Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 9/20/10


email me

Every Monday I will answer user submitted questions. They don’t have to be about cloth diapering! I’ll always answer questions via email, but if you would like your question to be answered in a Mailbox Mondays post, send an email with the subject “Mailbox Mondays” to Maria at change-diapers dot com.

Please note: My intent is to get a queue of questions for the next several months, so it may be some time before your submission is posted. If you would like me to email my response so you don’t have to wait until your question is posted, let me know!

Kristina says:

Hi, I am interested in trying out Wool Covers. What can you tell me about them in terms of care and usage. Thanks!

Wool is fantastic!  I was initially a little afraid of wool, but it was so much easier to take care of than I imagined.  I have Kissaluvs, a Mobums and a Little Beetle cover.  The Mobums review has step by step photos demonstrating how I wash the covers.
I rarely have to wash them, you know you need to when they start hanging on to a urine smell (or if they are soiled.)  Otherwise, just air them out between uses. 
I use liquid lanolin that I found at my local organic store to lanolize when they don’t seem to be as absorbent, but there are any number of lanolizing products out there.  Using a lanolin containing wash (like Eucalan) will greatly reduce the frequency with which you need to lanolize.
Wool was my lifesaver (over a super-absorbent fitted) for night time, when my son was a super soaker!
Does this answer your questions?  What else do you want to know?  How about my readers?  Do you use wool?

Crystal says:


I have been having stink issues with my hemp gDiaper inserts. I have tried just about everything, including stripping multiple times, a little bit of bleach in the wash, I switched to Rockin Green detergent, and I wash at least every 2 days. And I have tried sunning (all day in Florida heat) when I have the time, which I try to find the time at least once a week. The smell isn’t ammonia, it’s just a funkiness, and it comes out of the washer and dryer smelling this way. We have no rash problems cropping up, just the smell. Any ideas on something else to try?


What have you been using to strip?  It seems that sometimes adding things make stinkies worse.  I would try running the inserts through several cycles on hot, with water only; no detergent or additives.  See if you are getting any suds or residue in the water.
I know you said you already tried bleach, but after you’ve made certain they are rinsed clean, try 1/4 cup of bleach in the bleach dispenser with only the inserts in the wash.
Do you have hard water?  It may be mineral deposits causing the funk.  Try the Rockin’ Green hard rock if you haven’t already, or try adding calgon water softener.
Sorry I wasn’t more help, you have tried most of what I would have done already!

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Natural Household Products Review

Staples Sustainable Earth Multi-Purpose Cleaner Review


sustainable earth
When I think “Staples,” I think of office supplies (love office supply stores by the way, I’m weird, I know.)  I really don’t think of cleaning products, let alone earth-friendly products.  Staples does sell things like coffee, snacks and bottled water, as well as cleaning products, to make it a one-stop shop for an office or small business. 
They have just introduced a new line called Sustainable Earth.  The products are ammonia and phosphate free, and meet the Green Seal Environmental Standard for household cleaners.  The line consists of Mult-Purpose Cleaner and Glass Cleaner.  32 oz bottles sell for $2.99 and one gallon refills sell for $9.99.
I had the opportunity to try the Sustainable Earth Multi-Purpose Cleaner.
earth friendly cleaner
I used it to clean my counters, vanities and sinks.  All of my surfaces were clean with no streaks.  I used it with a microfiber towel that I received with a diaper (I prefer to use sewn inserts in my diapers.)
I ended up going on a bit of a cleaning frenzy and dusted everything, including our wood blinds.  They are so hard to get dust-free but it worked!

sustainable earth

It didn’t work as well on glass, so I’d recommend using the glass cleaner instead!
sustainable earth
I tried cleaning it again with a clean rag, but it was still streaky.
staples sustainable earth
I ended up using windex (shame on me, I know!) to get it clean.  I’d be interested to see how the glass cleaner performs, since the multi-purpose cleaner worked so well on other surfaces.  I never have good luck with multi purpose cleaners on glass!
The Sustainable Earth Multi-Purpose Cleaner contains Bio-based ingredients, and the ingredients read: Water, cleaning agents, corn-based ethanol, fragrance and colorant.  It has a mild scent, but I think it would be fine without the fragrance or colorant.  I’m also very curious as to what the cleaning agents actually are.
I am always happy to see affordable, “greener” options in mainstream stores, I think it’s a step in the right drection!
FTC compliance: I received a 4 oz. sample container of Multi-Purpose Cleaner for review purposes.  All opinions are my own.  I was not compensated for this post.
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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for September 17th, 2010



Each Friday, I will post cloth diaper, babywearing and “green” giveaways that I’ve found, or that readers have submitted. The post will be accompanied by a linky where you may enter any family friendly (no “adult” products please!) giveaways, they do not need to be diaper related.

If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/babywearing/green giveaway you would like to be listed in the next giveaway roundup post, please email a link, blog name, giveaway title, end date and photo (if applicable) to maria at change-diapers dot com.

