanniefaye at gmail dot com
>Daily Tweet:http://twitter.com/SCMOMOF2BOYS/status/17065994882
>Tweeted: http://twitter.com/teamshoemaker/status/17063817633
>My favorite diaper thus far, is my Happy Heiny'samanda.pawlikowski [@] gmail [.] com
>I like you on facebook! amanda.pawlikowski [@] gmail [.] com
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>I am going to Cd thanks for the oportunity to winflutterbyenature at yahoo dot ca
>I like you on Facebook.-beccaann38rebeccaw2005@hotmail.com
>Following chgdiapers on twitter-beccaann38rebeccaw2005@hotmail.com
>I'm an email subscriberrebeccaw2005@hotmail.com
>I'm new to cloth diapers! I've only used FLIP cloth diapers. I'd like to try different kinds so I know which ones I like the best.rebeccaw2005@hotmail.com
>I've never used a cloth diaper but would be willing to try if I win.kristen_yeh (at) yahoo (dot) com
>I follow you on twitter (mommafergie)
>I like you on fb (alisha james ferguson)
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>I mainly use prefolds.
>Tweet!http://twitter.com/notimeMom/status/17052739843andrea.kruse at gmail dot com
>I like you on FB, Danielle R.danirudolph at gmail dot com
>I follow on GFC and subscribe to your RSS feed.danirudolph at gmail dot com
>What a generous giveaway. I have heard good things about all 3 of these diapers. I am still building my CD stash and would love to try these. Hopefully you favs will become mine too.danirudolph at gmail dot com
>I'm a follower of this blog
>My favorite diaper is the Bum Genius all in one. I love them and have a bunch in my stash.
>"Like" you on FB – thanks!
>I may be pregnant with my second (too early for a test!) and would love to cloth diaper. Thanks!
>http://twitter.com/simplymerrier/statuses/17045785220simplymerry at gmail dot com
>I have you on my blogroll!aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
>I have your button on my blog!http://cookingcraftingandcouponing.blogspot.com/aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
>I tweeted!http://twitter.com/AGZ8/status/17039243085aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
>I follow you on Twitter!aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
>I'm a fan of you on Facebook!aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
>I follow your blog via GFC.aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
>tweeted http://twitter.com/bcgood83bcgood83@yahoo.com
>I've yet to try Kissaluvs or Smartipants, so I'm glad to read your reviews and see how they are holding up. We use Flips as well, they are our go-to diaper, with some pockets and AIO's thrown in for fun! I like what you said about how you didn't like Smartipants at first, but that it has grown on you. I didn't like Flips at first but made the mistake of buying a whole stash of one kind before testing them out. They have really grown on me, my husband likes them a lot too. I love your blog, this is such a fun giveaway, thank you for your generosity!aubrey_ls at hotmail dot com
>I just got started w/ CDing and am using the Flip system. I thought I would like the organic inserts better, but I think I'm liking the stay dry. The organic inserts are SUPER absorbent, but they are a bit too bulky between the legs for my little one. 🙂 Although I am very happy w/ my Flips, I would love the chance to try out some different dipes! gemini1329 at msn dot com
>i'd love to win so i could try some cloth!feh79 at yahoo dot com
>I would love to try more cloth options! i have a couple covers and inserts at home, but my baby is still so tiny that she leaks! right now we're still guiltily using disposables 🙁
>Daily tweet!http://twitter.com/LauraL444/statuses/17025198527LauraL444(at)yahoo(dot)com
>Tweet: http://twitter.com/lisaro7/status/17022839469
>I like you on facebook
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>I love your giveaways! My first diaper was fuzzibunz, and it's still my favorite! I really want to try the smartipants. We have the same favorite stores! Abby's lane and diaper junction. I live in VA, so I like to support local. And Diaper Junction ships free to VA. I just ordered from them yesterday!
>I follow through email. dmcalgaro
>I use fitteds with wool. But now I'm trying hybrids. I currently have a couple grobaby and grovias.
>I'm a follower!
>I would love to win this–I've never tried any of these diapers before, but my favorite diaper right now is the BumGenius organic AIO!
