“Necessity is the mother of invention.” That is said so often, but the more WAHMs I meet, the more true I realize it is! Tiffany, the creator of Sand Gone sent me a container of her product (free) to try. Even before I received it I was thinking what an awesome idea it was!

Sand Gone is a powder made from vegetable and plant starches, with an amazing, coco-nutty, beach-y fragrance.

Though we don’t get to “real” sand terribly often, my kids love the sandbox. Me? Not so much. I love that they have fun (and the break it gives me to sit back and watch!) but last year I didn’t love the grains of sand all over my floors! No matter how hard I tried to get the sand off of them before we came inside, I always ended up with sand all over the place. Since we are getting snow at the end of march (!), Tiffany sent me a little baggie of sand so I could try Sand Gone now.

I patted Sand Gone onto my sandy, wet skin (shudder) and…

I brushed my hands together, and the sand came right off. My skin was soft, sooth, and smelled great. It wasn’t super-strong, but I kept sniffing it, LOL. I set the container by the door we come in from playing, and I’m looking forward to a summer of sand-free floors. 😉
Giveaway: Sand Gone is offering one of my readers a full size (8 oz) sand gone. (ARV $12.95.) Entries go in the Rafflecopter form below.
I received a product at no cost for review purposes. I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.
I think your first entry option is a holdover from the new BG giveaway 🙂
Thanks Carolyn. I rarely, if ever, put anything other than “click” for the first entry, so I totally forgot that was there! 🙂