I purchased the pictured item myself. Post contains affiliate links. I’ve used CJ’s BUTTer in the past, and I now have a new favorite form…CJ’s in a tube!

It’s also my son’s favorite, if you can’t tell by the grubby handprints on the label. 😉 The 4 oz squeeze tubes retail for $9.50 each, and are available in a variety of all-natural EO scents, unscented and fragrance oils. Like the tub format, the CJ’s in a tube is great for boo boos, scrapes, dry skin, and diaper rash. It is “cloth safe” when used sparingly (use a liner to be on the safe side) and smells wonderful.
I find it easier and less messy to use than the tubs, but I do find it sometimes needs a little shake before opening when it’s particularly warm in the house, so a bit of oil doesn’t come out when I open it. A little goes a long way whether you choose the tube, tub, stick or spray formats!
Have you tried CJ’s? What’s your favorite format and scent?