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Bumgenius Elemental Cloth Diapers Old vs. New Style Comparison

I bought a Bumgenius Elemental in 2010 for my older son. I had only been cloth diapering for about a year at that point, but I was quickly figuring out what type of diapers I preferred. When my older son potty trained, my stash that felt like not-quite-enough-for-2-children, was a bit overwhelming for just one! I pared down my stash and donated diapers that weren’t my favorites, and this one didn’t make the cut. As I just posted this week, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad diaper, it just means it’s not my favorite. 🙂 I was definitely intrigued by the changes and wanted to offer you a side by side comparison, so here it is. Two spankin’ new Bumgenius Elementals; one old style, one new, compared. (side note, no idea what is wrong with my *&*^&* picture color. My white balance looks great on the camera screen, then on the computer…blue. Edit pictures?? Ain’t nobody got time fo dat! 😉 This post better shows what Dazzle actually looks like!)
Another Friday, another cloth diaper giveaway roundup! Don’t miss any posts! Subscribe to our new RSS Feed or subscribe via email.
435 people entered this giveaway, with 1141 entries in all.

It’s no secret that I love RenewLife Probiotics! In fact, I have been taking them daily for quite literally years, and had an automatic subscription so I’d never run out! When they were no longer offered on auto-subscribe, I ended up missing a few days, and I swore I’d never run out again! I received samples of the Ultimate Flora probiotics, which are sold in drug and grocery stores.