
Free For Shipping!

>More beautiful words were never typed.

Lots of the moms in my cd groups make an sell dipes.  When they are tweaking or trying something new, they often look for people to test the diapers.  Usually they will charge the tester only for the materials & shipping, leading to a very inexpensive diaper and an excellent deal for the tester.

I’ve also discovered hyenacart, which is a site similar to etsy, where women (and men too I guess) can sell their handmade goods.

Some diaper companies have offered their tester diapers “FFS” or free for shipping.  The diaper is free, you just pay a reasonable shipping charge.  Other sellers offer items in this manner to promote their store & products.

Helloooooo new addiction (stalking for FFS) LOL.

My goal is to find the type/brand I really like of course, but I am really anxious to have enough diapers to CD full time, and some free for shipping diapers would sure make that possible faster!

Eventually I’d love to have enough to have a day’s worth washing/drying and another day’s worth ready to use.  Ideally I’d also have a few extras so I could keep some upstairs & some downstairs, have a few extra for those poops-in-it-as-soon-as-I-put-it-on days, or even to not have to wash every day!  But now I’m just dreaming!

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There are worse addictions, right? Right?

>Ok, maybe I have an addictive personailty.  I obsess over things and totally immerse myself in things I am interested in, turning everything into a project.  But holy crap are cloth diapers ever addictive!!

Cute prints, soft fabrics…I joined a group for sewing diapers, but I’m afraid to start, lest I get addicted to that too!

People make “baby legs” which are essentially leg warmers for babies.  At first I thought it was strange, but now I totally get it.  They put their baby in just a diaper & tshirt for comfort, easy diaper changes & to see that cute cloth booty.  But legs can get cold, knees need padding and *squee* you can coordinate the legs to the diaper!!

Must resist urge to coordinate clothing with diapers.

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Cloth Diapers Diaper Cream One Size Diapers Pocket Diapers Sized Diapers

I bleed for you

>I think I mentioned before that we planned to use hubby’s plasma donation $ to build up a cloth stash.  He was showing me his latest boo-boo from said donation and told our son that he is bleeding for his red little hiney!

I found a site that had great prices and sold most of the brands I was looking for.  Dipes are expensive to begin with, but their cost can easily increase by 50% or more if you have to pay shipping on each item.

I chose 4 brands/styles I wanted to try based on reviews online & from other mamas in the CD groups.  Happy Heiny’s one size pocket diapers with aplix, Blueberry Minky one size diaper, Fuzzibunz one size diaper with hip snap and a clearance diaper, Haute one-size traditional pocket diaper.  Between the blood $ and a check I had from selling Mary Kay, I had about $100 to spend.  There was a $5/$50 coupon as well as free shipping with a $99 purchase.

I threw in some Grandma El’s Diaper Rash Cream (post on diaper rash and CD safe creams to come!) and a planet wise small wet bag.  I had been using gallon size ziplocs for clean/dirties when we went out up to this point. 

A mom in the CD group on cafemom makes cooshie tooshies diapers.  I was able to get a screaming deal on a pocket diaper and an AIO.  They are mediums, whereas all the other diapers I have purchased were one size.  However, the price was great and definitely worth it.

Now the worst part, waiting for the packages to arrive!

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Cloth Diapers Cloth Wipes Diaper Accessories Wipes Solution

Cloth Wipes

>So, I keep catching myself wrapping the diapers around the disosable wipe, and it’s only a matter of time before I wash one & have a big mess on my hand.  I also learned that the “sensitive, alcohol free” wipes I was using weren’t so much.

I’d read about homemade disposable wipes on frugal living blogs.  I didn’t want disposable and I was concerned about all the ingredients in the “recipes” because of cloth diaper safety, bum sensitivity and so forth.

I researched and found  that  the stars and cubes of wipe solution concentrate that WAHMs make would work best for me.

I had trouble finding affordable spray bottles, but my hubby ended up finding some for .97 at my most favoritest place ever (not), Wal-Mart.  I picked up some distilled water, and ordered a sample pack of cubes.

I researched cloth wipes and even though I’d only have to use each wipe maybe 40 times for it to pay for itself, I again couldn’t bring myself to spend the money.

Instead, I grabbed some soft burp cloths that were a little too thin for my heavy spitter.  I cut them in half, folded them in half, then zigzagged the edges to form two fray-free, double thickness cloths, each 1/4 the size of the original cloth.  They fit perfectly in a wipes container, but I did choose to use a squirt bottle instead of pre-moistening them.

The solution smelled great, was easy to mix up and cleaned my baby’s bottom without irritating it.  1 cube made 8 oz of solution, and I am sure you could stretch it much further.  8 oz lasted about a week, putting the price per hiney wipe at rock bottom (pun intended).

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Cloth Diapers Diaper Rash

Chugging along

>We’ve been using 6 bumgenius per day, which means we have to use 2-4 disposables per day.  Sometimes more.

I’ve got a good system & washing routine down and I’m loving them.  I do wish I had enough for at least a day and a half though.  I end up having to stay up late waiting for the washing machine so i can hang them to dry in order to be able to use them in the morning.

It’s very apparent that the cloth is helping his rash, though he is always red after a night in sposies, even when slathered with diaper cream.

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