A Merry Fluffy Christmas Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Event Wide Merry Fluffy Christmas Winners – on all 19 blogs!


cloth diaper giveaways

Here’s a compilation of all of the Merry Fluffy Christmas winners event-wide!  Winners are listed based on each blogger’s announcements.  Please check with each blog for their official winner lists, and look for that winning email if you’re not sure if it’s you!

A Nation of Moms
Day 1 Winner-Katie M.
Day 2 Winner-MommyTrenches
Day 3 Winner-Sarah C.
Day 4 Winner-Teresha @ Marlie and Me
Day 5 Winner-Kara F.

A Year With Mom and Dad           
Day 1 Winner-Erica H.
Day 2 Winner-Diane M.
Day 3 Winner-Amanda N.
Day 4 Winner-lilbabyvenus
Day 5 Winner-Summer N.

Adventures in Green Living
Day 1 Winner-Mama Needs a Nap
Day 2 Winner-Heather M.
Day 3 Winner-Rebecca O.
Day 4 Winner-Sradke1024
Day 5 Winner-Jessica A.

Adventures of a First Time SAHM
Day 1 Winner-Laura
Day 2 Winner-Amy
Day 3 Winner-Njos Family
Day 4 Winner-Janine
Day 5 Winner-SAPsMaMa

And Then There Were 4
Day 1 Winner-Twins Crew
Day 2 Winner-Amanda S.
Day 3 Winner-Lindsay
Day 4 Winner-Nikki
Day 5 Winner-Emmerswee

Children Teaching Mama           
Day 1 Winner-Stacy
Day 2 Winner-Diaper Dad James
Day 3 Winner-Michelle S.
Day 4 Winner-Leslie Family
Day 5 Winner-Hannah

Crazy House            
Day 1 Winner-Sueparks2003
Day 2 Winner-Twins Crew
Day 3 Winner-Sradke1024
Day 4 Winner-Life of the Leatherberry’s
Day 5 Winner-Misty H.

Fitteds and Pockets and Snappis, oh my!
Day 1 Winner-Tomoko
Day 2 Winner-Christine S.
Day 3 Winner-Allie Wiley
Day 4 Winner-Laurie Makinen
Day 5 Winner-Kris S.

Knocked Up and Nursing
Day 1 Winner-Patti/The ClothSpring
Day 2 Winner-Christine
Day 3 Winner-Katie
Day 4 Winner-Hannah
Day 5 Winner-Amanda

Lauren’s Little Lovies
Day 1 Winner-Alisha L.
Day 2 Winner-Heather Boggess
Day 3 Winner-Grandma Bonnie
Day 4 Winner-JHull
Day 5 Winner-Kristen Jeffery

Mama Bubbles
Day 1 Winner-MommyTrenches
Day 2 Winner-Rachel L.
Day 3 Winner-Karen
Day 4 Winner-MommyTrenches
Day 5 Winner-Stacy V.

Mama Chocolate                     
Day 1 Winner-Lindsay Elford
Day 2 Winner-Laureen Botticelli
Day 3 Winner-Katie Adams
Day 4 Winner-Stacy Ford
Day 5 Winner-Stephanie Skelonis

Mommy of 1 and Counting
Day 1 Winner-Donna
Day 2 Winner-Katie Adams
Day 3 Winner-Heather
Day 4 Winner-MommyTrenches
Day 5 Winner-Katherine

Mommy’s Firsts                
Day 1 Winner-Becky Huss
Day 2 Winner-Cassie
Day 3 Winner-Kelli McCormick
Day 4 Winner-Hannah VW
Day 5 Winner-Kristina C.

Tales of the Wife
Day 1 Winner-Princess Avanaar
Day 2 Winner-Melinda
Day 3 Winner-Boise Biebers
Day 4 Winner-Alliejean
Day 5 Winner-Vered

The Momccupation
Day 1 Winner-Michelle B.
Day 2 Winner-Kayla
Day 3 Winner-Jenny Hull
Day 4 Winner-Aubrey
Day 5 Winner-Barb M.

