Author Archives: Michelle

IVF and loss mom, working on building her family after ten years of infertility. She's expecting a boy just before Thanksgiving, 2019! Michelle has an M.A.T. in education and specializes in child development, but her passion is motherhood empowerment. She's a cloth diaper enthusiast and believes in marrying environmentalism with frugality and every day living.
Cloth Diapering

My Five Frugal Newborn Diaper Stash Tips

Because I am a stay at home wife of a teacher, and because the Newborn stage is so short, we decided to try and pick up my entire stash used, or as cheaply as possible.

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Be Your Own Advocate

Being pregnant is hard. It’s just hard. 

Through a year of IVF, a loss, and now, 35.5 weeks pregnant I have one big piece of advice. I won’t tell you what to eat or how to live. I will tell you, however, and I cannot stress this enough:

Be your own advocate. 

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