I purchased this with a gift card I received as an Abe’s Market affiliate. I was not asked to write, nor was I compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. Post contains affiliate links. My boys and I all suffer from eczema, with the worst of it in the winter. My knuckles crack and bleed, while so far, my youngest son’s seems to be painless and not itchy, though it’s all over his arms, sometimes his legs, and even his cheeks.
My 5 year old’s skin is incredibly sensitive (his tush is what finally motivated us to switch to cloth) and we have to be careful about what products we use and how often he bathes. This winter hasn’t even begun and his eczema is already terrible. A few month’s ago I received a free Abe’s Market gift card as a thank-you for being an affiliate. They sell Babytime by Episencial products, which I’ve been curious about ever since Green Team began distributing them. Particularly since Episencial sunscreen is one of my favorites. I picked up the active repair eczema cream, which comes in a 2 oz jar and retails for $18.50 (on sale for $13.88 at the time of my writing). That seems pretty pricey, but we’ve had this for a few months and barely made a dent in it.

The cream is extremely thick, a cross between the texture of frosting and the texture of shortening, and a little goes a very long way.

I started by applying it to my younger son’s bumps, though I wasn’t very consistent. It did make a bit of a difference, but not really enough to show in photos. A few weeks ago, my older son had horrible, scaly excema on both arms and all over his stomach. We tried all sorts of lotions and even called the doctor (and emailed photos, thank goodness for technology)! At the suggestion of the doctor we even tried neosporin on the really bad areas, but my son cried that everything burned, and it didn’t seem to help.
He let me apply the Episencial cream, and didn’t say it hurt or burned at all. I had a harder time with his tummy because he said it tickled even if he rubbed it in himself! With just a few applications, we saw a really big difference.
I keep lotions and things put up and away so the kids don’t make a mess of them, but that means I forget about them since they aren’t in my face. I need to put it somewhere that I will remember to put it on my son every day preventively this winter!
Have you tried Babytime by Episencial products?