Since we use cloth diapers, blowing money on disposables isn’t a factor in my desire to potty train my almost 3 year old son. So my potty training “method” didn’t lead to quick training like it did with my daughter, but I still stand by it. I don’t think there’s a “one-size fits all” method for potty training, and I think when people swear that xyz had their child trained in a weekend, it was simply because the child was ready & the method was right for them & their personality.
I had never used a Tots Bots Easy Fit diaper, but I did use the newborn version, a Tini Fit. Like the Tini Fit, the Easy Fit is made by Tots Bots in Glasgow, Scotland, and distributed in the U.S. by Bummis.
Bummis sent me one of the new version Easy Fits to review, although they won’t be available to purchase until April. I don’t have an old version, and I’ve already sent along my Tini Fit to a new home (it would still fit my son, but I wanted to send all the newborn diapers to my friend at once!) So, I don’t have a side-by-side comparison for you, but I will point out the features that have been changed (including the wider back elastic, which you can see above!) I’m not sure if this is new, but I noticed that the PUL is really soft. It definitely has a different feel than all my other diapers.
Whether you choose hook & loop or snaps (poppers) for your diaper (nappy), they are now color matched. Tots Bots are made in the U.K. so the Tots Bots Facebook page is full of “popper” and “nappy” talk. Tee-hee! The closure tabs are rather stiff on the Tini & Easy Fits, so I really wondered if they’d stay folded back and attached to the laundry tabs. Both the newborn and the big version didn’t give me any trouble. They have a snap down rise to fit babies 8-35 pounds, and the rise snaps are color matched as well.
Above left, I’ve pictured the fleece liner that was included with my diaper. The Easy Fit still has a half sewn-in soaker and brushed polyester side guards to prevent compression leaks. However, instead of a 2 layer soaker made of microfiber & rayon from bamboo, the soaker is 3 layers of color matched minky. This gives you more absorbency with less bulk.
The soaker is super easy to tuck in. It comes out on its own in the wash, but it doesn’t bunch or turn the whole diaper inside out. It gets cleaner & dries faster than an AIO with a completely sewn in soaker, and it’s quicker to stuff the soaker back in than it is to match and stuff pocket diapers. The pocket also allows you to add additional absorbency if you need it. The flap covering the pocket opening on my Tini Fit was the same brushed polyester as the side guards, but this Easy Fit is a different, even softer polyester.
Here is the small setting measured folded & stretched:
Below, I closed the left side of the diaper first. You can overlap the tabs (both of them,) and if you notice, the right tab extends further, allowing you to close the diaper even more tightly if you close the left tab on top of it.
You can better see what I mean about the overlap in this picture!
My older son is 2 years, 9 months old and in the neighborhood of 29ish pounds. I put him in the large setting, and he looks like he has room in this one.
My little guy had just turned 3 months old last week when I took these pictures. He’s around 11 pounds (guessing…he was 10 lbs a month ago) and he’s somewhat slender since he’s a bit taller.
The small setting fits him with no leg gap, without struggling or double checking that it’s snug enough. This is what it looks like all the way closed, with that entire overlap being used.
The Tini Fit was one of my favorite newborn diapers because it gave me the absorbency I needed (with the booster, it was as absorbent as (if not more than) a one-size diaper, but fit far better. The Easy Fit fits my little guy with no gapping or readjusting, and fits my big guy too. Plus, it’s absorbent enough for both of them! My younger son can soak a one-size microfiber insert in 2 hours, and so far the Easy Fit has lasted longer than that without a hint of leaking. That said, I have a hard time comparing the absorbency of inserts since both boys can really have a wide variation in their wetting habits. Since I can’t remove this insert it’s not as easy to tell how wet it is as it is when you yank a sopping wet microfiber insert out of a pocket. I’m still trying to find a good way to test insert absorbency “scientifically,” but Bummis says the old style Easy Fit can hold 17.6 oz (wow!) and I believe this is more absorbent.
