Detergents Diaper Accessories Giveaway Review

Eco Sprout Cloth Diaper Detergent Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 9/1)

Eco Sprout

I’ve been cloth diapering for nearly 2 years now, and I still think the biggest hurdle is establishing a wash routine, and finding a detergent that works for you. Eco Sprout is a cloth diaper safe detergent created by a work at home Dad! The detergent does not contain dyes, brighteners, enzymes, phosphates or SLS, and it is completely biodegradable. Ingredients are: Sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate (solid hydrogen peroxide), natural water softeners, sodium carbonate (washing soda), sodium sulfate (sodium salt of sulfuric acid a.k.a. Thenardite) and natural & biodegradable surfactants. (There’s also natural fragrance in the scented formulas.)

Eco Sprout 2

Eco Sprout Detergent comes in 7 scents: Fresh Linen, Warm Vanilla Sugar, Lavender Chamomile, Sandalwood Vanilla, Ocean Blue, Baby Powder and Seasonal (currently Pink Lemonade) as well as “In the Buff” (unscented.) I received a sample detergent pack of a variety of scents in 2 oz packages. You can buy 2 oz packages of Eco Sprout (2-4 loads) for $1.75 each.

Eco Sprout 3 instructions on sample pkgEco Sprout 4 instruction card

I love that there are washing instructions included, so I didn’t have to hunt them down!

Eco Sprout 6 soak

I went ahead and soaked my diapers with Eco-Sprout for 3 hours (the max auto soak on my machine) followed by a hot wash with double rinse. Then I did another full hot wash/double rinse with no detergent, to make sure I got all old detergent residue out. Finally, I did a wash with the recommended amount of Eco-Sprout.

The small amount of natural fragrance oils make your laundry smell good while you’re washing it, but it rinses out completely, leaving no residue on your diapers. My diapers simply smelled clean. My whole stash has been through a soak/wash with Eco Sprout at least once, maybe twice. (I keep my diapers rotating and I can’t remember where I started!) So far, so good! If you’re having trouble with your detergent, wash routine, repelling or stink, I would definitely recommend adding Eco Sprout to your “to try” list, especially if other ammonia treatments or popular “safe” detergents didn’t work for you.

Eco Sprout 5 rec amts

Price: A little goes a long way; you need just 1-2 T in an HE machine/soft water (that’s me) up to 2-4 T in a traditional top load washer with hard water. 24 oz bags wash 24-48 loads and retail for $7.98, 48 oz bags do 48-96 loads for $13.98, and 96 oz bags do 96-192 loads for $24.98.

Where to buy: You can buy directly from Eco Sprout, or find it at a number of retailers including my affiliate, Diaper Junction.

Giveaway: Eco Sprout is offering a reader their own 24 oz bag detergent in his/her choice of scent. (ARV $7.98) Entries go in the Rafflecopter form below! You may view Rafflecopter’s Privacy Policy.

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Motherhood Personal Posts

Mom vs. “The Man”

I know I probably was/am being overly sensitive, and I know this ended up kind of all over the place. I’ve been thinking about this lately for some reason and wanted to get it of my chest!

A year or more ago, my husband and I were somewhere (darned if I remember where) making small talk with a “businessman” type. Most likely somewhere along the way with all our mortgage business. It was brought up that I am a SAHM and y’know, how easy I have it and stuff. Uhh…yeah.

Well I made the mistake of (HALF-jokingly) saying hey, at least you get to go to work! He chortled, gave my husband a knowing, bless-her-heart-isn’t-she-stupid look, and said “yeah, ’cause we’re in here drinking martinis, har har har!” I know my husband at least smirked, if he didn’t actually chuckle, and it took all of my strength to keep from pouncing on the guy and strangling him.

Let me say this: I know that working moms have it hard. I’m not touching SAHM vs. Working Mom with a 10-foot pole! What I’m talking about here is “The Mom” (“stay at home,” “work at home,” “work outside the home,” whatever) vs. “The Man.” I don’t mean a man who gets up with the kids at night, empties the dishwasher, does laundry, takes care of the kids, publicly praises his wife and makes her feel loved, valued and worthwhile. I’m talking about men like this jerk who seem to think that SAHMs do nothing but sit on their butts and eat bon-bons, and that being a mother is no different than being a father.

I haven’t always been a SAHM. I worked (worked my butt off in fact) for years, took care of myself, lived alone and paid my own bills. I’m guessing that ANY Mom (working or not) will agree that the days of working full time and taking care of only yourself were a cake walk compared to motherhood.

