Birth Motherhood Personal Posts Pregnancy

Making Babies is Wacky & Weird (Don’t Worry, I Don’t Mean the Actual “Making”)

Given the fact that I’m in my thirties, 35ish+ weeks along with my third child, and have taken biology, you’d think this would be old hat to me by now. But it’s not. I still find human reproduction to be wacky and amazing. Whether you believe in evolution or intelligent design (or whatever the kids are calling it these days) you have to admit, it’s pretty darn miraculous.

Two “cooks,” two “ingredients,” one “oven” and 40 weeks (give or take) and you’ve baked an actual, honest to goodness, bona fide human person. From scratch.

I swear I’m not completely stupid. I had ultrasounds with my first two, so I was actually able to see them moving all around in my uterus. All 3 have had hiccups, done somersaults, and caused alien-like ripples and weird corners on my abdomen. Towards the end of my pregnancy with my son, I could feel his rhythmic practice “breathing.”

Still, the enormity didn’t hit me until I was holding my babies in my arms. In fact, I think my first thought after giving birth the first two times was “holy sh&^, I had a baby.” You’d think yeah well, duh. What exactly did you think was happening? I don’t know, I really don’t. I guess the reality just didn’t hit me until then!

I still look at my kids sometimes in wonder & amazement. I can’t imagine my life without them, yet just a few short years ago, I didn’t know who they were. I know how much of our traits are “nature” vs. “nurture” is debatable, but so far my children were born with their own, distinct personalities.

Sometimes I put my hand on my belly and I wonder who this little baby is? Are you a boy or a girl? Will you look like your brother & sister? Will you like your spaghetti with sauce, or without?

I know I’m a crazy, hormonal pregnant lady but I’m just so humbled and awestruck. So grateful for two healthy children. So honored to be called their Mommy.

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

SwaddleDesigns Swaddle Duo Winner

SwaddleDesigns winner

164 people entered this giveaway, with 328 entries in all. The winning entry is #235, which is Owen’s Mom. Congratulations, I’m sending you an email now so you can claim your prize!

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

$30 EcoMom Gift Certificate Winner

EcoMom Winner

268 people entered this giveaway. The winning entry is #120, which is Jessica Sapalio. Congratulations Jessica, I’m sending you an email now!

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Cloth Diapers Inserts Microfiber Pocket Diapers Review Side Snapping Sized Diapers Snap Closure Wool

Ecobubs Wool Pocket Cloth Diaper Review

Ecobubs 0 side

Ecobubs are wool blend diapers from New Zealand that mom & daughter run company Grin Unlimited, has brought to the U.S.! Grin Unlimited gives back with 1% For the Planet, uses 100% recycled paper products, LED lighting and even recycled office furniture! They work with local vendors whenever possible, and the inserts for the diapers they sell are sewn at a local factory.

Ecobubs 1 packaging

I was intrigued by the idea of a wool blend pocket since I love pocket diapers and I love wool! I wondered how it would work in a pocket diaper, since you don’t typically machine wash wool, but can reuse wool covers. The Ecobubs wool pocket is a little bit different. Think of the wool blend outer replacing the outer most layer of any pocket diaper. The wool blend outer is durable, doesn’t need to be lanolized, and can be washed like any other diaper. There is a thin layer of PUL in between the wool blend outer and the soft microfleece inner. The big benefit of wool is that it is natural, breathable and keeps skin cool in summer and warm in winter. Since there is still a layer of PUL in the diaper (and a microfleece inner) this isn’t the diaper for someone looking for a 100% natural diaper.

Ecobubs 3 front Ecobubs 4 back
Ecobubs 5 side

Ecobubs are sized diapers. I received a large, which is estimated to fit 24+ pounds. Small fits 7-16 pounds and medium fits 11-26 pounds.

Ecobubs 6 snaps Ecobubs 9 leg elastic Ecobubs 7 pocket Ecobubs 8 inside pocket

The diaper is side snapping and has a front pocket opening.

Ecobubs 10 inserts
Ecobubs 11 thick inserts 2 layersEcobubs 12 2 layer inserts

I received a microfiber insert for daytime use, as well as 2-layer inserts for nap/night time. The 2-layer inserts snap together rather than being sewn together, which makes them easier to clean and dry. I haven’t used the inserts at night since I know from experience that only a microfiber/hemp combo works for my son at night. Even when the inserts were pretty soaked, I didn’t experience any leaks.

Edit: The single insert I received is exactly the same size, shape and thickness as a typical pocket diaper’s full size insert. However, I’ve been advised that this is in fact EcoBubs’ booster, and is not intended to be used by itself. The snap together insert is the standard insert.

2 years of cloth diapering and nearly 100 diapers used, and I have never seen a booster/doubler this size. They are typically considerably narrower, shorter and/or thinner. So, when EcoBubs said they were sending me two inserts (one for daytime & one for night time) as well as a booster, I assumed they made an error & sent me 1 daytime insert and two night time inserts. I do apologize for my error.

Even though the booster is not intended to be used alone, if you typically do not have trouble with leaks when you change pockets diapers every 2-3 hours and use just one insert, the booster alone would likely work just fine.

Here is the size large measured folded and stretched:

Ecobubs 13 folded Ecobubs 14 stretched

Here’s my son in the size large, I think he is somewhere in the neighborhood of 27 pounds (?) at almost 2 1/2 years old.

Ecobubs 15 Ecobubs 16

Ecobubs 17 side Ecobubs 18 back

He still has plenty of snap settings to go!

Ecobubs 19 with thick insert

Naturally, the diaper is quite a bit fluffier with the 2-layer insert, but not unreasonably so.

Ecobubs 20 front with thick insert Ecobubs 21 side with thick insert
Ecobubs 22 back with thick insert

The Ecobubs Wool pockets come in the navy/cream stripe I received, plus chocolate/petal pink, ruby/cream, red/chocolate and chocolate/sky blue. Each diaper comes with one microfiber insert, retails for $32.95 and comes with a 12 month workmanship warranty. Though a bit pricey, they perform well and are adorable. I want to see a small pink/chocolate on someone’s newborn baby girl! I think these would make great “special occasion” diapers for photos too. How cute would the ruby/cream diaper be in holiday photos?

Right now you can only buy directly from If you use coupon code “Change” you will receive free shipping on your order. (Offer ends 11/15/11.)

Be sure to “like” Ecobubs on Facebook so you don’t miss promotions and chances to win diapers! “Like” the page to be entered to win a wool pocket (EcoBubs will draw a winner on 12/1.)

FTC compliance: While I did receive a product at no charge for review purposes, I was not compensated for this post and all opinions are my own. Although a shopping link is available on my affiliates page, links within this post are not affiliate links.

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Blog Hop Cloth Diaper Blog Hop Linky

Cloth Diaper Blog Hop for November 2011

cloth diaper blog hop

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A new month means a new cloth cloth blog hop. If you always (or just sometimes) blog about cloth diapers, please link up!

This hop is easy to participate in; you don’t have to blog about the hop or post the button. Of course, I’d love it it if you would blog, post the button, tweet and/or share on Facebook.

You don’t have to follow certain blog or leave comments. I hope you will visit other blogs, follow them if you like, and leave a comment if you like a particular post!

I love finding new blogs to read, so I will follow anyone who links up!

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