Author Archives: Maria

Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.
Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 7/19/10


This is the new weekly feature where I will answer reader submitted questions. They can be about cloth diapers or accessories, babywearing etc., but they don’t need to be within the scope of this blog. I’ll answer questions about blogging, myself, whatever.

Send any questions you have to at gmail dot com. I will always answer any questions you have, but if you would like it to be answered in the Mailbox Mondays Post, please indicate Mailbox Mondays in your email subject.

If you missed my Bumgenius 4.0 review and giveaway post this weekend, be sure to check it out!

Here are the first few questions from Valerie:

How often do you wash the planet wise bag?  (She’s asking about the Planet Wise Large (hanging) wet bag that I use as a pail.)

I used to wash it every time but that seemed silly. Now I wash it every 2nd or 3rd time I wash dipes. Gross maybe, but when it’s empty, I give it a quick whiff. If I fall over, I wash it. Otherwise, I just leave it unzipped to air out until I put the next diaper in it.

Do you really need to use microfiber {inserts} or can you have all hemp and bamboo?

There are lots of diapers with just hemp or just bamboo and that’s totally fine. What I like about the microfiber/hemp combo is that the microfiber gets the moisture away from their bottom quickly, and the hemp really locks the moisture in. Hemp is really thirsty!

For peanut buttery poop, do you really need to get rid of it before washing it? Will it not just get washed and go down the drain?
I wouldn’t put a diaper with a big old mess in it, right into the wash. I just shake/scrape off whatever comes off easily, but I don’t spend a lot of time on it. Maybe twice, I’ve had some stuff (yuck, sorry) that didn’t get washed away, and I have to wipe down the inside of the washer. When my son was still mostly breastfed with some solids, I didn’t scrape them at all, but the poop wasn’t that super sticky (yuck, sorry again!) consistency at that time.
What do you use bagwise when on the go?  Do you remove the inserts from the diaper before you toss it in the bag?
I use a planetwise wet/dry bag on the go. I take the inserts out before I put them in the bag. That way I just dump them without having to touch them again.
I hope these were helpful.  How about you guys?  How often do you wash your wet bags?  What’s your favorite insert?  What’s your poop situation?  What do you use on the go?
Remember to send me any questions you’d like answered!

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Cloth Diapers Giveaway One Size Diapers Pocket Diapers Review Snap Closure Velcro/Aplix Closure

Bumgenius 4.0 Review, Comparison to 3.0

bumgenius 4.0

I don’t usually post giveaways on the weekends, since the internet is closed on weekends and all.  <—-According to my Aunt Becky.  <—-Not my real Aunt.  I’m going to be a daredevil and do it anyway!

I forewarn you that this post has a lot of yapping and a lot of pictures.
Before I get started – I’m quite happy about the improved Velcro, but we’ll have to see how it pans out in the long run.  I was a little disappointed with all the hype about the “new” product. It had me panicking that my favorite diapers were being discontinued. I’m glad that it was just a 4.0 but mad at myself for getting caught up in all the speculation.

So here’s what was new:

  1. Slightly larger to fit bigger babies.
  2. Improved Velcro and laundry tabs.
  3. Snap closure option.
  4. More easily replaceable elastic.
  5. 3 extremely pale pastels.  Noodle (yellow), sweet (green) and bubble (lavender.)
I bought myself a 4.0 in Velcro in the “sweet” color.  A winner gets the same, plus a snap closure 4.0 in the “noodle” color.  I didn’t buy myself a snap closure diaper, so there’s no detailed review of it.  However, as you can see above, it looks nearly identical to the Flip.
I suspected that the sizing would be very similar to the flip, and it appears I was right.
As you can see in the above pictures, the colors (can’t speak about “bubble” since I didn’t buy one) are extremely light.  They almost look like an item made of two different fabrics that start out the same color, but wear differently over time.  Then after a while, they are slightly off. 
As you can see here, the contrast to something white (white paper, the white Velcro, white inner etc.) is what makes the diaper not look totally white.
The story is that many parents were asking for lighter colors that wouldn’t show through newborn clothing. I remember being annoyed by the characters on disposable diapers showing through pale baby clothing.
I find the color names to be a bit confusing, but that’s true for all brands.  I already had a hard time remembering which blue and green were which. I definitely agree that descriptive color names like chocolate, root beer, platinum, cherry, raspberry, watermelon and the like, are more appealing.  However, it’s also very easy to imagine what color you’re getting based on the name.  In fact, I would expect that root beer and chocolate may be slightly different colors!  Noodle?  Sweet?  Bubble?  What the heck!  I had to check 3 times before I ordered to try to make sure I knew what I was getting.  That was especially difficult since the website was barely working and most of the images weren’t appearing thanks to all the traffic.
OK now I have to apologize in advance for using a 9 month old diaper in my comparison shots, it’s kinda gross.  But, it also lets you see what a Bumgenius 3.0 looks like after 9 months!  Plus, if I had bought a new one just for this comparison, the winner wouldn’t be getting two diapers.
I had a very tough time photographing the change to the elastic.  it’s very hard to see in the photo, but in the 3.0, there is a horizontal line of stitching at the end of the elastic.
Can you see it?  Yeah, me neither.  But it’s there.  I just can’t get a good photo of it.
The 4.0 doesn’t have that additional stitching, which should make elastic replacement easier.
This was the improvement I was happiest about.  The biggest problems I have with the BG are the stinky microfiber, (easily remedied with an occasional dab of bleach with the inserts only-sorry to the bleach haters, but it works) the &^%^* laundry tabs and resulting curling closure tabs, and all the snagging that ends up on the front of the diapers.
A lot of people end up doing a snap conversion when the tabs bite the dust, especially since their little ones are discovering the joy of rrriippppp-ing the Velcro around that time anyway.  You can also buy refresher kits from Cottonbabies and replace them, but I’m no seamstress.  We prefer Velcro at our house because it’s easy and very adjustable.  We just can’t go pants-less with them anymore! 
The closures didn’t stick to the old laundry tabs very well.  The new laundry tabs actually have the Velcro loop for the tabs to stick on to.  They are quite soft, so I really don’t think they would irritate baby’s skin.
Hanging the shells to dry seems to do a lot to preserve the life of both the closures and the elastic.  However, if the tabs don’t stick well, they will still snag other diapers in the washer.
So what about the sizing change?  I think the changes are subtle.  I’m sure there will be a few people that will have problems with the new sizing, but I may not have noticed without a comparison.  The overall length/rise of the diaper is slightly larger, but it seems the front/wings of the diaper saw the biggest change.  I do think the fit seems to be very close to the Flip. 
I wondered what the size change would mean for the small setting, since a 4th/newborn rise snap wasn’t added.  The changes seem slight enough that I don’t think they will make much difference for most people.  We started out at about 14 pounds on the medium setting, and I’ve heard people say they don’t start to fit well until around 10 pounds.  So, most people will need to have some newborn diapers anyway.  *shrug*  edit: It took me a while to notice, but the rise snap was moved down slightly on the 4.0, I suppose to make up for the larger size.
Next I compared each size setting on the 3.0 vs 4.0.  This of course isn’t an exact science, but I measured each diaper folded, then stretched.  This is a little subjective since depending on just how you flatten/stretch it, measurements can vary a bit.  But, it should give you an idea!
3.0, small setting, folded.
4.0, small setting, folded.
3.0, small setting, stretched.
4.0, small setting, stretched.
4.0 small vs. 3.0 small.
3.0, medium, folded.
4.0, medium, folded.
3.0, medium, stretched.
4.0, medium, stretched.
4.0 medium vs. 3.0 medium.
3.0 large, folded.
4.0, large, folded.
3.0, large, stretched.
4.0, large, stretched.
4.0 large vs. 3.0 large.
I’m a big fan of Bumgenius pocket diapers.  They are always the first hubby or I reach for.  They fit well, they are super easy to use and they simply don’t leak.  They have their faults like any other diaper, but nothing that would keep me from using them.
I could have done without the email saying with “heavy hearts” that they are “discontinuing” their “highly acclaimed” diapers.  While that technically was true, (3.0s were discontinued in favor of the 4.0s) it was misleading.  Cottonbabies didn’t reassure people (like me) that the diapers they loved would still be around, reinforcing the fear that the new product was a big change.
4.0, medium setting, ~17.5 lbs
3.0, medium setting, taken the same day as the above
The only appreciable difference to me right now (since only time will tell if the new Velcro is any better) is a slight funky-ness to the elastic placement.  I guess it’s from the wider wings?  I noticed it as I was photographing the diapers, but thought it might just be the way it was sitting.  If you look at the 4.0, the elastic stops much further down on his leg.  I may just need to get used to pulling the new, wider wings more firmly or something, I dunno.  edit: I think the difference might be due to the rise snap being moved down slightly.
Flip, medium setting, taken the same day as the other 2 photos.
This diaper is not white!
Wait for it…
Leaves little to the imagination, LOL