The Not So Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom
Day 1 Winner-Stacy
Day 2 Winner-Jessica
Day 3 Winner-MommyTrenches
Day 4 Winner-girlforgotten81
Day 5 Winner-Toni George

The Tree Huggin’ Mama
Day 1 Winner-Hippiemama86
Day 2 Winner-Kristina Yeouze
Day 3 Winner-Brittney Minor
Day 4 Winner-Becky Huss
Day 5 Winner-Amy T.

Toronto Teacher Mom
Day 1 Winner-Suzie
Day 2 Winner-Lindsey
Day 3 Winner-Shannon B.
Day 4 Winner-Hippiemama86
Day 5 Winner-Boise Wiebers

Congratulations to all the winners, enjoy your fluff!!

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Cloth Diapering Cloth Diapers Diaper Accessories Made in the USA Review Storage

Planet Wise Changing Pad Review and My New Diaper Storage


planet wise changing pad

Until now, I had just been changing my son’s diapers directly on the leather couch.  It’s easy to just wipe it off, but it occurred to me that this might be a little gross (ha ha.)  The Planet Wise Changing Pad retails for $11.99 and I snagged one for even less with a Black Friday sale/coupon/free shipping.

cloth diaper changing pad

The changing pad comes in several colors, but I wish they had some of the cute prints the wet bags come in! They do have them in the prints for $16.50, they just don’t have them listed on their site, and of course not everyone who sells the changing pads has the prints.  Thanks Samuel’s Momma!

care instructions

The white side is super soft (I mean soft!) fleece, and the colored side is PUL, so it’s waterproof.  Of course, since it’s fleece, it’s not wipe-able like the plastic ones that come with some diaper bags.  So, you’ll probably want to have at least two on hand.  It is simple to wash with diapers and dries quickly.
length of planet wise changing padwidth of planet wise changing pad

The specs say it is 13×21, and that’s pretty close.


size of changing pad folded

Even though it’s not wipe-able, it has a leg up on the old plastic changing pads because you can fold it up really tiny and stuff it in a bag!
This revelation about the possible grossness of couch diaper changing came along with a furniture rearrange in our family room.  I used to have my diapers stacked on a ledge by the couch, but we shifted things so that we have a “family room” on one side of the room and a “play room” on the other side.  This means my diaper ledge was no longer handy, and I really didn’t love how they looked out in the open anyway.

cloth diaper storage

I ended up at Target on Black Friday (OMG I know, horrors!) because my 11-year old hair dryer decided to die on me while I was trying to get ready for a baby shower that morning.  Incidentally, boiling your hair dry with a straightening iron isn’t really all that effective, and leaves you smelling like burned hair.

cloth diaper organization

In any case, I found this “milk crate” size basket for about $17, and it’s the perfect size to hold all my stuff.  I’m also able to tuck it back behind the end table, so I can reach it, but sticky-fingers McStinkypants can’t.

Baskets make me happy.  Oh who am I kidding?  Any organization makes me happy!
How about you all?  Did you get anything fluff related with all the great Black Friday sales?
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A Merry Fluffy Christmas Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Merry Fluffy Christmas Winners!


cloth diaper giveaways

I hope everyone had fun during the Merry Fluffy Christmas Event, and that if you didn’t win one of my giveaways, you won one on another blog!

I know my entries were a little more involved than usual, since most packages had two sponsors, but hopefully they weren’t too difficult, and you liked the methods/bonus entries I chose! I love reading your comments, I usually get at least one giggle per day!

What did everyone think of the event?  Were my entry methods OK?  Not too hard or time consuming?
On to the winners!!

merry fluffy christmas winner

Prize pack 1 was The Katydid Cloth Diaper, EcoMom certificate, mini cloth diaper keychain and button.  177 people entered this giveaway, with 450 entries total.

I don’t know if this has ever happened before, but the winning entry is #1, which is Tomoko!

merry fluffy christmas winner

Prize pack 2 was the Thirsties wraps and prefolds, and the Kim’s Kloth diaper.  175 people entered this giveaway, with 427 entries in all.

The winning entry is #313, which is Christine S.

merry fluffy christmas winner

Prize pack 3 was the Cuties with Cloth Booties collaboration.  119 people entered, with 193 entries received.

The winning entry is #106, which is Allie Wiley.

Prize pack 4 was the PLUMP AI2 and Babykicks prefolds, JoeyBunz and Washies.  171 people entered, with 433 entries.