Here’s something we’ve all experienced in one way or another. While my husband was out of town, I made the kids spaghetti, then cleaned up while still trying to make myself something to eat (I don’t like spaghetti, I know that’s weird. I like other pasta, just not spaghetti. I’ll eat it if there’s nothing else, but not by choice.) While hearing “shoesh ON, SHOESH ON! AH-SHIDE! ASHIDE DECK!!” (shoes on, shoes on, outside, outside deck to those who don’t speak 2-year old) I rushed and put my food on a (GASP!) paper plate to eat outside so the kids could play. Naturally, my son now wanted my dinner more than he wanted to play (my daughter ate half my chicken too.)

This is what was left:

so much for my food

(Sorry for the cell phone pic) So, I had to clean it up, hose off the chair and deck, and finally sat down to eat what was let of my cold food. It was then that Goldilocks (A.K.A. my son) decided the temperature was just right, and came back for round two. *sigh* P.S. Yes, I realize that a perfect mother’s children would be learning French while she prepared a 4 course gourmet meal, which they all would sit down and enjoy together, then they would patiently wait while she cleaned up the dishes (or they would do them, or she would leave them etc.) Yeah, guess what? I’m not that Mom. When Daddy’s gone, we make due.

I betcha 10 bucks that guy sat down and ate all his food (while it was hot) that day.

Now, I know there are some fantastic men out there who work high stress jobs to provide for their families, actively participate in their child’s upbringing, come home and help their wives (whether or not their wives also work) and so forth. Again, I’m pretty sure this guy wasn’t one of them. For “The Man” his life isn’t much changed by children, aside from expecting a ticker-tape parade if he happened to change a diaper!

In motherhood, there are no performance reviews, no bonuses, no paychecks, no awards ceremonies, no praising emails from a customer to your boss. Motherhood has to be the most thankless job on the face of the earth. (Naturally, a sweet hug, kiss or “Thank you Mommy” from a tiny person makes it all worth it.)

My husband isn’t lovey dovey at all, and is a man of few words, but I think that short times alone with the kids make him realize that it’s not easy. Especially since all he really does in that time period is keep them alive! Moms are also cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, dishes etc.

I don’t think some husbands realize what an impact small things make, to make their wife feel valued and appreciated. If my husband had said something as simple as “well my wife takes great care of our family and her job sure isn’t easy,” instead of appearing to agree with the jerk in question, it would have made my day (and probably his later, hee hee.) I recently read “30 Ways to be Intimate With Your Wife” on Going Green With Noah, and I think it should be required reading for all men.

I could be totally wrong…maybe the man’s wife was a working Mom and he thought she worked like crazy, so that’s why he thought SAHMs had it easy? Or maybe she had a nanny and a housekeeper and spent more time with her personal trainer than her kids. I don’t know.

My point is, no matter what the situation, motherhood is hard. It reminds me of a scene from S*x and The City 2 (a rare chick-flick scored from Netflix and watched after the kids were in bed!) when Miranda gets Charlotte to admit that motherhood is overwhelming and hard. “Perfect mom” Charlotte has an incident earlier in the movie when she hides in the pantry to cry after trying to talk on the phone and make cookies, while one child cries, the other makes a mess, and she finally melts down. Luckily for her, the nanny chooses that moment to arrive! While having cocktails with Miranda, Charlotte exclaims that she feels this way even with a full-time nanny, and she wonders how women without help do it (Miranda says she doesn’t know, but they deserve a medal!)

Don’t tell anyone, but motherhood is even harder than I thought it would be.

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Baby Products BPA Free Giveaway Review

Yoomi Self-Warming (BPA Free) Baby Bottle Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 8/30)

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 1

The Yoomi is a bottle and warmer in one, that warms a baby’s feeding to the natural temperature of breast milk in 60 seconds.

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 2 packagingYoomi Self Warming Bottle 3 packaging
Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 4 packagingYoomi Self Warming Bottle 5 packaging

As I mentioned in my post about my breastfeeding experiences, neither of my kids were wild about the bottle. I suspect my milk has excess lipase (so I am definitely going to try scalding it next time before storing!) but I’m guessing it’s probably also because I really had no clue how to warm it. You don’t want to microwave or overheat breast milk, not just because of potential hot spots, but also because it can destroy some of the good stuff in it. I tried microwaving water, then putting the bottle in it to warm…took forever and I was never sure if it was warm enough. Tried running it under hot water…same thing. I never bought a bottle warmer since bottles were so rare in our house anyway, but a warmer can’t be used away from home, doesn’t necessarily heat it evenly or to the ideal temperature, and it warms the whole bottle at once, so it gets cool as the baby drinks.

