Personal Posts

My Grandfather’s Secret To a Successful, 60-Year Marriage

Now pronounced

Last month, we visited my Grandparents in Tennessee, as a surprise for their 60th wedding anniversary. My husband and I were there with our 3 kids, and my Mom & Dad, sister, Aunt and her 2 children went as well. We all went out to dinner and the waitress asked for their secret to a happy marriage.

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Cloth Diapers Giveaway

Sized Cloth Diapers or One-Size? PLUS $15 Kelly’s Closet GC Giveaway (CLOSED 8/3)

sized or one size

I’m participating in the Kelly’s Closet Blogger Beach Bash. Stick around through this post for a chance to win a $15 Kelly’s Closet gift certificate!

If you’ve been around a while, you’ve heard the story of my cloth diaper research 8 years ago when I was expecting my daughter. I found the Fuzzibunz Perfect size diapers, but thought I’d need 24 diapers in each of 4 or more sizes, and I was scared away by the cost. When I researched again 4 years later when I was expecting my son, I realized that I had just missed the creation of Bumgenius one-size diapers shortly after my daughter was born! In my (almost) three years of cloth diapering, I’ve seen tons of new diaper brands pop up, and they seem to almost always be one-size. So, why would you ever buy sized diapers?

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Diaper Cream Diaper Liners Diaper Rash Mailbox Mondays

Cloth Diaper Advice – Mailbox Mondays 7/23/12 – Cloth Diapers & Eczema

#clothdiapers & eczema via @chgdiapers

Are you saying: “I need help with cloth diapers”? Each week, I answer a reader submitted question and other readers can weigh in.

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Cloth Diaper Giveaways – Roundup for 7/20/12 (Plus Linky for All Giveaways)

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup

If you are looking for cloth diaper giveaways, guess what? You found them! Each Friday, I publish cloth diaper giveaways that I’ve collected throughout the week, so you don’t have to search for them. This week’s roundup is brought to you by Geffen Baby.

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Affiliates Giveaway Inserts Made in the USA Microfiber

Geffen Baby Ultra Absorbers Plus Universal Cloth Diaper Inserts Giveaway (CLOSED 8/2)

geffen baby ultra absorbers plus 1

It’s no secret that I love Geffen Baby‘s hemp products. You may know that I’ve been working for them for a few months, but they didn’t ask me to write this post, and these are my honest opinions! In May, I posted about their 3-layer microfiber inserts, and now that prototype has turned into the Ultra Absorbers Plus, which are ready to ship!

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