This is the last diaper I’m highlighting in my series on cloth diapers for preemies & small newborns. Check out my newborn cloth diaper overview for how newborn diapers fit on my 6.5 lb newborn, and read about more preemie cloth diapers.
I purchased these diapers myself. These diapers are incredibly difficult to find; the company changed hands this spring, so that may be why.
Above is what I expected the diapers to look like. In reality, the “medium” and large” were exactly the same size.

I emailed the company I purchased them from with no reply. I sent a message to Happy Heiny and eventually received a reply asking if they were labeled M & L. I replied, included pictures and…nothing. It’s been over a month so I don’t expect to receive a reply at this point. Anyhoo, keep that in mind as you read on!

In theory, these diapers are supposed to be small/stage one, fitting 1-3 pounds; medium/stage two, fitting 2-4 pounds and large/stage 3, fitting 3-6 pounds.

Diapers have H&L closures, and like the one-size diapers, the laundry tabs work better if you twist and attach each wing to the other vs. folding the tabs back. Absorbency is sewn in, and the diapers have a soft, microfleece inner.
Here’s a closer look at the eeny teeny size small:

My “model” in a preemie disposable:

My model, and also my son’s tiny (about 10″) dolly in the size small:

The medium:

“Large” (same size as the medium):

Even if these diapers were easier to find, I wouldn’t buy them given the sizing issue. While I am very glad that the person I bought these for ended up having a 5 pound baby, I am very disappointed that I didn’t even receive a large she could use (diapers are around $10 each.)
Here’s Oliver at about 4-4.5 lbs in the size 3:

He was born at 1 lb 9 oz at about 25 weeks and was not quite 11 weeks in the above photo.
They are cute though, aren’t they?
Some idiot on facebook is using your child’s picture to garner likes and amen’s from strangers. The caption says, “Nobody cared to Pray for luke! Can he even get your 1 Like, Amen & Share”
I’m sick of people doing this. You can go to the page and report the picture as use of your intellectual property.
I guess a link would help.
Thank you.
[…] and my wish to cloth diaper my son, so they contacted Happy Heinys and ordered us a set of their Micro Mini stages 1-3 diapers. It actually still brings tears to my eyes to think about it over a year later because it will […]
So sweet! Yes, sometimes customer service isnt as good as it should be. 🙁 But they are beautiful diapers! I would love to have one to donate the hosp. for some parent to be able to take home.
That’s too bad the customer service from both the retailer and manufacture was so poor. The diapers are very cute though! Thank you for an honest review!