Every Monday, I post a reader’s question, and ask you to help me answer. Don’t miss any posts! Subscribe to our new RSS Feed or subscribe via email.

I receive lots of emails from people asking for tips & advice on starting a blog. I’ve thought about writing a post laying out all the advice I give, but I haven’t sat down to do it yet! If I could do things over, I would start out on self-hosted WordPress (affiliate link) from day one. I think a lot of people buy their URL, then don’t put a ton of thought into their host. You want a host that will have minimal down time, great speed, and enough storage and bandwidth. WP Engine offers month to month contracts with no set up fees.
Once you have your hosting, try the StudioPress Theme Selection Tool to find the theme you like. StudioPress.com has tons of themes to choose from, and they’re very simple to set up.

I love WordPress. I had heard people say it was more difficult to use than Blogger, but I love how customizable it is, and that I can use plug-ins rather than having to edit code to make changes. I remember having to add code to number my comments in Blogger, and worrying about messing up my entire blog if I forgot a quote or a carrot!
Try WordPress hosting risk-free for 60 days and then check out StudioPress Themes. Apply as a WP Engine affiliate and/or StudioPress affiliate!
Post contains affiliate links.
Once a week, I list all of the giveaways I’ve found, so you can enter what you like without having to hunt for them. Don’t miss any posts! Subscribe to our new RSS Feed or subscribe via email.

I’ve been using Bummis Swimmi swim diapers for almost three years now, and Bummis recently sent me complimentary products from their new sun line to review.

I love Bumgenius 4.0 pocket diapers, so I get a little over-excited when Cottonbabies announces a new print/color. I was curious about what the new “oops” limited edition color would look like in person, and I know some of you were too. So, here are photos…they’re not really my cup of tea, so I’m hosting a self-sponsored giveaway for both diapers I bought!