>I follow your blog publicly!suzibeckwith at gmail
>I tweeted about the giveawaysuzibeckwith at gmail
>tweethttp://twitter.com/mommyericae/status/17009566859erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I follow you on Facebooksuzibeckwith at gmail
>I've got your button in my scrolling area on the right side of my blogwww.the-elwells.blogspot.comerica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I follow you on twittererica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I like you on fberica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I follow your blog!erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I started with the bum genius diapers since they were recommended to me and was bought a stash of 18 for a baby shower gift. I do wish I had done some more research before getting all of them as I would have had a more diverse stash. I still like them but like some others better.erica dot jmail at mac dot com
>I follow you on Twitter suzibeckwith at gmail
>We use & love BumGenius organics! Although I just bought some Flips to try… they are in the mail & I can't wait to use them!suzibeckwith at gmail
>I tweeted the giveawaySticemichelle@aol.com
>I follow you on twitterSticemichelle@aol.com
>I like your facebook pageSticemichelle@aol.com
>I have not yet used cloth diapers. I have been trying to win some in giveaways to try different ones before I commit to investing in 1 or 2 different brands as well as all the diapering stuff I will need. I would love this so I could try 3 separate diapers.Sticemichelle@aol.com
>I'm registered for Flips for my baby due in October … excited to start the cloth diaper journey!thatmamagretchen@gmail.com
>tweeted: http://twitter.com/EcoBlogz/status/16994213510
>I follow you on Twitter as @EcoBlogz
>I like you on Facebook!
>I follow you with GFC!
>Thanks so much for the giveaway! We cloth diaper full time with just 13 diapers, which is doable – but I'm concerned about taking a vacation this August for the first time since we've started cloth diapering! Hence I really need a few extra ones! We absolutely love our Thirsties Duo Diaper – we just have one. If it came with snaps it would be the PERFECT diaper. We have one Smartipants as well and I love it! The fit is so perfect 🙂
>Tweet : http://twitter.com/HRA3Mom/status/16992531040theaguilars at verizon dot net
>I follow you on twitter – HRA3Momtheaguilars at verizon dot net
>I like you on FBtheaguilars at verizon dot net
>I follow your blog with GFCtheaguilars at verizon dot netMy email is wrong on my last comment!
>The Flip is one of my favorites also!theaguilars at verizo dot net
>I only ever use cloth diapers. The first I used were the big square toweling cloths that you folded & pinned. Love them.marypres@gmail.com
>I blogged http://arizonamama-fancygrlnancy.blogspot.com/2010/06/more-great-giveaways.html
>Tweet!http://twitter.com/fefchakjune/status/16987613978fefchakjune at hotmail dot com
>Following you on twitter(@ fefchakjune)fefchakjune at hotmail dot com
>Like you on FB (JuneE.F)fefchakjune at hotmail dot com
>I follow you on GFC (Jae)fefchakjune at hotmail dot com
>I love Smartipants as well, they are in my top 2!!fefchakjune at hotmail dot com
>I have your button at: cirtandtamara.blogspot.com
>I'm a follower!
>I find it very difficult to pick one diaper as my favorite, especially since I haven't tried that many. But, if you forced me to, I guess I'd say the Fuzzibunz onesize. It's very multipurpose, fits nice and trim and washes easily!wazzuroo@gmail.com
>Your button is down along the right hand sidebar of my blog: http://thelittlehedgehog.blogspot.com/SHull2319 at gmail dot com
>I tweeted: http://twitter.com/trvlgrl121/statuses/16986064174SHull2319 at gmail dot com
>I follow you on twitter (@trvlgrl121)SHull2319 at gmail dot com
>I "like" you on facebook.SHull2319 at gmail dot com
>I follow your blog via google friend connect.SHull2319 at gmail dot com
>I've been cloth diapering my son for 3 months and so far my favorite is the BG 3.0… well its pretty much the only diaper we've tried. I do have a love/hate relationship with velcro- it's so easy to adjust, yet I'm not liking how it's being treated by the washer. I'm so thankful that my hubby is a big cloth diapering supporter and I think our son's tushy thanks us too!SHull2319 at gmail dot com