Tag Archives: designer disposables

Cloth Diapers

What is Pampers Up To?


I’ve posted before about “designer disposables,” both here and on Facebook. It’s clear that disposable diaper companies are a little threatened that “they’re cute” is a valid reason for ditching sposies and switching to cloth. Lots of other people have blogged in depth about their most recent campaign for special diapers to go with special outfits yada yada and the sposies on the clothesline, so I won’t go into that too much.

Now, I’m not a sposie hater that thinks that disposable diapers and the people who use them are awful. My daughter was disposable diapered for a little over 2 years, my son just over 5 months. However, had I known then what I know now about cloth (or a fraction of it really) I never would have used a single one! I do think disposable diapers are expensive, wasteful (in many ways) and we really don’t know what the long term health effects of the chemicals really are. I know disposable diapers are very useful for many people in many situations, but what can I say? I love my cloth. I don’t want people to think we cloth users look down on (gasp) sposie users since I want to bring more of them to the dark fluffy side. (Tee-hee.)

I’m particularly bothered by this trend of spending an exorbitant amount of money on a “special” disposable product, when you can get a “special” reusable product for the same cost. I don’t judge people for what they choose to spend their money on, but it would be silly if someone paid a zillion bucks to have fancy paper plates shipped from Europe for a party, instead of spending the same bucks on some lovely fine china to use, keep, sell, lend, donate etc. If you have the money to spend, good for you! You have obviously worked hard to get to where you are, spend it how you like. But why accept an inferior product for the same price? Especially when it will be thrown away? Maybe it’s because I’ve had to stretch a single income over a growing family for so long. Maybe it’s because of the “penny wise, pound foolish” lessons I’ve learned over the years? In any case, it seems silly. Doesn’t a diaper cover (like the little bloomers that come with some baby girl dresses) make more sense than a printed disposable anyway?

I’ve been trying to put my finger on just what it reminds me of. $15 for a case of printed paper towels to cover your Thanksgiving table, instead of spending the same amount on a cloth? Buying a couple of knockoff purses that fall apart after 1 use but cost the same as one designer purse that goes with everything? I don’t know. I need to think about this some more. Maybe like Cinderella’s dress (and all the goodies) that went *poof* at midnight (if she didn’t have a fairy Godmother to *poof* them there for free in the first place?) Getting a French manicure before digging a garden with your bare hands (yeah they’ll get ruined in two minutes, but at least they’ll look nice?)

Oh and so what happens when you have a massive sposie blowout, and now the outfit you bought those sposies to match is no longer in the picture? (True story, we have one pic of my daughter in her baptism gown!) Mmkay so now I’ve gone off on a tangent, totally away from the point of this post!

Though I haven’t used a disposable diaper in over 20 months, I do still collect the “freebie” pampers points codes they put out there. Why not? Free stuff is free stuff, right? Well recently they have been posting codes on their Twitter account that are valid only until the end of the day. I have a specific site I lurk to grab the codes, I don’t follow them on Twitter!

Well here’s why I’m suspicious: Today’s code (yesterday’s by the time you read this) was TWITTERCNGCLOTH. Yeah. CLOTH. OK, no biggie.

I really wanted to know why they were putting out a code with “cloth” in it, so I had to go to their Twitter account to see what was up. (Picture Sherlock Holmes with a laptop.) That’s where I found out where they are doing a trivia type thing where they release the code once someone guesses correctly. See below.

“Is everybody ready for some trivia? We are going to play ‘Guess what’s in my diaper bag’ for GTG points.” “Clue one: Even though this is my first baby, I know I need plenty of these in my diaper bag! What do you think it is? ^Cathy .” The answer was baby wipes, and the code was TWITTERDIPEWIPE. Next: “2 more items in my diaper bag today. What are they? Want a hint?^Cathy .” The answer was keys & wallet and the code was TWITTERKEYWALET.

When I went to stalk their account to figure out why they were using codes with “CLOTH” in them, it said: “Oops! I sent out the free code today w/out the question! Looks like everyone is getting off easy today lol Enjoy TWITTERCNGCLOTH 5pts ^Cathy.”

So color me suspicious but boy do I wonder what the question today was supposed to be! Was it a burp cloth? CNGCLOTH…a changing pad and burp cloth? Was it “What icky gross thing do some people use but not us because we’re using horrifically overpriced but not as cute printed sposies??”

Then again, I’m the type who walks into a room at the same time chatter stops, and gets paranoid that everyone was saying nasty things about me!

What do you think about “designer disposables?”

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Cloth Diapering

The future of Cloth, Part I of ? Cloth and Disposables

>When I asked for Mailbox Mondays submissions back in August, Hannah gave me the following idea for a post:

I think this would make an interesting blog post:

What do you think or hope cloth diapering will be like in the future (5-10 years)?


