Katie received complimentary product for review purposes. All opinions are her own. Post contains affiliate links. Margaux and May is an Eco-friendly brand that uses only the best quality materials including 100% organic cotton. They’re focused on the quality of their products and also pay very close attention to detail.
Katie received products at no cost for review purposes. Change-Diapers was not otherwise compensated for this post and all opinions are Katie’s.
Rain is a company that creates handmade bath and body products as well as handcrafted home ware using natural ingredients with African origins. All Rain products are responsibly handmade with love and care for their customers, craftspeople and the environment. Rain has a variety of products to choose from. You can find baby products, home fragrances, soaps, aromatherapy products and much more!
Katie received a product at no cost for review purposes. Change-Diapers was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are Katie’s. Trashy Crafter was created in July of 2011 when mother/daughter duo Kim and Helen were at a local thrift store and saw old, damaged books being thrown away. Ever since then, they have been gathering books that were headed to the trash to give them a new purpose. So Kim remembered back to 3rd grade when she was taught how to make paper beads. Once she made some bracelets, she wore them around and got so many compliments, she decided she would make them for others to wear as well.

Katie received a product at no cost for review purposes. Change-Diapers was not otherwise compensated for this post and all opinions are Katie’s. The Cossettie Changing Mat is a compact and lightweight changing mat that easily fits into diaper bags or even your purse. The changing mat provides plenty of coverage to make sure while you’re changing your little one, they are laying on a clean surface. The mat is large enough that it covers public restroom changing tables and is great for changing diapers in the car, on the ground, on the floor or anywhere else you would need to change your little one. The mat is attached to a bag which allows you to fold and store it without it taking up much room in your diaper bag. With the bag being attached to the changing mat, you’ll never have to worry about losing the bag. It also makes it extremely easy to carry around.
Aden + Anais (pronounced AY-dun and uh-NAY) is a well known company that has a variety of products from skin care, laundry care, adult daydream blankets to swaddle blankets for your little ones (just to name a few). Aden + Anais believes in using muslin because of it’s breathability and natural it’s natural softness and durability. Their products go through a rigorous course of testing before they hit the market because they keep safety as a top priority. Their signature iconic prints make them unique and make them who they are. They have a meaning behind each and every one of their designs.