Category : Personal Posts

Motherhood Personal Posts

Judgement in the Natural Parenting Community

The judgement of moms, especially in the natural parenting community

This is going to be one of those ramble-y posts. One of those things that has been rattling around in my brain for a long time and I need to get it out. Moms (and people in general) love to judge other moms. In my experience, it seems to be compounded in the “natural parenting” community. There’s this idea that if you cloth diaper, you must fit this other mold of what “a cloth dapering mom” is. Moms are made to feel guilty if they don’t fit this picture perfect, “crunchy” mold.

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Motherhood Personal Posts

My Worst Parenting Moment/the Day that Took 10 Years Off My Life

My Worst Parenting Moment To Date

I wasn’t sure I wanted to share this but thought it might help someone. So, I’m writing it, not re-reading it, and publishing it without second guessing myself. I should have known better. The child in this story, who took at least 10 years off my life on this fateful day, is the reason we have chain locks on all our exterior doors. A few years ago, I made the mistake of using the bathroom, heard the door open, and before I could even pull my pants up, he was in the front yard. Anyone who comes to our house must think we live in an unsafe area, but it’s to keep people in, not out.

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Motherhood Personal Posts

Untangled – a Must Read for Every Parent of a Tween Girl

Untangled - Every Parent of a Tween Girl Needs to Read This via @chgdiapers

Untangled – a Must Read for Every Parent of a Tween Girl

If you click through my links & buy I receive a small commission. I purchased the book myself. Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood by Lisa Damour, Ph.D. was recommended to me by several people, and after hunting for a used copy for a while, I finally bought one new. I cannot recommend Untangled enough and I think it should be required reading for any parent of a tween, or an adult family member who spends time with her.

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Humor Personal Posts

You Know You’re Old When…

You know you're old when Tracy Chapman's Fast Car is the one and only via @chgdiapers

My kids were testing out ring tones and one was called “Fast Car.” They say “oh I know this song” and my ears perked up because, well… Tracy Chapman’s “Fast Car,” obviously.

To quickly find the song on my phone I searched and imagine my shock and horror to find the “new” version. Nope, nope, nope. Nothing will ever compare to the original.

Yeah, I’m old. Now get off my lawn! *shakes fist*

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Cloth Diapering Personal Posts

Moving While Cloth Diapering: Is It Really That Bad?

moving while cloth diapering

At the end of May my husband had an interview for a job in Kentucky. Later that day, he was offered the job and accepted (of course). After that, it was crunch time because the process moved very fast. He had to get a certain security certification then we had to pack up and move from our home in Bloomington, Indiana to Kentucky. Normally people are concerned about the logistics of moving their entire family to a new state. Things like finding a new place to live, moving all belongings, coordinating traveling (in our case three vehicles) and settling in. There’s so much to think about. The first thing that went through my mind, “Oh my gosh. What will I do about all my cloth diapers?!” I was backed up on diaper laundry, like horribly backed up so I wasn’t sure how moving while cloth diapering would go.

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