It’s Monday, so today I will answer user submitted questions! If you have a question, email maria at change-diapers.com and put “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject. Questions don’t have to be about cloth, as long as you’re nice. (e.g. don’t ask me why I’m so dumb or why my nose is so big!)
Carrie says:
Hi Maria!
I have a question for you about older kids. I have an almost-4-year-old who is potty-trained, but still has occasional accidents at night. We limit the drinks before bedtime and make sure he goes to the bathroom one more time before getting in bed, but still there are accidents. I know all the disposable diaper companies make nighttime “underwear” for big kids, but I was wondering if you could recommend any cloth versions. I didn’t start cloth diapering until my third who is 12-months-old now so I don’t really know what to do about big kids.
Good question Carrie! Though I’m not there yet myself, I’ve been keeping a look out for these. It doesn’t sound like you really need the absorbency (or want the look) of a diaper. For those who do, Fuzzibunz mediums are huge, so I don’t doubt for a second that their larges will fit a 45 pound child, as they estimate! They also sell an extra-large, to fit children over 45 pounds. They seem to be harder to find though. I believe they may actually be made to order.
Mother-Ease has some specialty products that include training pants for kids up to 60 pounds (the largest size holds only 6 ounces, so not diaper absorbency. Their bedwetter pants fit up to 65 pounds, and hold 21 ounces!
Bumbledoo sells cloth training pants that look more like undies, can be ordered in custom sizes, and are quite absorbent.
Super Undies makes night time undies look like underwear, are quite absorbent, and can be used with step-up inserts for extra absorbency. These look best to me for a big kid!
Happy Heinys sells Pocket Trainers that come in larger sizes (up to XL/55+ lbs) and of course, are stuffable to customize absorbency. Snap-EZ has a pocket trainer too, but they are going out of business!
I haven’t personally tried any of these, since my son isn’t quite there yet, but they are what I’ve found and been interested in thus far.
Hannah says:
Hi Maria,
I’m using cloth diapers for my special needs little brother. Due to some medical issues, he is really susceptible to diaper rashes and when he does get a rash it means his entire diaper area is fiery red, raw and bleeding. I’m also thinking that some pull-ups we used during a recent hospital stay may have helped to cause the rash.
I’m wondering if you have any suggestions for diaper rash creams that would be strong enough to actually do something to help heal his bottom and keep the rash away.
My second question, in your cloth diaper search, have you come across diapers for Special Needs kiddos other than the two big diaper companies, FuzziBunz and Happy Heinys? I’m always interested in finding more companies that support cloth diapering for Special Needs children.
Well, I actually got this submission after I had typed the answer to the first one, and had it ready to publish. Since I found myself wandering from night time potty training to special needs kids, I thought I may as well combine them!
Hannah, I am thinking the mother-ease “bedwetter” pants or even the super undies with some additional inserts would be nice. I will definitely be keeping my eye out for others!
You can use any diaper rash cream as long as you use a fleece liner to protect the cloth diaper. I had great luck with Boudreaux Butt Paste when my daughter was little, and I have heard many, many Moms say that Triple Paste is excellent for the really bad rashes. Luckily, my son has a little redness from a dirty diaper at the worst, and a little Grandma El’s or EMAB bottom balm clears it right up. His rashes from disposables never actually bled, but they sure were close. I’m not sure Grandma El’s or EMAB would work for a bad rash, but once you get it cleared up, a thin, preventative layer at each change would likely work wonders.
Sorry I wasn’t more help, I will definitely be on the lookout for any larger, absorbent diapers!
How about you, readers? Have you found a night-time trainer that you love? Anyone found great special needs diapers? Have you ever battled bath rash with cloth? What worked for you?