You will be able to find the new style Easy Fit (and new prints) at Bummis Retailers in April. The new Tots Bots Easy Fit diapers will still retail for $23.95. You can see new prints & colors in Tots Bots’ Facebook album and they have photos of the inners as well. I pretty much want one in every color. 😉
FTC compliance: I received the pictured diaper at no cost for review purposes. I was not compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.
It’s time again for a cloth diaper giveaway roundup. This weekly roundup includes cloth diapers, accessories & baby wearing items.
If you’d like me to list your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.
*giveaways that have been listed in a prior week’s roundup
RC Entries collected via Rafflecopter
GD Entries collected via Google Docs Form
You may enter any “family friendly” giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.
548 people entered this giveaway, with 3093 entries in all!
The winning entry is #1138, which is Jennifer B. Congrats Jennifer, I’m sending you an email so you can claim your prize!
If you didn’t win, I hope you will check Knickernappies out. I love their Loopydo and Superdo inserts in just about all my pocket diapers, and I love their o/s diapers too of course!
It’s hard to believe that I’ve been cloth diapering as long as I have, and I’m just now trying CJ’s BUTTer. I’ve heard so much about it, that I contacted them to see if I could buy a bunch of samples to use as prizes (they are sponsoring the next few months of “top fans” runner-up prizes) and they sent a few extra for me to try too.
BUTTer is a cloth safe diaper cream (as long as you use a thin layer!) that seems to work for just about everything! It’s available in tubs, sticks and tubes from $6.97 for a .75 oz stick, up to $19 for a 12 ounce tub. BUTTer comes in tons of yummy scents, as well as a plus formula (formerly the yeast formula) and a vegan version (shea butter, cocoa butter & sesame oil.) They also have a spray version, foaming cleanser, body lotions and more!
CJ’s BUTTer PLUS ingredients: shea butter, olive oil, coconut oil, beeswax, cocoa butter, sesame oil, vitamin e, neem oil
Most of the samples had a safety seal, which foiled my plan to sit & sniff all your prizes. Hmph. If you want to try lots of scents, you can create your own sampler of .5 oz tubs.
When using this as a diaper cream, I got just a tiny bit on my fingers, rubbed them between my fingers & applied. I used a lot more in these photos to show the texture. It looks greasy above, but within a few minutes, it absorbed and left my skin super soft, but not greasy. I have terrible eczema and my hands crack & bleed in the winter (you can see band aids on my hands in some videos, LOL.) Luckily, my hands aren’t bad when I am pregnant or newly breastfeeding, but I’ve had bad patches on my upper arms lately. I applied CJ’s overnight, then lightly exfoliated in the shower and they are all but gone. I also used it on my feet and wore socks to bed (yuck on the socks in bed, but it worked.) I even put a bit on my fingertips, rubbed them together, then smoothed the ends of my hair. It tamed my frizzies without making my hair gross!
Oh yeah, it’s a diaper cream too. 😉 The fragrance was pleasant but not overwhelming, and didn’t seem to irritate my sons’ skin.
I also tried the CJ’s lip balm, which sells for $3.30 for a standard .15 oz tube. You can also get a 4-pack for $10.50 if you can’t pick just one flavor!
I tried the strawberries & cream flavor (yum!) but I think they all sound fantastic, especially liptricity (peppermint), mint chocolate chip, mochaccino, lemon cheesecake & vanilla chai latte!
I’m particular about my lip products. I don’t like anything sticky or waxy. The CJ’s slicked on smoothly (didn’t need much at all) and felt satiny. Even after it started to wear off after drinking, my lips felt soft for hours. The overall texture of the stick seemed softer than most store bought lip balms at first, but after I used the top bit of lip balm, the rest of the stick was firmer.
Giveaway: One reader will receive a 4 oz. Tube of CJ’s Original BUTTer® in his/her choice of scent. The retail value of this prize is $9.00. In order to be a “giveaway” the prize has to be free (of course) so this giveaway is open to the lower 48 states of the U.S. only. However, if you are outside of this area and would like to enter, CJ’s would ask that you pay half of the shipping. Void where prohibited of course!Entries go in the Rafflecopter form.
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