Cloth Diapers

Convert My Diapers Cloth Diaper Snap Conversion Service

convert my diapers 1

You may have seen on my Facebook page that I sent some worn out hook & loop diapers off to be converted to snaps. I received them back and wanted to share my experience! As I’ve already said, I really would have preferred to just have the Velcro replaced, but I don’t have a sewing machine, and I was having a hard time finding someone to do it for me. Plus, I knew that Velcro would just need to be replaced again in the future, while snaps would last nearly indefinitely.

I sent a total of 9 diapers to Convert My Diapers: 7 Bumgenius, one Thirsties and one Blueberry. She has a price list for different diapers; some that require additional work are more, but most are around $3.75. She also offers elastic replacement if your diapers need it. The shipping was a pretty large expense, around $10 each way, putting my total close to $55. She does accept Paypal, but you have to cover the fees.

convert my diapers 2 close

It took less than 3 weeks to receive the diapers, and the only issue I had was a little confusion about the status of my diapers. She has a “status” page, but because she works pretty quickly and the page is updated once per week or less, it’s not very helpful. The Paypal payment was also a bit confusing since payment is sent to a different address and name. Here’s a quick timeline to show what I mean:

2/29 I went on her site & selected my ship date as 3/2.
3/1 I had the package ready to ship, printed the label online, selected the check box to notify the recipient via email w/tracking, and paid via Paypal
3/2 The package was picked up by my mail carrier
3/5 Tracking said the package was delivered
3/8 I realized my Paypal payment was showing unclaimed. I contacted Convert My Diapers and she said that the Paypal payments go to a different address, and that they will send invoice when the package is opened
3/15 I’ve been checking the status page regularly and I’m getting worried. The status page hasn’t been updated since 3/4 and at that point, it didn’t even show that she had been notified of the shipment. I still haven’t gotten an invoice, so I was assuming that meant they hadn’t even opened my package yet after 10 days. I was starting to wonder if the package had been mis-delivered and she hadn’t received it at all. I hesitated to send an email because I don’t want to be “that customer” who drives her crazy. I ended up sending an email on 3/15 asking about the status of my order. I didn’t initially receive a reply, but I received an invoice from a different name & email address saying that they were done & ready to ship when paid. I paid right away, then about an hour later, received a reply to my email saying they were done & ready to ship when paid. Later, the status page was updated as of 3/15 saying that my diapers were completed 3/14 and ready to ship when paid.
3/22 I received the diapers in the mail

I think 3 weeks is pretty awesome for shipping them, completing 9 diapers and shipping them back, so I’d almost rather just see an estimated turn around time rather than the updates, since all they did was make me worry! I had to pay $1.61 in Paypal fees, which I didn’t initially realize when I decided to pay by Paypal rather than mail money with the diapers. I also didn’t know that I was supposed to wait for an invoice, or that it would be a different address. I just assumed I needed to pay when I mailed the diapers, since non-Paypal payments are supposed to be included with the diapers.

convert my diapers 3 inside
convert my diapers 4 laundry tabs there tabs removed convert my diapers 5 holes from velcro

The diapers look fantastic. Naturally, you can see where the closures and strip were removed.

convert my diapers 6 converted and oem convert my diapers 7 converted 30 conv 40 oem 40

Above is a converted 3.0, a converted 4.0 and a 4.0 that was purchased with snap closures applied by the manufacturer. Not much difference!

convert my diapers 8 after wash and dry

I went ahead and washed the diapers before using them again, since they were out of my home of course & smelled a little musty after all the shipping. I think I found a couple of animal hairs on the diapers, but I could be mistaken. I don’t see any indication on her site that they have pets. I also put the diapers in the dryer for a bit, since I know the heat can help seal up sewing holes. After that the holes from where the Velcro was removed were much less noticeable.

I would LOVE if Cottonbabies would start offering a Velcro replacement service (I wasn’t the only one who mentioned it during the Jennifer Labit Twitter party!) but otherwise, I would definitely send diapers to CMD again. I do think it’s a little bit pricey after the shipping costs, and it would be really expensive if you also needed all 3 elastic pieces replaced. However, you end up with totally refurbished diapers for the same as or less than a used diaper in similar condition, and you know the diaper’s history (which sounds weird, but I think you KWIM!)

