Smart Bottoms 3.1 Organic, USA Made AIO Cloth Diapers

Change-Diapers received a free diaper for review purposes. We were not otherwise compensated for this post and all opinions are our own. Smart Bottoms cloth diapers are made in the USA and the brand offers a variety of covers, inserts, swim diapers, wet bags, trainers and both newborn and one size all-in-ones.

We received the “Incredible” superhero print and when my 4 year old saw it, he wanted to keep it. I reminded him that he didn’t wear diapers anymore and he still wanted to keep it just to look at it, ha ha.

The Smart Bottoms 3.1 is estimated to fit babies from 10-35 pounds and has 4 rise settings.

There are a total of 10 layers of certified organic cotton, and you can fold the soaker to suit your baby.
Here is the extra-small rise setting:




Katie says: My Super Hero obsessed boys were pretty excited about this diaper. I started off by prepping it- washing it about twice before the first use. Then we used it for a short period, keeping in mind that it wouldn’t be as absorbent, then washed again. I washed it roughly 4 times before really using it. It’s recommended to wash around 6-8 times before it’s absorbent enough. I tossed it in the dryer each time with my other inserts to help with the prepping process.

Being 100% Organic Cotton, it’s extremely soft and absorbent. During the day, the Smart Bottom 3.1 does an amazing job. We had no leaking issues. We even used it during a long nap time and out during errands and still, no leaking. This diaper is extremely absorbent, but also pretty trim. There is not a lot of bulk when using this diaper. We got a pretty decent fit as well.

I’m not a super huge fan of the way the leg elastics are on these, I’ve tried another brand that had the leg elastics this way and had issues getting the right fit with that one. However, I managed to get past my dislike for the casing and managed to get a great fit anyway. We attempted to use this overnight. It lasted almost all night. Up until the very last roughly 2.5 hours of sleep. It was a rough night of sleep anyway with a lot of nursing, so that probably plays a factor into leaking. However, I’d bet that if you don’t have a heavy wetter you might be able to use this diaper overnight. I probably will try again with adding some extra absorbency, but this works perfectly for the daytime, it will primarily be our daytime diaper.

You can shop for Smart Bottoms at cloth diaper stores all over the world. “Like” Smart Bottoms on Facebook, follow @SmartBottomsInc on Twitter, Smart Bottoms on Pinterest and Smart Bottoms on Instagram.
What is your favorite Smart Bottoms product? I’m kind of in love with their hanging wet bag!
LOKs like if she would have brought the rise down at least one, it would fit better.