See the 4.0 on my newborn.

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for July 16th, 2010


Each Friday, I will post cloth diaper, babywearing and “green” giveaways that I’ve found, or that readers have submitted. The post will be accompanied by a linky where you may enter any family friendly (no “adult” products please!) giveaways, they do not need to be diaper related.

If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/babywearing/green giveaway you would like to be listed in the next giveaway roundup post, please email a link, blog name, giveaway title, end date and photo (if applicable) to at gmail dot com.

This week’s giveaway finds:

Applecheeks Swim Diaper from Wee Little Changes (ends 7/29)

Bumgenius 4.0 from Granola Babies and Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 7/23)

Nicki’s Best Bottom Diaper from The Crafty Nest (ends 7/30)

Kissaluvs Newborn Fitted Diaper from The Crafty Nest (ends 7/27)

Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag from The Crafty Nest (ends 7/28)

Sweet Pea AI3 Diaper (two winners) from The Nappy Shoppe (ends 7/25)

Bottombumpers AIO side snap diaper from Stuff Parents Need and The Diaper Wagon (ends 7/21)

Bummis training pant from The Cloth Diaper Report and Diaper Shops (ends 7/24)

Katydid Cloth Diaper from The Review Stew (ends 7/26)

Katydid Cloth Diaper from Liz Has a Life (ends 7/31)

Smartipants Diaper from The Eco-Cheap Mom (ends 7/23)

Smartipants Diaper from The Budget Mommy (ends 7/23)

Enivbum Cloth Diaper or Mom4Mom cover and liner from Two of a Kind Working on a Full House (ends 8/2)

Sprout Change Diaper from Mommy is Green and The Willow Store (ends 8/2) Open to the U.S. and Canada

One Thirsties Duo Hemp Prefold from The Cloth Diaper Retailer Cooperative and The Green Baby Store (ends 7/23) Requires a facebook “like” and a comment on the blog post for a single entry, one entry per person.

Bummas Wipes from Mom to bed by 8 (ends 7/29)

Reusable Bag from My Momologue (ends 7/20) This is adorable!