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 6 bottle with warmer

Still, I would love to have a bottle that’s easy to use and heat, so that there’s the option of me running out to the store by myself, or maybe even getting out with my husband.

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 7 all pieces

The Yoomi self-warming bottle has to be one of the coolest (warmest? Har har) ideas I’ve seen. It consists of a BPA free, easy to hold bottle (available in 5 oz and 8 oz sizes), a naturally shaped nipple with anti colic vents (available in slow, medium and fast flow), a collar to hold it on obviously, cap, and the warmer.

Clearly, the warmer is what makes it stand out. The warmer warms milk to the natural temperature of breast milk (89.6-93.2 degrees) in 60 seconds, without plugs, batteries, hot water etc. The warmer uses the same gel that is used in hand warmer packets, which is a concentrated, non-toxic salt solution (also used in ice cream.) Yoomi has also added a food grade colorant and Bitrex (a safe but bitter substance) so that if the warmer leaked, not only would you see it, but the baby would refuse to consume the feeding.

The Yoomi came with a fantastic pamphlet that tells you just about everything you need to know.

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 8 step 1 flyerYoomi Self Warming Bottle 9 step 1 warmer new

The first thing you need to do is charge the warmer, which you do by boiling it for 25 minutes. You can also use a steam sterilizer with 4x the recommended amount of water, but the warmer cannot be placed in the microwave.

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 10 step 2 boil 25 minYoomi Self Warming Bottle 11 water boiling

I used a 3 quart pot the first time, but a 4 quart would have worked much better, since so much water evaporates during the boiling time!

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 12 lowered in with tongsYoomi Self Warming Bottle 13 boiled on its side 25 min

Once the water was at a full boil, I lowered the warmer in with tongs, and boiled it for 25 minutes.

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 14 step 3 flyerYoomi Self Warming Bottle 15 step 3 cool 75 min

Carefully remove the warmer (I used the tongs again) and allow it to cool on it’s side, on a clean surface for an hour and 15 minutes. The orange button turns blue after you boil it; it should be back to orange, cool to the touch, and rattle when shaken before you use it. You shouldn’t depress the button before it’s fully cooled, or you could damage the warmer. You can also cool it more quickly by running it under cool water, but of course it will no longer be sterile.

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 16 step 4 flyerYoomi Self Warming Bottle 17 step 4 cooled sounds sloshy

If the warmer sounds slushy, rather than rattl-ey, you may not have boiled it long enough. I believe not having quite enough water the first time caused me to have a slightly sloshy sound (and it also took a bit longer for the warmer to fully activate/button to turn blue.) If you’ve used enough water, but this happens, try adding 5 minutes to the boil time.

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 18 flyer ready to feedYoomi Self Warming Bottle 19 nipple goes into collar
Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 20 capYoomi Self Warming Bottle 21 cap compresses nipple stops leaks

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 22 use to pick warmer upYoomi Self Warming Bottle 23 picked warmer up
Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 24 screw onto bottle

Use the bottle to pick the warmer up to assemble it. You can store the charged warmer, and it will be ready to use pretty much indefinitely. You can go ahead and fill the bottle, and store the whole shebang in the fridge, and it will still work (perfect for outings with Dad, or to take to the babysitter.) The Yoomi can be used with breast milk or pre-mixed formula.

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 26 temp before

For my photo demo, I used water stored in the fridge; this was it’s temp before.

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 25 flyer press button through nippleYoomi Self Warming Bottle 27 push button
Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 29 turn upsidedown 30 seconds

When you’re ready to use it, just press the orange button and wait 30 seconds, then turn the bottle upside down and wait another 30 seconds. If you stare at the bottle while you’re waiting, you’ll see the orange start to fade. When it’s blue, you know it’s fully activated. As I said earlier, mine took a bit longer to reach this stage, I believe because I didn’t have it in quite enough water while boiling!