The winning entry is # 63, which is Laurie Makinen.

Prize pack 5 was the gDiapers gPants/refills, Babykicks fitted and wipes and Designs by Cace diaper.  196 people entered, with 401 entries.

The winning entry is #173, which is Kris S.

Congratulations to all the winners!  Emails are on their way to all of you!

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Blog Hop Cloth Diaper Blog Hop Linky

Cloth Diaper Blogs – Blog Hop


<a href=”https://change-diapers.com/category/cloth-diaper-blog-hop/”><img alt=”cloth diapering blog hop” src=”http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae177/changediapers/clothbloghop.jpg”>
If you haven’t heard of a “blog hop,” it’s a linky where you can enter your blog, then find other great blogs to read.  I love to find other blogs to read, especially when they are about fluff!  It can be hard to find niche blogs like cloth diaper blogs, and I don’t particularly want someone to feel obligated to “follow back” if my blog’s content doesn’t interest them.
So, I decided we need a cloth diaper blog – blog hop!  If you have a blog that even sometimes talks about fluff, feel free to participate!
The rules?  Well, there really aren’t any.  I’d love for you to grab the button and/or create your own post about the blog hop, so we can find more participants, but it isn’t mandatory.
I don’t require that you follow me-or anyone, though it would be nice if you like it!  Just click blogs that interest you, subscribe if you like them, and leave a comment if you find a post interesting.  Everyone loves comments!
I do love to read blogs, so I plan on following anyone who participates.  If this is successful, I may make this an ongoing, or recurring thing!
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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 12/6/10 Fitted diapers

fitted #clothdiapers via @chgdiapers

It’s Monday again (How does that keep happening?  Where does the weekend go?) so it’s Mailbox Mondays time!  If you’d like your question to be answered in a Mailbox Mondays post, send an email to maria at change-diapers.com with “Mailbox Mondays” in your subject.
Courtney says:
Hi Maria,

What are your favorite fitted diapers? We only have 2 (a Thirsties Fab Fitted and a Muttaqin Baby) so far. If my Thirsties is clean, it is the first diaper I grab for! I love fitteds and covers! I am looking at buying more to replace some pockets I recently sold. I would love to have your opinion because I also have a very small 1 year old who is only 18 lbs!


Hi Courtney!  I’ll be honest, fitteds aren’t my favorite.  Mostly because I’m lazy and I might die if I have to snap 4 extra snaps (kidding).  That being said, fitteds are awesome for their absorbency.  Plus, the elastic of the fitted combined with the elastic of the cover is fantastic for containing messy uhhh…messes.

A super absorbent fitted with a wool cover is a lifesaver for a heavy wetter at night.  It’s finally what got me through the nights sane, and with my son dry!  I love my Guerilla Fluff Utilitarian.  It has two soakers with 3 layers of bamboo fleece each, with optional zorb added as well, plus a doubler with 2 layers of bamboo fleece and a layer of wool!  It doesn’t have snap closures, so I just use it at night.

My Heartland Dreams Fitted is also amazing.  It’s incredibly well made, super absorbent, and not really as gigantic as you’d think a diaper that absorbent would be.  Plus, it came with hip snap covers!

My Ellabella Bottoms Fitted is work-at-home-mom made, just like the other two.  The Ellabella Bottoms review actually has a photo of all three of these diapers stacked on top to compare thickness.  This one is also very, very absorbent, though a little bulky for daytime.

Lastly, the Little Beetle Little to Big Fitted and Wool Cover are quite different than the others, but also great.  It is hands down, the trimmest diaper I have.  Yet, very absorbent!  I wouldn’t use it at night, but it’s excellent during the day, and very cute!  The elastic is drawn a bit tighter, and I think it would fit most small babies well.  My son was 20 pounds at his 18 month checkup, but he’s also proportionately short, so he’s not super skinny like my long & lean daughter was!

I’ve only used maybe 10 fitted diapers, as opposed to nearly 50 Pockets/AIO/AI2 diapers!  I definitely need to review more fitteds, but like anyone, I tend to spend my fluff funds on my favorites.  😉  Thirsties Fab Fitteds are definitely on my “to-try” list for newborns, if I ever get to diaper one!

How about you gals?  Do you have a favorite fitted?  Are they WAHM made?

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