Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Kissaluvs Wet Bag Winners

kissaluvs wet bag winner

246 people entered the Kissaluvs antibacterial wet bag giveaway.

The first winning entry is #114, which is Kim Jones.

kissaluvs wet bag winner

The second is #105, which is Andrea Harbolt.

kissaluvs wet bag winner

The third winner is #171, which is Ricci G.

Congratulations winners, I’m sending you an email so you can claim your prizes!

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Cloth Diaper Giveaways – Roundup for 5/27/11 (Plus Linky for All Giveaways)

Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup

I had a reader tell me she won a giveaway she found in the Cloth diaper giveaway roundup! I hope more of you have won giveaways you’ve found here. Each week, I hunt down cloth diaper and baby wearing giveaways for you to enter, and hopefully win!

If you’d like me to list your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.

Note: My site is not set up to open all links in a new window (that drives me nuts to click another page/link within a site & have it open up in a new page!) Try right clicking the giveaways you want to visit, and select open in a new window/tab.

kissaluvs wet bag

My Kissaluvs Antibacterial Wet Bag Giveaway (3 winners) ends tonight, 5/27

kissaluvs newborn cloth diaper

kissaluvs training pants

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

*GoGreen Pocket Diaper & Rockin’ Green Detergent from The Momccupation Mandatory GFC follow and TWO Facebook “likes” (ends 5/27) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Sleepy Wrap from Jewels and Treasures Mandatory GFC follow, two Facebook “likes” and a Facebook comment (ends 5/27)

*Itti Bitti Diapers from Sweet T Makes 3 Mandatory GFC Follow (ends 5/27)

*Sweet Pea Diaper from Freckleberry Finds Mandatory GFC follow (ends 5/27)

*Itti Bitti Diaper from Madison Organics and Mommy and Me Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 5/27)

Tiny Tush Diapers from Kelly Wels (ends 5/27)

Sweet Pea Diaper from Freckleberry Finds Mandatory GFC follow (ends 5/27)

Bootyful Baby Boutique AI2 from Kamsnaps (ends 5/27)

*The Willow Store Wool Dryer Balls from Oh So Savvy Mom Mandatory GFC follow (ends 5/28)

*Thirsties Duo Diaper from What Mama Wants Mandatory GFC follow (ends 5/28)

*Wild Mountain Mommies Diaper from Cloth Diaper Addiction (ends 5/28)

Imse Vimse or Happy Heinys Trainer from Diapers Etc. and 29 Diapers (ends 5/28)

Blueberry Trainers from The Little Seedling and 29 Diapers (ends 5/28)

Kushies Trainers fromm 29 Diapers (ends 5/28)

*Knickernappies Diaper from Wee Little Changes (ends 5/29)

*Tot Bots AIO from Squishy Tushy (ends 5/29) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Diaper Bundle from Baby Baby Lemon (ends 5/30)

*Blissful Booty Diaper from Happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 5/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Kawaii Pocket Diapers from Jack Be Natural and Sugar Pop Ribbons Mandatory GFC follow (ends 5/30)

*Tetro Fitted from Cloth is Green and Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 5/30) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*$80 BabyHawk Credit from The Clothspring Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like”/comment (ends 5/31)

*Seven Slings Sling from Kerrific Online (ends 5/31)

*Ergo Baby Carrier from Mama Dweeb (ends 5/31)

*Rockin’ Green Funk Rock from Tree Huggin’ Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends 5/31) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Dinkle Dooz Diaper from GoGo Natural and My This n That Life (ends 5/31)

Doodle Dypes Diaper from My This N That Life Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 5/31)

Fuzzibunz Pail Liner from Cloth Diaper Addiction (ends 5/31)

Applecheeks SwimDiaper fromPickes & Paisleys (ends 5/31)

Bummas Wipes from Kerrific Online (ends 5/31)

*Hiney Lineys Diaper from Sweet T Makes 3 Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/1) Open to the U.S. and Canada

$20 Rainshine Designs Gift Card from Padded Tush Stats Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/1)

Zookies Diaper Cover from Uh Oh Mom (ends 6/1) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Swaddlebees Simplex AIO from One Smiley Monkey Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 6/2) Open Worldwide

*The Willow Store Wool Dryer Balls from Your World: Healthy & Natural (ends 6/2)

Kissaluvs Newborn Diaper from A Mom’s Take (ends 6/2)

Kissaluvs Wet Bag from A Mom’s Take (ends 6/2)

Kissaluvs Training Pants from A Mom’s Take (ends 6/2)

*GoGreen Champ 2.0 Pocket Diaper from Mama to 4 Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/3)

Fuzzibunz Diaper fromommy and Me Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/3)

Kissaluvs Wet Bag from The B Keeps Us Honest (ends 6/3)

Thirsties Duo Fab Fitted & Duo Wrap from Freckleberry Finds Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/3) Open to the U.S. and Canada

The Willow Store Wool Dryer Balls from Our Village is a Little Different Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/4)

Kissaluvs Newborn Diaper from The B Keeps Us Honest (ends 6/4)