Sleepy Wrap from Mama B (ends 7/29)

Bummis Swim Diaper and Wet Bag, plus Moby UV Wrap from Feed Your Stash Friday (ends 7/22)

$20 Abby’s Lane Gift Certificate from Show Your Amor (ends 7/27)

Giveaways still running from last week:

Organic Beco Butterfly 2 Baby Carrier from My 365 to a size 5 (ends 7/29)
Beco Baby Carrier from Mama Notes (ends 7/19)

Ergo Baby Carrier from One Savvy Mom (ends 7/26)
Preston’s Pants Diaper ($20 gift certificate) from Organic Girl Open to the U.S. and Canada! (ends 8/4)
Thirsties Duo Diaper from The Crafty Nest (ends 7/29)

The Eli Monster Diaper from Homegrown Families (ends 7/20)

Disana Wool Cover from Homegrown Families (ends 7/20)

Happy Heiny’s Diaper from The Cloth Diaper Retailer Cooperative (ends 7/20)
Bumma’s Cloth Wipes from The Crafty Nest (ends 7/26)

3 Pair of Babylegs from HSUperparents (ends 7/22)

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below, and you can use the code to paste it into your own blog as well. The format Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Please view my post on where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up!

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Long time no see & a new feature coming

>Shame on me

I know it seems like I haven’t had much posted lately.  I’m so sorry!  40 lashes with a wet noodle colored Bumgenius 4.0 for me.

Giveaway stuffz

I’ve been working on things and stuff, I swear.  I’m trying to make sure that the Friday giveaway roundup posts have lots of great things listed and I’ve been pursuing more review/giveaway items.  I have 2+ giveaways on the way, as well as as 3+ review only items.  I’ve been looking into a lot of your suggestions, and there are a few of those that I may be able to do in a few months (manufacturers are backed up, or not accepting new reviewers right now.)  My Places to List your Giveaways post took me quite a while to compile, but hopefully it will be a good resource for some new bloggers!

New feature

I’m going to start a new weekly feature where I will answer reader submitted questions.  They can be about cloth diapers or accessories, babywearing etc., but they don’t need to be within the scope of this blog.  I’ll answer questions about blogging, myself, whatever.  I just ask that you be nice.  No “why is your nose so big?” or “why are you so stupid?”  I might just cry.

Send any questions you have to at gmail dot com.  I haven’t decided for sure what day I will do it or what I will call it, though I suppose the usual “mailbox Mondays” would work!  I will always answer any questions you have, but if you would like it to be answered in a post, please indicate (in the email subject or whatever) that your question is for that.

Face lifts

I’ve also been trying to do some nips and tucks on my blog.  A very talented family member happens to be a graphic designer, and he created the awesome new social networking icons for me.  I did indeed pay him for his valuable services, so those icons are mine.  Don’t go a-stealin’ ’em please.  He’s working on a logo for me also, so expect a giveaway entry for updating your button sometime in the near future.  My Facebook page is next on the to-do list.

New stuff

I signed up for StumbleUpon, Digg, Delicious & Reddit and added a stack of sharing icons in the left column (left column under “share the love.”)  If you like one of my posts, please do share it! 

I’m also looking into advertising and affiliate programs (I already have a few listed at the bottom of my links page.)  I want to keep this blog neat, clean, uncluttered and quick to load, filled with useful information, not junk. 

When you get down to it, more traffic and visitors=more/better reviews/giveaways.  If I can make a little money, that will allow me to do more of my own reviews/giveaways as well as advertising and making improvements that will in turn lead to more reviews and giveaways for you.  If you get a chance, take a look at what I have listed in my affiliate links section.  If they are places you order from anyway, I’d love for you to click through my links to place your order.  🙂

Wrap up of the blah blah blah

So please, submit your questions, don’t forget you can submit your cloth/babywearing/green/handmade giveaways to be featured in the giveaway roundup as well.

Remember you can contact me any time with questions or suggestions for features, posts, reviews etc.

Umm, I think that’s it for now.  If you read all this, get in line for an organic cookie, hee hee.  😀

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Giveaway Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Katydid Cloth Diaper Winner!


The winner of the Katydid Cloth Diaper is Lindsey!
Lindsey, I’ve emailed you, you have 48 hours to respond to claim your prize.
Please stay tuned, there is a bit of a lull (seems to be feast or famine around here!) but I have several more reviews and giveaways coming soon!
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