Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 1/17/11 – Wet Bag/Pail Liners and Washing Natural Fibers

wet bags & #clothdiapers pail liners via @chgdiapers

Every Monday (if I receive submissions, that is!) I will answer reader submitted questions in my Mailbox Mondays post. Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject!

Tamara says:

I have a question! I meant to get it in in time for submission today, but alas, life got in the way. So…..Which side of the pail liner do you put toward the diapers? I have a planet wise pail liner, one side is the shiny PUL and the other side is the fabric. I’ve always put it in the pail so that the diapers are touching the shiny side. But, I had a friend of mine ask if that was right and it made me wonder….. I investigated and noticed that the tag is on the fabric side and I know that sometimes manufacturers recommend putting a drop of essential oil on the tag so then I was confused. Does that make sense? What do you do? Does it matter? Have I been doing it wrong this whole time?

Diapers do go on the shiny PUL side, so you are doing it correctly! 

Whamies Pail Liners have a patch of fabric at the seam for essential oils, but as far as I know, Planet Wise’s tags are just for brand identification and laundering instructions.  If you’re having trouble with smell, you might try keeping the pail open a crack.  It seems counterintuitive, but I find that air circulating actually helps with the smell.  Washing every 2-3 days at most helps of course too!

Hope this helps!

Stephanie says:

Hi Maria!

I was wondering if there was any rule of thumb about washing microfiber inserts with natural fibers. If so, do you have any recommendations?

Thanks! 🙂


When you get a new diaper or insert that is made from natural fibers, wash it separately to prep per the manufacturer’s instructions.  For example: a hemp product may say to wash and dry it 2-3 times before use.  This will remove the natural oils and get it ready to use.  It will continue to gain absorbency up to 10 washes.

Once you have prepped it, there’s no issue washing them with your microfiber products!

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for January 14th, 2011



It’s time for the weekly cloth diaper giveaway roundup.  Every Friday, I link to cloth diaper/accessory and baby wearing giveaways I’ve found. Each post is also accompanied by a linky where you can enter any giveaway, as long as it’s family friendly.

If you’d like your cloth diaper, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway featured, send a link, description and photo (if you have one) to maria at

This week’s giveaway finds:

gogreen pocket diaper giveaway

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

This week’s giveaway is a Bumgenius Diaper Sprayer

baby balmThe Mommy Goodscloth wipes solution

 Punkin Butt Organic Wipes Solution Concentrate and Bottom Balm from The Mommy Goods and All About Baby Boutique (ends 1/23)

bummas wipes giveaway
Bummas Wipes from The Momccupation Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook like. (ends 1/22) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Nana Pants by Betsy Diaper from Goodbye Disposable, Hello Cloth Mandatory GFC follow (ends 1/31)

Rumparooz Lil Joey from Diaper Junction and Monkey Tales Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/1)

Bummis Tini Fit from Mama Chocolate Mandatory GFC follow (ends today, 1/14)

FlufflyRumps Custom Fleece Cover/Longies from Cloth Diaper Addiction (ends 1/19)

GoGreen Pocket Diaper from Leaves of My Tree (ends 1/18)

GoGreen Champ Pocket Diaper from Modified Momma Reviews Mandatory GFC follow and Facebook “like” (ends 1/31)

GoGreen Champ Pocket Diaper from Mommy is Green (ends 1/27)

Thirsties Duo Wrap and Duo Hemp Prefold from on Frugal Lady (ends today, 1/14)

Tiny Tush Elite Pocket Diaper from Happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 1/24)

Dinkledooz Diaper from GoGoNatural and Cloth Diaper Addiction (ends 1/17)

AMP Diaper from Adventures of the Domesticated Mama (ends 1/24)

Applecheeks Diaper from Simply Stacie (ends 1/24) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Bummis Cloth Diaper Kit from Terraloving (ends 1/31)  Entry is through a Facebook app, which requires you like the Beterra Facebook page.

Sweet Pea One Size Diaper Cover from Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 1/24) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Nicki’s Best Bottom Diaper from Simply Stacie (ends 1/24) open to the U.S. and Canada

Bumbledoo Mama Cloth from SaPsMaMa (ends 1/22)

Bambino Mio Intro Kit from Childish Notions and Simply Stacie (ends 1/26) Open to Canadians only

Bumwear Training Pants from Kelly Wels (ends 1/21)

Wool Wash from Sweet Violet’s Mama and Etsy Cloth Diapers (ends ?)

