Post contains affiliate links. Once a week I publish a user submitted question. Don’t miss any posts! Subscribe to our RSS Feed or subscribe via email.

I purchased the pictured item myself. Post contains affiliate links. I’ve used CJ’s BUTTer in the past, and I now have a new favorite form…CJ’s in a tube!

I paid normal price for the pictured products; I was sent an incorrect product by mistake and am giving it away. Lil’ Outlaws was one of the first WAHM made “cloth safe” brands I encountered when I began cloth diapering in 2009. My favorite product is the Lil’ Outlaws Texas Ranger Rump Solution, which is “stars” you dissolve in warm water to make wipes solution. I was so sad when I heard the company was closing but the company is back in business, under new ownership!
Every Monday I post a reader question for everyone to answer. Don’t miss any posts! Subscribe to our new RSS Feed or subscribe via email.
Mailbox Mondays are when I answer a reader question, and ask the rest of you to help too! Don’t miss any posts! Subscribe to our new RSS Feed or subscribe via email.