Have you had any diapers converted to snaps? Have you done any yourself?

FTC compliance: I paid normal retail price for this service. I was not asked to write, nor was I compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.

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Affiliates Cloth Diapers Giveaway Newborn Diapers Snap Closure

Changing Diapers Book Review

Rumparooz Lil Joeys 1 2 diapers changing diapers 1

Kelly Wels is the former owner of Kelly’s Closet turned cloth diaper advocate, and author of the award winning book Changing Diapers: The Hip Mom’s Guide To Modern Cloth Diapering

changing diapers 2 changing diapers 3

The book touches on everything a hip mom needs to know about cloth, but the information isn’t overwhelming.

changing diapers 4 changing diapers 5

From why choose cloth (I definitely giggled about the “secret club” and being “addicted to cloth!”)…

changing diapers 6 changing diapers 7
changing diapers 8

to cloth 101, including types of diapers and how to wash them. Each chapter is illustrated with beautiful photos and easy to understand diagrams. I think every cloth diapering Mom should have one of these books handy to lend to people who ask about cloth. The information is concise, easy and fun to read, and I don’t think it would be overwhelming even for someone who was totally new to cloth!

The book retails for $17.95, but it’s available for $11.98 right now, and a limited number of “seconds” are available for $7.98.

Shop the Kelly Wels store or find a retailer including my affiliates: Kelly’s Closet, Diaper Junction, and Cloth Diaper Outlet. “Like” Kelly Wels on Facebook, Changing Diapers on Facebook follow Kelly Wels on Twitter, Changing Diapers on Twitter and follow the Kelly Wels blog.

Giveaway: One winner will receive a Changing Diapers Book and 2-pack of Lil Joeys newborn diapers in Kelly’s choice of colors (ARV $47.92.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

FTC compliance: This post contains affiliate links. I was not compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.

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Apparel & Accessories Review

Cloth Rocks – You (err, your baby) Need One of These T-Shirts!


I’m sure you know Dirty Diaper Laundry, but if you don’t, you should. Kim makes amazing videos, and also created the Cloth Diaper finder. She recently opened up DDL apparel, and while she currently has just the cloth rocks design on black & white, sizes 0-3 to 18-24 months, she will be offering more cloth diaper advocacy apparel in the future.

shirt 1

I chose the 3-6 month size in black, listed as a “second” for $16.95. The regular price is $17.95, or $17.75 for the white. I have no idea why it’s a second; it looks perfect to me.

shirt 2
shirt 3 shirt 4

The shirt is super soft & well made and I think it looks adorable on my little guy! I can’t wait to see more designs!

Discount!: Use coupon code “CHANGEDIAPERS” to get 10% off your DDL Apparel order through 4/30/12!

FTC compliance: I paid normal retail price for the pictured product. I was not asked to write, nor was I compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup for 3/23/12 (Plus Linky for All Giveaways)

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup

Friday is cloth diaper giveaway time around here. Each week, I hunt for, and list giveaways for cloth diapers, accessories & baby wearing items.

If you’d like me to list your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.

softbums omni 0

My Softbums Omni Giveaway ends 3/29 RC


My Bumgenius 4.0 giveaway ends 4/3 and is open to the U.S. and Canada RC

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

*Prizes from Fuzzibunz (no set end date, ends at 25k fans) Entry is through Facebook app, must “like” them on Facebook to enter

*Glow Bug Diaper from Surf Mommie Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 3/23) RC

*$15 Mud Butt GC from Cloth Diaper Addiction (ends 3/23) GD

*Wee Pantz Diaper from Daily Mothering (ends 3/24) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Mini Maestro Diaper from So Easy Being Green (ends 3/25) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Lil Helper Package from Manager to Mom (ends 3/25) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Cloth Wipes from Water Rolls Uphill Mandatory blog follow (ends 3/25) RC