Knickernappies Custom Fit Diaper (ends 1/19)

Homegrown Mommy wipes from Real Mom Reviews Mandatory Facebook “like” and Facebook comment (ends 1/27)

$10 Abby’s Lane GC from Fabulous Family Reviews & Giveaways (ends 1/27)

$15 Abby’s Lane GC from Luv My Two Girls (ends 1/20)

$20 Thanks Mama GC from Crazy 4 Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 1/21)

AMP Diaper from Simply Stacie (ends 1/27) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Bummis Wet Bag from Simply Stacie (ends 1/27) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Thirsties Duo Diaper from Monkey Tales Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/5)

Giveaways still running from last week:

$10 GC to Go Green Diapers from Arizona Mama Mandatory GFC follow (ends tomorrow, 1/15) Open to the U.S. and Canada
$10 Abby’s Lane GC from SAPsMaMa Mandatory GFC follow (ends today, 1/14)
You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date is good. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Check out where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up your giveaways!
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Cloth Diapers Diaper Covers Giveaway Made in the USA Natural Fiber Natural Fiber Diapers Newborn Diapers Prefolds PUL Review Two Size/Staged Diapers Velcro/Aplix Closure

Thirsties Size 1 Duo Wrap & Duo Hemp Prefold Review and Giveaway (CLOSED 1/20)


Thirsties Duo Wrap and Hemp Prefold

I had a gift certificate to an online store that sells cloth diapers.  I don’t really need any more diapers, so in true cloth diaper addict form, I figured I’d buy some eeny teeny diapers for the newborn I don’t have (and no, I’m not pregnant either!)  One of them was the Thirsties Duo Wrap in honeydew (MSRP $12.75) and duo hemp prefold (MSRP $7.00)

Thirsties Duo Hemp Prefold

We’re still using the size 2 Thirsties Duo Diaper I reviewed last year, and I was curious about how the size 1 compared.  I’m not really a prefold & cover mama (sometimes I think either you are or you aren’t!) but I think they would really come in handy for diapering a newborn.  I know my kids could go through 15+ diapers per day as a newborn, and it would be way too expensive to buy a newborn stash of pocket diapers (my favorite), especially when you’re not entirely sure how long you’ll be using them.

loop construction for faster drying

The prefold is super soft, and it is sewn such that each portion is only two layers thick, for more thorough washing and faster drying. 
I measured the prefold before prepping:
size 1 duo hemp prefold width pre-prepping size 1 thirsties prefold length before prepping

and after prepping (washing and drying 3 times to remove natural oils and fluff up the fibers):

size 1 duo hemp prefold width after prepping thirsties size 1 prefold length after prepping

It shrunk quite a bit in length, and ended up nearly square.

thirsties laundry tabs

The wraps are available in snap or aplix closures, but I chose the aplix.  Our duo diaper is also aplix, and after more than 7 months in our regular rotation, the aplix laundry tabs show no signs of wear and we have no issues at all.

wipeable inner and double leg gussets

The wrap has the same Thirsties double leg gussets as the duo diaper, but instead of a lining and pocket, it just has a wipe-able inner.

3 size settings

The wraps are a “duo” 2-stage system, where each size has three rise snap size adjustments.  Typically, people have to buy newborn size diapers when “one size” diapers don’t fit their newborn.  Then they buy one-size diapers, often followed by large/toddler size diapers when the child outgrows the one size.  With the Thirsties Duo system, the size 1 fits 6-18 pounds, and the size 2 fits 18-40 pounds, making only two sizes necessary.

Note: In the pictures below, I have the prefold tucked under the PUL flap.  This was incorrect and my mistake since I’m used to other diaper covers that have this flap to hold the insert on place.  Thirsties actually puts this flap there to protect the snaps and stitching from touching the wet prefold or insert (it doesn’t have the additional layer over that area like the Flip does.)  Tucking it in can lead to compression leaks, so don’t do what I did!

Here’s the size 1 on the small setting, folded and stretched (as always, my measurements are to give you an idea of how diapers compare, it’s not an exact science!)

size 1 duo wrap small folded size 1 thirsties wrap small stretched
folding hemp prefold to fit cover small setting with trifolded prefold

thirsties duo wrap small


cloth diaper wrap medium folded staged diaper cover medium stretched

prefold in cover medium setting size 1 duo wrap medium


thirsties duo wrap sz 1 large large setting stretched

thirsties size 1 duo wrap large

Here’s the duo wrap size 1 compared to the duo diaper size 2 (both on the small setting):

thirsties size 1 vs size 2Thirsties dup wrap size 1 vs duo diaper size 2

Here is the duo diaper size 2 (small setting) and the duo wrap size 1 large setting) on my 21ish lb son, both taken the same day:

thirsties size 2 duo diaper small setting 21 lb baby thirsties size 1 duo wrap large setting 21 lb baby

Since I don’t have a newborn tester, I had to call in my usual newborn diaper model.

my diaper model

To compare, here he is in a newborn disposable:

newborn frontnewborn back

The wrap is recommended for use over trifolded prefolds or trim fitteds.  For bulkier systems, Thirsties suggests their diaper covers.  I tried the wrap over a Kissaluvs Size 0 Fitted and it fit just fine.