Interesting indeed, but as long winded as I am, even when I am trying to keep it short, I could never fit it all in one post.  I had thought about writing a post about what my “dream” diaper would be, but I think this is even better.
As I thought about this, it got me thinking…why haven’t disposable diaper companies gotten in on the action, instead of attacking cloth diaper users?  I don’t know if anyone followed the Pampers Dry Max debacle, but there were a lot of fingers pointed at the cloth diapering community, saying that we were making it up/instigating it to further our “agenda.”
With designer disposables actually selling at their crazy prices, people clearly want a cute diaper.  GroVia and gDiapers both make disposable inerts/soakers for their covers, so why aren’t the big names in disposables getting in on the act?
Now, if they did, I would expect it to be a marketing scheme; I wouldn’t expect inserts they manufactured to be compostable or flushable.  But really, why not?  They could sell their own covers, or even just make a durable disposable cover that could be reused several times.  They could make a thin soaker, maybe even work on making it compostable/flushable.
All of my thoughts on the future of cloth diapering are pretty intertwined, but maybe the baby step of getting disposable diaperers used to the concept would be a step in the right direction?
On a totally different tangent, I think another huge leap in the right direction would be getting the free disposables out of hospitals.  I know that even the biggest cloth diaper companies don’t have infinitely deep pockets, but what if we “practiced” diapering babies with cloth diapers in the classes at hospitals?  What if every hospital used prefolds and covers on newborns instead of disposables? 
I know that will happen at about the same time they start refusing the formula freebies but hey, even a choice would be huge!  In fact, if I had the money (or the sponsorship) I would LOVE to take some diapers over to my local hospitals, and offer a quick Q&A on cloth during all of the new parent classes!

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Designer disposables (and the time I wore a diaper-on my leg)


I had heard of the new “designer” Cynthia Rowley Pampers, but just noticed them in the Target Ad today.  $14.99 for 23 size 4 diapers?!  *gulp*

I’ll say, I’m not a “sposie hater.”  I used them for my daughter for 2+ years and on my son for 4+ months.  My daughter never had issues with diaper rash, though my son did (which is really what made me finally make the switch.)

Do I regret it?  Yes!  Mostly because I could have an  awesome stash of cloth diapers (or a diamond ring for that matter!) for the money I threw away on disposable diapers.

I’m cheap frugal, so I stockpile; diapers were no exception.  I worked sales, coupons, special offers etc. to get diapers from 8 cents each (name brand.)  I would buy them if I needed them if they were under 22 cents each.  For wipes my price was around 2.5 cents per wipe.  Now, that led to the problem of how many to stockpile.  I’m a worrier, so it stressed me out.  I was often left with too-small diapers to get rid of.

Speaking of too small diapers, it wasn’t just that they were too small, they had blowouts all the time.  I joke that I’m hardly doing more laundry now with cloth since we had so many wardrobe changes with sposies.

Then, there was the trash.  The pails were stinky, I had to keep on top of emptying them, then smell them again on trash day.  I’ll admit that at the time, I was more concerned with my convenience than the environment, but now the thought of all those diapers in a landfill sickens me.

When you get down to it, the reason I didn’t cloth diaper my daughter was ignorance.  If it weren’t for the cost, I would have been interested in the new Pampers.  I’m not into “character” stuff, it’s just not my thing.  So I hated seeing purple stripes through her clothes and Sesame Street characters peeking out of her pants.  Now I know that cloth diapers are easy, fun and addictive.  That they pay for themselves in no time, and even the plainest cloth diaper is cuter than the cutest disposable!!

Speaking again of money, I love being able to change my son whenever, without worrying about the cost.  You figure even at a good price, a diaper change costs you a quarter or more for a diaper and wipe or two. 
Even though disposable diaper manufacturers try to say you should change after every “use,” really, how many people do that?  I know some kids are just super soakers, but I was able to get a diaper to hold 5 cups of water in my little experiment.  Really?  I think they are more absorbent so you don’t have to change after every pee.  Even my doctor would say oh, I think you can get a little more use out of that, and close the diaper back up after checking her.  Sometimes we’d change 3 diapers just in the doctor’s office!
At 65 cents per diaper, do you really want to change it after an hour or two? 
So, about my wearing a diaper.  I received samples of the new, ultra-thin (and somewhat controversial) disposable diaper in the mail.  So, I decided one evening to wrap one around my leg and see what happened.  I’ll be honest, I was hoping it would give me some awful rash, ’cause that would make for some good blogging.
Alas, it did not, and while I took pictures, I won’t even bother posting them.  OK a few pics, LOL.  They’re not very exciting, I took them myself.
I started with a dry diaper and it instantly felt itchy and scratchy, especially at the leg openings.  No way would I want  to wear one of these on my bottom!

After an hour, I poured some water in and put it back on.  Each hour, I took a pic of my leg, added more water and put it back on.  Now, granted this was water and not urine.  I will do a lot in the name of my blog, but I have to draw the line somewhere!

After a while, the diaper warmed up to my body temp and felt squishy.  I actually forgot I had it on until I stood up from the couch!

I haven’t done this with a cloth diaper, so I really can’t guess what this means for potty training.  I’ve heard that cloth diapered kids tend to train (learn) sooner, but I don’t know if the soft, stay dry and comfy fabrics of today’s diapers make a difference.

My hubby didn’t blink when I put a diaper on my leg, but he sure looked at me funny when he caught me in the kitchen with a diaper, measuring cup & scale.  That diaper is a good 3 inches thick I think!
5 cups of water!  Won’t someone please change my diaper?!
Anyway, if you can afford to spend 15 bucks on 3 days worth of diapers, consider cloth!  In a month’s time, you could have a day’s worth of Smartipants diapers or a great stash of a hybrid/all-in-two system or prefolds & covers.  If nothing else, you could use them until they had paid for themselves (saving the money you had not spent on disposables) then sell them and buy something even cuter and nicer! 
Use them for another child, sell them…heck you could  donate them and still be way ahead of where you’d be had you used disposables!
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