Smartipants Diaper from Growing Up Geeky (ends 3/25) RC

Bumgenius 4.0 from Mummy to Charis (ends 3/25) RC

*Groovycheeks Diaper from Green Mama Jama Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 3/26) RC

*Thirsties Duo AIO from Jack be Natural & Earth Faerie Momma Two mandatory Facebook “likes” (ends 3/26) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Booty Buns Diaper from Contemplate Cloth Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/26) RC

*CJ’s BUTTer from Contemplate Cloth Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/26) RC

*Cloth Wipes (maybe-mystery prize) from On Being a Mom Two mandatory Facebook “likes” and Facebook comment (ends 3/26)

Disana Wool Cover from Ava’s Apple Tree (ends 3/26) Open to Canadians Only RC

ClothDiaperClub Wool Soaker from The Awesome Cloth Diaper Blog Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 3/26) RC

*Rumparooz Diaper from Dearest Diapers & Eco Baby Mama Drama (ends 3/27) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Buns Up Baby Diaper from Sisters N Cloth (ends 3/27) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

$25 Monkey Rumps GC from Eco Baby Mama Drama (ends 3/27) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Thirsties Duo AIO from Really Are You Serious (ends 3/28) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*$20 Haute Bottoms Diaper from Oh the Joys of Boys (ends 3/29) RC

*Glow Bug Diaper from Cloth Diaper Addiction Mandatory GFC follow and two Facebook “likes” (ends 3/29) GD

Ecobubs Diaper from One More Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook comment (ends 3/29) RC

*Booty Buns Diaper from Baby Giveaways Galore (ends 3/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Fuzzibunz & Rumparooz Lil Joey Diapers from changing Diapers & The Eco Chic (ends 3/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

$25 Zookies Diapers GC from Zephyr Hill (ends 3/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Mimimaestro Diaper from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 3/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Sun Baby Diaper from What This Mommy Thinks (ends 3/30) RC

*Tiny Tush Diaper from Padded Tush Stats (ends 3/31) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Sunbaby Diaper from Earth Faerie Momma Mandatory Facebook “like” and vote (ends 3/31) RC

*$25 Squishy Tushy GC from So Easy Being Green (ends 3/31) Open worldwide RC

*GroVia AIO from Buttercup Baby & Daily Mothering (ends 3/31) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Lil Helper Diaper & Wet Bag from Two mandatory Facebook follows (ends 3/31) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Fuzzibunz Diaper from Snappy Diapers Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/1) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Thirsties Duo Diaper from The Anti June Cleaver (ends 4/1) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*$20 Kissed by the Moon GC from Baby and the Chis (ends 4/1) RC

Buns Up Baby Diaper from Cloth Diaper Contests & Giveaways (ends 4/1) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Planet Wise Wet Bag from Kissed by the Moon and 4 The Love of Sanity Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 4/2) RC

Bumgenius Elemental from Cloth Diaper Revival (ends 4/2) RC

Babee Greens Diaper from Conservamom Two mandatory Facebook “likes” (ends 4/2) RC

Incredibum Diaper from Mama on a Green Mission (ends 4/3) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

Feeling Lucky for Diapers Sweepstakes from Kelly Wels/Changing Diapers (ends 4/5) Daily entry via Woobox form on Facebook

Incredibum Wipes from Under the Apple Tree (ends 4/5) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*Booty Buns Diaper from Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 4/6) RC

Palm Tree Diaper cover from First Time Mom Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends 4/7) RC

Osocozy Diaper from and Contemplate Cloth Mandatory GFC follow (ends 4/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada RC

*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup
RC Entries collected via Rafflecopter
GD Entries collected via Google Docs Form

You may enter any “family friendly” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!

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All In Two Diapers Cloth Diapers Giveaway Made in the USA Newborn Diapers One Size Diapers Pocket Diapers Review Snap Closure Velcro/Aplix Closure

Softbums Omni Cloth Diaper Review

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I posted my Softbums Echo review way back in July 2010! I just washed the wipe they sent along with that diaper; we’re still using it. Although an all-in-two isn’t my favorite (I prefer pockets) the Softbums Echo was one of very few diapers that worked for us when my 3 month old was a newborn. It gets sooo tiny that it fit him well (not true about most o/s diapers) and the insert was actually absorbent enough for him (not true for most newborn diapers!) It was a dream come true for our tiny super soaker!

