Tag Archives: Diaper Need

Cloth Diapering

Donate During Diaper Need Awareness Week & You Could Be Rewarded!

Did you know that September 8-14, 2014 is Diaper Need Awareness week? The National Diaper Bank Network began this to raise awareness of families choosing between food, diapers and utilities. Giving Diapers, Giving Hope is a fantastic solution for diaper need. To date, the charity has helped about 600 families and shipped almost 11,000 cloth diapers to qualified families.

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Cloth Diapering

Stop Dismissing Cloth Diapers as a Solution for Diaper Need

#clothdiapers are a valid solution to solve #diaperneed - diaper need

Stop Dismissing Cloth Diapers as a Solution for Diaper Need

Diaper need is a real problem and cloth diapers are a real solution. There is no government program that provides diapers to families in need, and far too many families are left to choose between things like food and utilities, or diapers for their baby. There are charities and organizations that collect donated disposable diapers and distribute them to families however, it is generally not enough to diaper a baby full time, and many families are left to “stretch” a single diaper for the whole day, or even scrape and reuse them.

It seems that every few months, there is another article bring awareness to the issue of diaper need, and every time, cloth diapers are immediately dismissed as an option. Providing disposable diapers is a band aid. Cloth diapers are the cure, and many arguments against cloth are nothing more than misconceptions.

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