Hipkiddo Diaper from Cloth Diaper Contests & Giveaways (ends 6/4) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Kissaluvs Wet Bags from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 6/5)

Itti Bitti Diaper, Wipes & Wet Bag from The Mommy Goods (ends 6/5) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Itti Bitti Diaper from Mama Days Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/5)

Sleepy Wrap from The Crunchy Wife (ends 6/6)

*Bum Covered Diapers from Beautifully Bella Faith (ends 6/7)

The Willow Store Diaper & Goodie Bag from Haute Mommy (ends 6/7)

Kissaluvs Newborn Diaper from 3 Boys & A Dog (ends 6/7)

Babykicks 3G Pocket Diaper from Home Grown Families Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/8)

Kissaluvs Newborn Diaper from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 6/8)

Sweet Pea Diaper from For Mom and Keiki and A Mommy’s Blessings Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” and comment (ends 6/8)

Cottonclouds Flat Diapers from Baby Bunz Co and A Heart For Home (ends 6/8)

Kissaluvs Pail Liner from Sweet T Makes 3 (ends 6/9)

Best Bottom Diaper from Obsessions of the Trophy Wife Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/9)

Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag from Mom’s Focus on Cyber World (ends 6/9)

Kissaluvs Pocket Trainer from The B Keeps Us Honest (ends 6/9)

Kissaluvs Pocket Training Pants from3 Boys and a Dog (ends 6/9)

Charlie Banana Diaper from Goodbye Disposable, Hello Cloth Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Cottonkind Diaper from One Smiley Monkey Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 6/9) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Candy Wrapper Cloth Works Diaper from Kam Snaps (ends 6/10)

Kissaluvs Trainer from This Mama Loves Her Bargains (ends 6/11)

GroVia Shell Set from Earthy Crunchy Mama and Crazy 4 Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/11)

Babykicks 3G Diaper from Home Grown Families Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/12)

*$600 Rumparooz Package from Kelly Wels’ Changing Diaper Book Project Mandatory Facebook “like”, entry is through a FB app (ends 6/15)

*Lovely Pocket Diaper from Mommy Kat and Kids (ends 6/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada

GoGreen Champ 2.0 from Go Long Go Green Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/16)

AMP Diaper from The Nurse Mommy Mandatory Facebook “like” and email newsletter subscription (ends 6/17)

*Blissful Booty Diaper & Wipe Concentrate from The Clothspring Two mandatory GFC follows and Facebook “like and comment (ends 6/21)

Applecheeks Diapers from Baby Dickey’s Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 6/26) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup

You may enter any “family friendly” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Real Nappies Winner

real nappies winner

176 people entered this giveaway, with 302 entries total. The winning entry is #239, which is Amber Stawicki.

Congratulations Amber, I’m sending you an email so you can claim your prize!

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Cloth Diapering Cloth Diapers Giveaway Review

Fluff Stash Cloth Diapering App for iPhone Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 5/31)

fluff stash 2 app opening screen

Are you a fluff addict? Hooked on your iPhone? Both? If you’ve ever given your baby naked time so you could get a full fluffy stash shot, or if you like to keep track of fluff you’ve had (even after selling/trading/packing it away) I have the app for you! Well, The Cloth Diaper Outlet does!

fluff stash 1 app on screen

Other than Scrabble (which hasn’t worked since the last update, ugh) I haven’t been much into apps. Within the past few weeks I discovered that they keep my kids busy when we get stuck waiting somewhere, and I’ve downloaded a lot of free ones! Today I got to try the brand new Fluff Stash App. It’s not a free one; it’s 99 cents. Fluff Stash has a Facebook page where you can share screen shots from the app, and they will be having giveaways as well.

fluff stash 3 fluff stash empty!

When I opened the app, it told me my fluff stash was empty. How sad!

fluff stash 4 preview or use photofluff stash 5 photo goes in fluff stash

Tap the camera to take a photo, use or retake it, then it goes in your stash.

fluff stash 6 tap thumbnail to get to large photofluff stash 7 tap magnifying glass to change properties

Tap the thumbnail to enlarge it, then select the magnifying glass to change the properties.

fluff stash 8 can select colorfluff stash 9 can select size
fluff stash 10 can select brandfluff stash  can select type

Select color, brand, size and type.

fluff stash 12 tap edit to change items in properties listsfluff stash 13 tap plus to add new
fluff stash 14 added rumpsackfluff stash 15 adds item to bottom of list

If you don’t see what you’re looking for, tap edit to change what’s there, and/or tap the plus sign to add your own. It gets added to the bottom of the list.

fluff stash 16 add photo captionfluff stash 17 added rumpsack pocket
fluff stash 18 appears on photo in fluff stash

You can also add a caption for the photo.

fluff stash 19 all properties for item

All of the properties you assign are associated with the photo!

fluff stash 20 click crossed arrows can import from camera roll or sharefluff stash 20-2 after selecting share, select how to share

If you click the crisscrossing arrows, you can select photos from your camera roll to import into the app, or you can share your fluff by exporting to your camera roll, or sharing via email, Facebook or Twitter. You have to tap to select the photos you want to share, before selecting how you want to share them.

fluff stash 21 attached to email with stock text

When selecting the email option, the photo is attached to an email with some stock text. You can enter an email address and send it as is, or edit the text first.

fluff stash 22 can share to facebookfluff stash 22-1 log in, allow to post to wall

To share to Facebook you have to log in and allow the app to post to your wall (of course, that’s the point)

fluff stash 22-2 wait for uploadfluff stash 22-3 done
fluff stash 22-4 fluff stash photos album w/caption wish you could edit

After a short wait, the photo appears on your Facebook wall in an album, with your caption as the text.

fluff stash  can share to twitterfluff stash 24 log in to twitter
fluff stash 25 quickly uploadsfluff stash 26 done!

