We spend the majority of our time downstairs and consequently, that’s where I change most of my son’s diapers. Our half bath is pretty stark, and I’ve been looking for some wall art or something ever since we moved here. More recently, I’ve been looking at bathroom furniture.
When I change a dirty diaper, I clean it out in the bathroom, then take it to the laundry room (also on the first floor) and store it in my Planet Wise large hanging wet bag. Really, this works for us, but I wish I had some storage space in the bathroom.
The bathroom just has a toilet and pedestal sink, so there’s nowhere to put anything really. My apologies in advance for “too much information” but after more than two years, my “monthly cycle” has returned, and I’m left running upstairs and back down every time I need to “take care of business.”
I really want to try Mama Cloth (don’t point and laugh and call me a sposie user, even though I deserve it!!) but this is the bathroom that my kids, husband, as well as any guests use. I thought about putting a wet bag in here for diapers, but I don’t really have anywhere to put/hang it. I’d love to have a cabinet that goes over the toilet, which would not only fill the empty space and make the room seem cozier, but give me a place to put stuff. I don’t know that I really want to leave a small wet bag for used mama cloth, or clean mama cloth just laying on the floor.
Not only that, but it would give me a place to hang another wet bag for diapers, a place to store a scraper for dirties (I know, I know, I need to buy a sprayer!) and a place for air freshener and spare TP. I’ve been left stranded with an empty tube more than once!
How about you? Do you have a diaper pail or wet bag in the bathroom? If you use mama cloth, where do you keep your stuff?
>A toilet in the laundry room, huh? That's really handy for diapers!!That reminds me of this hosue I looked at a loonnnggg time ago in a super low price range where they were all fixer uppers…it had this random toilet like in this covered porch area when you came in the back door. Hooked up and all, just…there. It was so weird! LOL Random but it made me think of that!
>My bathroom has a cabinet above the toilet when I moved upstairs, even though we have cabinets under the sink. I totally love it and that's where I put all my Mama stuff so no little ones can reach it. I change the majority of my daughters dipes downstairs though, in our laundry room we have a toilet and a utility sink in there as well so I have been very lucky to be able to store the diaper pail in there and use the toilet thats right there as well.
>We have a stick on "hook" on the wall next to the toilet, like this: http://cableorganizer.com/hooks/ but ours is silver and looks more permanent than it is. We hang a medium wetbag on the hook, and have a woven basket on top of the toilet which is filled with family cloth wipes. My mama cloth I keep in the linen closet (which is in that room, our only bathroom). I rinse mama pads in the sink and toss them in the wetbag along with wipes and rinsed poopy diapers. If the bag gets full before laundry day, I just move it to the nursery hook, and replace it with a fresh one. It works pretty well for us 🙂
>My diaper supplies are all over the house. My house is one story and the kids/guest bathroom is down the hall right off of the living room so that's where the diaper sprayer and hanging Fuzzibunz bag is. I haven't completely converted to cloth wipes yet (I've only been cd since September) so I change my kids in either my daughter's room or the living room, then have to go to the kitchen to dump the wipes in the trash, and then to the bathroom to spray and store the diaper. The clean diapers live on top of the dryer most of the time. I plan on placing a shelf over the dresser I use as a changing table in my daughter's room, and stacking dipes and supplies up there, and also getting a trashcan to place a pail liner in so I have a place to drop the pee diapers instead of having to drop it on the floor during the change (no room on the dresser) and then take it to the bathroom afterwards. I also need to fix a basket for the living room with clean diapers, liners, etc. so it's all right there at my fingertips. I don't use mama cloth, but I'm not against trying it. The toilet cabinet thing and over door hook sound like the way to go!
>Wow, your bathroom sounds nice!!I was looking at the Diva cup a while ago, but I think I remember reading somewhere that it didn't work well for women with tipped uteruses (uterii? LOL!)
>The guy who had our house before us was apparently good at woodworking, so our bathroom has this nice pantry, in addition to the cupboard under the sink.Clean diapers are in E's bedroom, but I keep the diaper pail next to sink. I rinse in the sink and toss them in the pail.You SO should try a Diva Cup! I just switched this month and only had 1 extremly minor leak (I had it in not quite right) but I freaking love this thing!!!!!!!
>Sarala, you can fold wipes to pop up & store them in an old wipe container. http://www.youtube.com/changediapers#p/a/u/2/tMC6LHfuldYOoh the over the door hook is a great idea! I think I may even have one. I do need a diaper sprayer and the cabinet. And some mama cloth… Darn, I should have married for money! 😉 With my DD I only got 10 mos "off" after she was born. I was lucky this time! Katie, our clean dipes are on a ledge beside the couch. If I spent $ on an organizer, they'd just get torn out 100x a day anyway!!
>My bathroom leaves space to be desired as well. I just got a Potty Pail with sprayer, and I'll have to store it in the bathtub when not in use. I hate taking my drippy stinky diaper to the bedroom where the diaper "can" is, and keep saying I need a hanging Planet Wise bag, but there's always something else to put the $$ towards. Right now I use garbage bags in my diaper can. Does anyone have any suggestions for where to store cloth wipes? Right now they're by the sink in the bathroom so I can get one wet on my way to the bedroom where most diapers get changed.
>Unfortunately, our laundry is right off the kitchen and its just in its own little closet. I have no other choice but to hang a wet back off the door of that closet. I, too, spend most of my time downstairs as I watch two boys during the day along with my little one. To run up and down the stairs is a pain. The fresh diapers are left on the back of a chair in the living room. Sanitary, I know. Our bathroom downstairs is mighty small as well. I can't bring myself to put anything in there diaper-wise.
>I have my diaper bucket in the laundry room. I actually use to use a pail but none work well. So now I use a plastic storage bin that has a locking lid.
>Dude that was such a double entendre. Not only is it overhead, like while you're sitting on the toilet, it's literally over your head, but it's also over HEAD — as in what sailor's call the toilet. Ah a ha ha ha. Sorry. Got to tell my hubby that one.
>Okay if I were you, I'd put in the toilet over head cabinet thingamabob. That way you can put toilet paper and necessities in it, and it's off the floor, over 'head' kind of. Tee hee. As far as your wetbag goes? If you want my honest, honest opinion, you could EITHER get a small trash can and put your wetbag IN it and put a lid on it, OR you could simply get an OVER THE DOOR HOOK. Probably cost you about.. 7 or 8 bucks at most. When guests come over, you can simply take the hook down, store it in the cabinet, and take the wetbag back to the laundry room or upstairs, or wherever. And get a SPRAYER already! Lol. As far as your mama cloth, I thought most people just put it IN with the diapers, woman. Right now, I don't use mama cloth. I DID nurse my baby, but my cycle came back in JAN when my baby was born in OCT. Minus all of Nov for part partum stuff and I basically got December 'off'… You are SO freaking lucky. I didnt' get much of a break. If I get preggo again, I may get mama cloth for postpartum and see how it goes. I may not use it all the time, but for that extended period post partum, it would be nice.