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 30 flyer feedYoomi Self Warming Bottle 31 temp of warmed water squeezed out

The Yoomi warms the feeding as it flows past the channels in the warmer, so it’s actually warming the milk as the baby drinks, rather than warming it all at once (and having it start to get cool while baby drinks.) So, I squeezed some of the warmed water out into the bottle cap to measure the temp. It took me a while to squeeze out enough to measure the temp, so it had cooled a bit by the time I managed to do it! This temperature is much like the natural temperature of breast milk (slightly cooler than your body temp), which makes it easier for the baby to go back and forth between breast and bottle. They are less likely to refuse it because it’s too hot or too cold, and they won’t develop a preference for extra-warm bottles. You cannot overheat the milk, so you never have to worry about the baby being burned. The warmer continues to warm for an hour, so the last drop will be just as warm as the first. You of course want to keep the bottle upside down during the feeding, so if the baby needs a break, put the cap on and place it upside down, so the milk in the nipple will be warm when baby is ready again.

Yoomi Self Warming Bottle 32 flyer when it's ready to be replacedYoomi Self Warming Bottle 33 flyer 100 uses or 3 months after first use

The warmer can be used up to 100 times, or three months after it’s first use. I read this, but it didn’t sink in before I broke it out to test it, so I will have to buy another warmer before I can try it with the baby in December! Oops! Yoomi is working on a way to easily look at the warmer and know it’s ready to be replaced, but for now, you know if it doesn’t rattle when charged, the button doesn’t change color, or if the base of the warmer is permanently bulging out. It comes with a little chart to tick off each time you charge it.

Initially, I was a little overwhelmed by all the info, and unsure if I’d be able to figure it out, but it was really quite easy! I made a quick video demonstrating:

All the pieces are interchangeable, and the bottles can be used without the warmer. Either size bottle with nipple has an MSRP of $10.95. Nipples alone are $6.95 for a 2-pack, and a single warmer is $25.95. You save when you buy a bottle with warmer for $32.95. Initially, it seemed pricey to me but it’s really 25 cents per use, and it can be used anywhere, anytime, takes just 60 seconds, warms to the ideal temperature, and warms as you feed. No other warming method can do that.

Yoomi is designed and assembled in London England, but you can purchase the products online from Yoomi or buy Yoomi on Amazon (affiliate link.)

Giveaway: One reader will receive a 5 oz. Yoomi bottle with warmer (ARV $32.95.) Entries go in the Rafflecopter form below! You may view Rafflecopter’s Privacy Policy.

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Mailbox Mondays Washing

Cloth Diaper Advice – Mailbox Mondays 8/22/11 – Drying Cloth Diapers

drying #clothdiapers via @chgdiapers

It’s just another Mailbox Monday (oh-oh) I wish it was Sunday (oh-oh) ’cause that’s my funday (oh-oo-whoa) my I don’t have to run day, It’s just another Mailbox Monday!

Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system…on Mondays, I answer questions readers have asked, and ask my other readers to weigh in too.

Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject, or fill out my contact form for readers, which you will always be able to find on my Contact Page.

Erika says:

OK- since you said you were short on submissions, I thought I would ask you something I have been wondering about: the effects of dryer time on diapers.

Background: I live in a rental. We have an underpowered dryer- not sure if it’s because of age or what, it takes forever to dry clothes even on high heat, even with using 5 dryer balls. I am not allowed to hang dry clothes outside due to HOA regulations. I can and do sometimes hang dry inside, but the air conditioning is broken and not likely to be fixed anytime soon, and it’s terribly humid here- so to hang dry items completely would take days.

So- I put my diapers in the dryer all the time. Not the covers or pockets- just flats, cloth wipes, fitteds, Flip organic inserts, hemp doublers, and organic BG Elementals. I usually do 70 minutes on medium but then have to do another 30 minutes on high to get the heavy stuff- fitteds, BG’s, hemp- even close enough to dry that I can hang dry them the rest of the way.

My main question is, what’s more damaging to diapers- dry time or heat setting? I was wondering if I dry them 2 cycles on medium, or 1 cycle on high vs. my current 1.5 cycles on med/high- which is better/worse? Or am I choosing between 2 bad options since I already know drying wears out diapers?

Thanks for reading…sorry I am so wordy! 🙂

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Uncategorized Best All-Around Mom Blog Voting

I posted this on my Facebook and Twitter page, and I promise not to spam or beg. In fact, I am well aware I have no chance of winning, since my blog is a fraction the size of other nominees, and I’m not bribing you to vote in exchange for giveaway entries!

That said, I would love if any of my readers would vote for me. This is a one-time vote, not daily (you can vote for more than one blog.) You do have to sign in before you can vote (which is annoying) but it just takes a minute.

It would be fantastic to get more votes, and move to a more visible part of the list, to get cloth diapers some much deserved attention!!

Click the badge, sign in (or register), then click vote.

Thank you if you decide to take the time to vote

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