After you log in to Twitter, the photo uploads quickly.

fluff stash  wish you could edit tweet to add hashtags etc

It appears as a tweet with your caption and a twitpic link. I do wish you had the opportunity to edit the tweet first to add hashtags etc.

fluff stash 28 clicking twitpic link on computer

This is what it looks like (on a computer, couldn’t get it to work on my phone for some reason) when you click the link.

So far, I’m finding this app both fun and addictive! What do you think?

fluff stash

Giveaway: One of my readers will receive a code to download this app for free! (ARV 99 cents.)

Here’s how to enter: All entries go in the form below. I love comments (great way to remind yourself you entered) but comments do not count as entries.

Mandatory entries include your name and email address. You may receive a bonus entry if you “like” The NEW page.

I will accept entries until Tuesday, May 31st, 2011 at 9:00 P.M. Eastern. I will select a winner using’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen. View my giveaway rules page for complete details. This giveaway is open worldwide.

# of entries received as of giveaway close: 31

FTC compliance: While I received the app (99 cents) at no cost, I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. I just thought this was a fun app to share with you! 🙂

Disclosure: This giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed or administered by, nor associated with Facebook. By entering, you release Facebook from any responsibility and understand that the information entered on this form will not be disclosed to Facebook.

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All In One Diapers Cloth Diapers Giveaway Large/Special Needs Diapers Made in the USA Pocket Diapers Review Sized Diapers Snap Closure Training Pants

Kissaluvs Kissa’s Pocket Training Pants Review

Kissaluvs Training Pants 1

The last mystery product from Kissaluvs is training pants, as readers had guessed!

Kissaluvs Training Pants 2 backKissaluvs Training Pants 3 side

They will be available in a 2T (20-32 lbs) and a 3T (28-40 lbs.)

Kissaluvs Training Pants 4 snap closures

They have two snap settings on each side and are easy to pull up and down without unsnapping.

Kissaluvs Training Pants 5 inner

The inner is what made me say “oohhhhh!!” when I opened the package. The dinos are so darn cute!! The inner is 100% cotton flannel, so a toddler will feel the wetness of an accident.

Kissaluvs Training Pants 6 pocket

The Kissa’s training pants are pocket trainers, so you can stuff them to customize the absorbency.

Kissaluvs Training Pants 7 sewn in soaker

The training pant has a 2-layer microfiber insert sewn in, so it can be used as is (this is the trainer pictured inside out.)

Kissaluvs Training Pants 8 with microfiber insert

The trainer is quite trim and a little narrow through the crotch, but I was able to stuff a narrower full-size insert in the pocket.

Kissaluvs Training Pants 9 2t vs large marvels aioKissaluvs Training Pants 10 2t vs large marvels aio

Above is the 2T trainer I received, compared to the Kissaluvs Marvels AIO on the large setting. My son is 2 years old and 23 pounds and still wears the medium setting of the Marvels AIO and other one-size diapers, so he could really use a bit smaller size in the trainer.

Kissaluvs Training Pants 11 on 23 lb babyKissaluvs Training Pants 12 2t side on baby

The 2T trainer was really easy to pull on and seemed to fit well, but for a great fit, we’d need it to be a little more snug at the legs (he ended up sagging a bit.) My son is rather unusual though; he is just now on the growth charts at 2 years old, and still wears mostly 24 month clothing.

Kissaluvs Training Pants 13 2t back on baby

The trainers will be available in lagoon blue, chocolate (what I reviewed) or gold with the dino inner, and white with a cycle print inner. They will be available starting June 15th with an MSRP of $14.95, but they will have an introductory price of just $12.95 until the end of June!

I’d say the sewn in soaker is enough to catch an accident, but you’d need to add an insert to hold more than that. I think they are really a great value since they are available in larger sizes and can be used as a pocket diaper or trainer. You can buy them for a baby who is perhaps on the cusp of learning to use the potty and use them as a pocket diaper first, a trainer later. This is especially great since there aren’t that many diapers available to fit kids who outgrow large cloth diapers. Of course, I haven’t seen/measured a 3T but since the 2T is about the same size as a large diaper, I think it’s safe to assume the 3T is larger. 🙂 2013 update: See the 3T & both on my 4.5 year old in my updated Kissaluvs trainers review.

FTC compliance: I received the pictured item at no cost in order to review it. I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.

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