Cloth Diaper Giveaway Roundup
Are you ready to enter cloth diaper giveaways? I’ve rounded up giveaways from all over the web and listed them for you. Subscribe to our RSS Feed or subscribe via email.
Are you ready to enter cloth diaper giveaways? I’ve rounded up giveaways from all over the web and listed them for you. Subscribe to our RSS Feed or subscribe via email.
I purchased this item myself. I was not asked to write, nor was I compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. Post contains affiliate links. When I was just a few weeks pregnant with my 5 year old, I got an amazing deal on two Britax Marathons. One was my daughter’s spare until her original seat expired, then it became her primary seat. The other was my son’s, and he inherited hers as well when she outgrew it. We got tons of use out of them, but they expire this month. My son is nowhere near ready for a booster so I researched & eventually settled on Britax combination seats.
I ended up choosing the Britax Frontier 90 for $234 from Amazon. Cheap? No. However with the weight & height limits, as well as 9-year expiration, I know my son will get tons of use out of it, and it may be the last seat I need to buy, either for him or his younger brother. One feature I was really looking forward to checking out was the click tight.
Post contains affiliate links. I took the Feeding Bytes course the last time it was offered and I am so glad I did. Two registered dietitian nutritionists used their knowledge and their own experience as mothers, to create an easy to follow course that will change the way you look at feeding your child.
This post was initially supposed to be a tongue in cheek tour of my not exactly Pinterest worthy house. I realized that it could be taken as a) Jealousy towards bloggers who have posted their lovely home tours or b) Humblebragging. I decided I was going to make this a learning experience for myself and try to look at our home in a different way. Seeing the good, the memories & the humor instead of the bad. I ended up learning more than I’d planned. The most surprising thing? Looking at the photos I took, I don’t see the dust, the sticky fingerprints, the dings on the floor, and the mess doesn’t seem as bad. So either the camera makes everything look nicer (in which case I don’t feel as terrible about these Pinterest homes) or I am really being too critical of my home.
We are very blessed. I know we are. 15 years ago I was living in a hotel room sized efficiency apartment, in a bad part part of town, and driving my rickety car to my $8/hr job. I eventually saved for a used couch, but sat on a folding chair & used cardboard boxes as tables for quite a while. If you’d dropped me into my current life then, I wouldn’t have believed it. Back then I had very little but I couldn’t have been happier and I don’t remember comparing myself to others or lamenting what I didn’t have. Today, I see these gorgeous, beautifully decorated homes on Pinterest and blogs, and I can’t help but feel down about my own. Old, ratty furniture, sweat on my brow just keeping up with the laundry, dishes, toys and junk, let alone deep cleaning. Why would it take me a full day of cleaning & re-arranging to even consider photographing my home? Well I didn’t (clean) and I did (photograph.)
I purchased the pictured items myself. I was not asked to write, nor was I compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. It’s actually not uncommon for kids to wet the bed until age 8 (sometimes even later.) Each child is different and boys in particular can take a bit longer. Certainly discuss with your doctor, but if medical issues have been eliminated, you have lots of options. You can do bedwetting alarms, waking your child through the night, limiting drinks etc.
We have taken a gentle approach and though we’ve tried several things, our son simply isn’t ready to stay dry every night. As is typical for kids not developmentally ready to stay dry at night, he will stay dry when he doesn’t sleep soundly (like when we are sleeping away from home) but otherwise sleeps right thorough it. Many families use disposable pull ups at night, which are outrageously expensive, and I know my son’s sensitive skin couldn’t handle them (we made the switch to cloth diapers because of this.) In our hope that this would be a temporary issue, we’ve made due with what we had, even using Bumgenius 4.0s with stretched out elastic, and stuffing them to the gills (with varied success – often pants were wet if not the whole bed.) I chatted with the ladies in the Super Undies booth at ABC and ended up ordering a pair of Super Undies nighttime undies.