I received a swim diaper at no cost for review purposes. I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. Konfidence is based in Cornwall, England, with offices in the US in Maple Plain, MN. The company is Europe’s Leading Designer of Premium Protective Swimwear for babies, infants and children. Founded in 1998 by father of 5 Andrew Regan, the products have won several awards. I received their one-size aqua nappy to review, and though it arrived a bit too late in the season for us to get in the water, I still have lots of photos for you.
About the Author
Maria wants to live in a world where cloth diapers are the norm and moms can make parenting choices without judgement. When she’s not chasing her 18, 14 and 11-year old kids around, you might find her checking out the latest gadgets, organizing something (again) or exercising in the fresh air. Read More »