thirsties duo wrap over kissaluvs fitted

Don’t laugh at me, I don’t have much experience with prefolds, but I wanted to try to snappi the prefold in addition to trifolding it.

thirsties dup hemp prefold ize 1 snappied

Here’s my model in the size 1 wrap with trifolded prefold, on the small setting:

thirsties size 1 duo wrap small setting trifolded prefoldthirsties size 1 duo wrap rear

I love Thirsties products and I think the stay dry duo insert would make this an even more fantastic system!  My only complaint is that I have a heck of a time typing “duo.”  I type “dup” nearly every time, LOL! See fit on my newborn.

Giveaway: Thirsties is offering one lucky reader a Duo Wrap and Prefold in his/her choice of size, color and closure!

Here’s how to enter: All entries go in the form below.  I love your comments, but comments don’t count as entries!  Mandatory entries include name, email address and your favorite Thirsties product, or one you’d love to try.  You can receive a bonus entry if you “like” Thirsties on Facebook

I will accept entries until Thursday, January 20th, 2011 at 9:00 P.M. Eastern. I will select a winner using’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen. View my giveaway rules page for complete details. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S.

# of entries received as of January 20th at giveaway close: 220

FTC compliance: While Thirsties is sending a product to the giveaway winner, I was not given products or other compensation for this post and all opinions are my own.

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Natural Personal Care Products

Baby Steps – Switching the kiddos’ products to “greener” products


children's natural bath products

I’ve been wanting to switch all of our household and personal care products to more “natural” products, without all the added chemicals.  If I were a millionaire, I would do a massive purge and buy all new stuff to try.  Unfortunately, I’m not a millionaire, and I stretch our budget by shopping CVS (A.K.A. “CVS’ing.”)  Since I started CVS’ing in 2007, I haven’t paid more than a few pennies for toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, shaving cream, soap, face wash etc.  I only have 1 card, stick to all limits, and only use legitimate coupons, but I’m still blessed to be able to donate bags of products to the food bank, while still having a major product stockpile!
Unfortunately, all of those products are “mainstream” products full of chemicals.  I’ve been using Method Baby bath stuff on my son, but shamefully, my daughter has been using Johnson’s Buddies and L’Oreal Kids products.  Anyone who has shopped for natural/organic personal care products knows they cost a heck of a lot more than “pennies!”  Note: on Monday, I received my CVS ad for next week in the mail (they mail it to me because my paper doesn’t put it in for some reason.)  Tom’s of Maine Deodorant, Toothpaste & Mouthwash will be on sale for $3.99 with $3.00 ECB, limit of 2.  Pretty sweet!

I finally decided that instead of dipping into my stockpile, I would replace items with a more natural product as we ran out.  I really don’t know how I’ll feel about that when I run out of shampoo though!  In any case, the kids’ bath products were getting low, and I don’t have much trouble handing over the cash for products that are better for them (things for me are a different story!) 

I checked our two local organic markets (think the size of one department in whole foods) and I’ll admit, I let my nose do most of the choosing.  I’m a sucker for a scented product, though I can’t handle very strong scents.  I especially adore a sweet baby smell for baby bath stuff.  I bought 6 products (the Burt’s Bees bubble bath pictured was a gift we haven’t used yet) and spent around $40 plus tax.  Zoinks.  I reminded myself that my kids are worth it, and that replacing the products as they’re used up won’t be so spendy.  I think I’ve used two bottles of body wash and one bottle of shampoo for my son, since he was born 19 months ago.  My daughter may have used two bars of soap, half a bottle of body wash and two bottles of shampoo and conditioner in that same time period.

While I did look at the ingredients lists at the store, I was surprised to pull up the Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database and find that the “ratings” on the new products were about the same as the Johnson & Johnson’s products.  I spent some time looking at the ingredients, and I felt OK with my purchases by the time I closed my browser.  While the J&J products are full of difficult to pronounce ingredients, my new stuff’s highest “offending” ingredient was usually fragrance.  Oops.

I know that in a perfect world, I’d be using only products (on the kids and everywhere else) that were rated “0 toxins,” but I have to take baby steps.  I’m just not ready to give up my lather-licious, yummy smelling products just yet.  If I tried, I’m pretty sure I would fail, return to my old products and just be out a lot of money!

So, for now, I am happy with my more “natural” kids’ bath products (which I will be reviewing in the upcoming weeks) and I’m happy to be taking a big donation of mainstream children’s products over to the food bank!  I feel a little funny donating them, like “here, this isn’t good enough for my kids, you take them!”  On the other hand, I think the majority of people are perfectly satisfied with J&J type stuff, and hopefully some kids will be happy to get some fun new bath stuff!

not so natural bath products

Has cloth diapering made you more determined to go “green” in other ways?  What products do you want to switch over?