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Now, Softbums makes the Omni as well. It’s everything you love about the Echo, but it also has a pocket opening, so you have the option of using it as an AI2 or a pocket diaper. I received a solo pack with a super dry touch pod (retails for $24.95) plus a dry touch mini pod. The mini pods retail for $2.95 and can be used in the smaller size settings, or as a doubler.

softbums omni 5 pocket and snap softbums omni 6 insert snapped in
softbums omni 7 folded insert softbums omni 8 elastic & insert

The super dry touch pod (“dry touch” because it is topped with soft, stay dry fabric) is 3 layers of microfiber (6 when you fold it over), so you’re unlikely to need the mini pod too! A smaller, 4 layer dry touch pod retails for $4.95, and additional super dry touch pods sell for $5.95. You can also purchase organic bamboo pods for $9.25 and organic bamboo mini pods for $3.95. Whichever “pods” (soakers) you use, this can be an affordable all-in-two system.

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You can choose hook & loop closures or snaps. The snaps are easy to use, so they are Daddy friendly, even when said Daddy prefers Velcro.

softbums omni 3 large opening to adjust softbums omni 4 adjustments

The size adjusts via a toggle on each leg’s elastic. On the one hand, this is a little intimidating, but it also allows you to get exactly the fit you need. I held the diaper up to a diaper that fit each boy and adjusted. The opening is in the front, and was large enough for me to do additional tweaking as I put it on each child. This type of adjustment means it won’t be as easy for babies of different sizes to share diapers, but that’s not an issue for me. Each of my boys has their own diapers, so I don’t have to fool with size adjustments at every diaper change. (I have all of my “diaper bag” diapers snapped down to small, so if my older son needs one, we just unsnap it!)

The diaper fits thighs from 4-14″ and there is a formula to figure out where to set the elastic, though I haven’t tried it!

The size adjustment means that I really can’t measure every size for you like I usually do. Instead, I adjusted the diaper as large as I could, while still leaving the elastic with some stretch…

softbums omni 11 elastic as large as I can with some give

Then measured the diaper folded & stretched. (This is about as inexact as you can get!)

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softbums omni 14 large softbums omni 15 side
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Here it is next to a Bumgenius 4.0 on the large setting:

softbums omni 10 largest setting vs bg 4.0

Here’s that setting on my 2 year, 10 month old, 29ish pound son (the legs could be a bit tighter on him):

softbums omni 23 front softbums omni 24 side on 2 12 yo
softbums omni 25 back on 29 lb baby

Next, I set the diaper really small. Sorry, there’s no “really small” setting, LOL. I just tried to make it tiny, but not crazy tiny!

softbums omni 17 elastic on tiny setting

Then I measured it folded and stretched:

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softbums omni 20 tiny setting softbums omni 21 side
softbums omni 22 back

I adjusted it similar to a small one-size diaper, then put it on my 3 month old son, who is around 11 or so pounds (that’s a guess; he was 10 lbs at 2 months.) Once I put it on him, I just fished the toggles out & adjusted it further.

softbums omni 26 on 3 month old softbums omni 27 leg on 11ish lb baby

That’s with the super dry touch pod in the pocket, so it’s a little bit bulky, but what do you expect with 6 layers of absorbency in such a small diaper? I know the mini pod isn’t absorbent enough for my son, but it would be nice & trim on a small baby that isn’t such a heavy wetter. The regular (non-super) dry touch pods are 4 layers of microfiber topped with microfleece, so they would be another good choice!

The Softbums Omni is versatile and quite cost effective when used as an AI2. They are also made in the U.S.A.!

Shop Softbums or find a retailer, “like” Softbums on Facebook, follow Softbums on Twitter and follow the Softbums blog.

Giveaway: One winner will receive a Softbums Omni solo pack with super dry touch pod in his/her choice of color & closure, subject to availability (ARV $24.95.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

FTC compliance: I received product samples for review purposes. I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.

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