Cloth Diapers Diaper Cream Diaper Liners Diaper Rash

I’ve got the Magic Stick

>So diaper rash with disposables is a vicious cycle.  At least for us.  The sposies cause it but we use them in order to slather diaper cream on him to clear it up.  I’m well aware that most diaper creams cause repelling and staining and generally ruin cloth diapers.

I’ll tell you from experience that tissues do not work as an effective cloth diaper liner and that diaper creams do in fact stain cloth.

I tried cutting up an old flannel receiving blanket to use as liners and cloth wipes when using diaper cream (also so I easily knew which items to wash separately) but even that wasn’t 100% effective.

I also read that the zinc in these creams was drying & probably not the best thing for me to be using.

What I needed was a cloth safe diaper cream.  While I got the low down I found several contenders.  A few had similarly chuckle inducing names, reminiscent of butt baste.  These were rump rub and magic stick.  Please tell me I’m not the only one who thought more lil kim than lil bums.

I decided on the breathable barrier Grandma El’s and added it to the trusty wish list.  I’m writing out of order, so if you’ve read in order, you already know that I ordered it.

I did receive it, and while I will write my full review later, it rocks.

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Giveaway Wet Bags & Pail Liners

Wetbag giveaway

>Head over to The Eli Monster’s Blog for a chance to win a medium custom wetbag!

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Cloth Diapers

The Great Cloth Diaper Hunt

>The Great Cloth Diaper Hunt is something I haven’t gotten into, as I don’t need one more addiction and project, ha ha, but some of the WAHMs are participating and it looks like great fun!

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Wanna Trade?

>Something common is people trading.

People can trade their good condition diapers for a larger size, or another brand that worked better.  Sometimes people trade new items they bought that didn’t work out for them.

Sometimes it actually reminds me more of bartering.  For example, someone who makes diaper detergent might send some to a mom who makes stuffed animals, in exchange for a handmade gift for her child.

Unfortunately I can’t think of anything to offer up right now, but it sounds like the perfect solution for me.  I need so many things like pail liners, wet bags etc.  I’m not picky about what they are or what they look like as long as they work for me.

I’m trying to only spend our money on the most important things that just can’t wait, and of course, that is diapers right now!

Like anything though, trade at your own risk & make sure to check out the person’s reputation and trading history, ask detailed questions and for detailed photos of the items and make sure all parties understand all terms of the trade!

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Free For Shipping!

>More beautiful words were never typed.

Lots of the moms in my cd groups make an sell dipes.  When they are tweaking or trying something new, they often look for people to test the diapers.  Usually they will charge the tester only for the materials & shipping, leading to a very inexpensive diaper and an excellent deal for the tester.

I’ve also discovered hyenacart, which is a site similar to etsy, where women (and men too I guess) can sell their handmade goods.

Some diaper companies have offered their tester diapers “FFS” or free for shipping.  The diaper is free, you just pay a reasonable shipping charge.  Other sellers offer items in this manner to promote their store & products.

Helloooooo new addiction (stalking for FFS) LOL.

My goal is to find the type/brand I really like of course, but I am really anxious to have enough diapers to CD full time, and some free for shipping diapers would sure make that possible faster!

Eventually I’d love to have enough to have a day’s worth washing/drying and another day’s worth ready to use.  Ideally I’d also have a few extras so I could keep some upstairs & some downstairs, have a few extra for those poops-in-it-as-soon-as-I-put-it-on days, or even to not have to wash every day!  But now I’m just dreaming!

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