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Cloth Diapers Giveaway One Size Diapers Pocket Diapers Review

GoGreen Champ Pocket Diaper Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 1/18)


GoGreen Champ Noir Pocket Diaper

GoGreen Pocket Diapers sent me their brand new champ pocket diaper to try.  GoGreen diapers are known to be high quality, affordable pocket diapers.  I haven’t gotten to try one of their standard diapers (which retail for $8.99-$9.99), but I’ve heard they are excellent diapers.  This week, the standard diapers are restocking with added features, including snap overlap, hip snaps and the same low price.   The champ is slightly more at $14.95, but has additional features that make it worth it (and $14.95 is an awesome price for a 1-size pocket diaper with two inserts anyway!)

Black GoGreen Diaper with multicolored snaps and 4 rise settings

I received the “Champ Noir,” which is a black diaper, with multicolored snaps.  The champ has two rows of snap closures vs. the standard’s one, and the multicolored snaps make it far easier to get it snapped correctly!  It is a one-size diaper by way of rise snaps, and the champ has four rise settings, to the standard diaper’s three.

snap overlap

The snap overlap and the 4th rise setting mean the champ will fit even smaller babies.
gogreen champ rearanother view

The champ comes with two full size, 3-layer microfiber/bamboo blend inserts (the standard dipe includes one microfiber terry insert.)

two 3-layer bamboo microfiber blend inserts

The champ has a bamboo blend microsuede inner and double leg gussets to contain messes.

bamboo blend microsuede lining and double gussets

The diaper and insert have a snap, so the insert can be snapped in place.  The first time I used the diaper, the insert shifted forward (or something) and caused the inner to poof out a little.  The diaper didn’t wick or leak, and the next several times I used the diaper, I didn’t have this issue.  I’m not sure if it was operator error (probably) or if the insert shrunk a bit more with subsequent washings.

snap in front for insert

The snap in insert would also allow you to easily use the diaper as an all-in-two, though I would use a liner, insert sock, or non-microfiber insert if you do that.

insert snaps in

The diaper has front and back pocket openings, for easy stuffing and allowing the insert to agitate out in the wash.

front and back pocket openings

insert snapped in insert stuffed view from back

The insert really does agitate out in the wash, and leaving it snapped in means easy re-stuffing (if you don’t remove the inserts to machine dry them.)  I’ve heard some people say they don’t unstuff any of their pocket diapers, but that doesn’t work for me.  Diapers that don’t have front and rear openings just end up with the inserts balled up on the bottom of the pocket when I try that!

Here is the champ on the extra-small setting folded and stretched.  Measurements aren’t an exact science of course!

extra small folded extra small stretched

gogreen champ diaper extra small setting
Small folded and stretched:

gogreen champ diaper small setting folded gogreen champ diaper small setting stretched

gogreen champ diaper small setting

gogreen champ diaper medium setting folded gogreen champ diaper medium setting stretched

gogreen champ cloth diaper medium setting

gogreen champ diaper large setting folded gogreen champ diaper large setting stretched

gogreen champ cloth diaper large setting

My little guy is about 21ish pounds, and I got a great fit on the medium setting, with plenty of room to grow.

gogreen champ cloth diaper medium 21ish lb baby gogreen champ diaper medium 21ish lb baby

champ diaper sidegogreen champ pocket cloth diaper front

gogreen champ diaper rear right rear

The diaper doesn’t dig into his belly, and it fits snugly at the legs.

front crouching doesn't dig in snug at leg

I told my son to stay still so I could take a picture of his butt and this is what he did:

peek a boo!

Finally, here’s the difference in what it looks like when Mommy stuffs it correctly!  (first try on the left)

with insert snapped insert not snapped

I think this is an excellent diaper, with many features of a far more expensive diaper.  They have tons of prints and colors, plus incredibly affordable cloth wipes and wet/dry bags!

Giveaway:  GoGreen is offering one reader his/her own Champ diaper in their choice of boy, girl, or gender neutral (GoGreen chooses the actual color/print.)

Here’s how to enter: All entries go in the form below.  I love your comments, but comments don’t count as entries!  Mandatory entries include name, email address and your favorite GoGreen product/print/color.  You can receive a bonus entry if you “like” GoGreen Pocket Diapers on Facebook.  Receive another bonus entry if you follow GoGreen Diapers on Twitter.

I will accept entries until Tuesday, January 18th, 2011 at 9:00 P.M. Eastern. I will select a winner using’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen. View my giveaway rules page for complete details. This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S.

# of entries received as of January 18th at giveaway close: 472
FTC Compliance: I received the above pictured item for review.  I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.

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