This week’s giveaway finds:

The Cloth Diaper Whisperer
$1000 Super Stash Giveaway (several winners) from The Cloth Diaper Blog/Diaper Junction (ends 10/13)

GroVia Diaper from Wishing Penny (ends 9/25)

Moo Moo Kow Diaper from Mama to 3 Blessings (ends 9/27)

Peculiar Notions Diaper from Coping with Frugality (ends 9/20)

Babee Greens Diaper from Organic Girl (ends 10/14)

Pbutterjelly75 Cloth Wipes from Love Lives Here (ends 9/22)

Katydid Diaper from The Small Town Mom (ends 9/27)

Little Comfort One Size Bamboo Diaper from Dirty Diaper Laundry and Otter Babies (ends 9/27)

Ittybittybums A12 from Biehl Adventures (ends 9/20)

Tot Wraps Trainer from Arizona Mama (ends 10/2)

Ergo Baby Carrier from Simply Stacie (ends 9/27) Open to the U.S. and Canada

BabyKicks Organic Fitted from Biehl Adventures (ends 9/21)

Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry bag from Natural Baby Giveaways (ends 10/13)

Thirsties Duo Diaper from Hot Tips 4 U (ends 10/6)

Babee Greens Diaper from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 10/15)

Mother-Ease Sandy’s Fitted Diaper from your World Healthy & Natural (ends 9/30)

Knickernappies Superdo Insert from The Cloth Diaper Report (ends 9/24)

Thirsties Duo Wrap, Dup Hemp Prefold and Stay Dry Duo Insert from The Shopping Mama (ends 9/30)

Sage Diaper from The Review Stew (ends 9/30)

Mother-Ease Diaper from Biehl Adventures (ends 9/23)

Giveaways still running from last week:
mother-ease clith diapers
Ergo Baby Carrier from Mama B (ends tomorrow, 9/18)

WHAMies Pail Liner from The Cheap and Choosy (ends 9/30)

Thirsties Duo Wrap & Hemp Prefold from Chubby Cheeks Thinks (ends 9/21) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Snap EZ diaper from Organic Girl and Dapa Diapers (ends 10/4) Open to the U.S. and Canada

You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Please view my post on where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up!

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Baby Wearing Coupon Discount Review

Boba Baby Carrier Review PLUS Coupon/Discount Code!


NAP, inc. makes both the Sleepy Wrap and the Boba Baby Carrier.  The Sleepy Wrap was a lifesaver for us.  I love it so much that if I could marry it, I totally would.  So logically, when I was looking for a soft structured carrier, I looked at Boba.  The Boba is designed for babies 15-45 pounds; if you have a smaller baby, you will love the Sleepy Wrap!

My post in October on  The Village of Moms is on Babywearing, so look for that to read more about the Sleepy Wrap and why I love it, along with photos and video of it!

boba carriersoft structured carrier

I received the Organic Carrier in Aspen (retail $118), which is a nice, neutral color.  The box it came in is really nice, I felt like I was opening a present!!  It also came with a helpful instructional booklet, though you can also get information on their website.  Boba recently released the Classic Carrier Collection.  It is the same great carrier in fabulous colors, but comes with a lower price tag of $100 to go along with the non-organic cotton.

boba baby carrierboba carrier

The Boba has a wide, padded waist band, and thick, cushy shoulder straps.

boba baby carrierbabywearingBaby

The sleeping hood attaches to the shoulder straps to support a snoozing baby’s head.  It’s completely removable and tucks away neatly when not in use.


Unique to the Boba are the fully adjustable (and removable) foot straps, that provide proper leg support for older children (usually age 2 or so) and hold their knees up at hip level.  They also slide along the waist band so you can get them perfectly adjusted for your little one.

babywearingnapbabywearingsoft structured carrier 

Measurements above show: (clockwise, left to right) carrier height, carrier width, waist band height, strap width.


The Boba is highly adjustable, and will fit a wide range of sizes.  The adjustments are sturdy straps that come with the excess neatly folded up.  Aside from the foot strap and hood adjustments, you can adjust the waist, chest/back clip, move the chest/back clip up and down, and there are two adjustments for the shoulder straps themselves (seen above).

Below is a quick video demonstrating all of the adjustments on the Boba.  I did this video when I first received the carrier.  It becomes easier over time to adjust the straps, and I’d recommend sliding each one back & forth many times when you first receive it, before trying to adjust it while wearing it.

The carrier was a little intimidating at first with all the straps, but it was so easy to put on!

baby carrier

I did most of these photos and videos with my camera on a tripod while my husband was watching my son, so I had to recruit a model to help me out!  Obviously, he is a little smaller than the minimum 15 pound baby the Boba recommends.


boba baby carrierboba soft structured carrier

Clip the waist belt and adjust the strap.


bobaboba carrier

In the pictures above, I had one strap on my shoulder before I picked Manny Bear up.  Normally, I could pick up my son and hold him against my belly.  Supporting his bottom with one hand, pull one shoulder strap up.  Switch hands, supporting his bottom with the other hand, and putting the other shoulder strap on.

boba carrierboba baby carrier

Fasten the chest/back clip and tighten.  I had a little trouble tightening the back clip, and with NAP Inc.’s help I discovered it was easier to tighten this all the way before putting the carrier on, and tightening the shoulder straps instead.  I am far more petite than the average petite person (I measured my shoulder width at about 15″) so I need most adjustments all the way tightened to feel secure.

babywearing carrierboba babywearing 

Below is a quick video showing me putting the carrier on:

I will admit that it took quite a bit of playing around to get the fit just right, but once I did, it was wonderful.  I didn’t know about all these awesome babywearing products when my daughter was small, so my babywearing experience with her was limited to the baby bjorn.  Not only is the front facing carrier not recommended for several reasons, but it put so much strain on my shoulders that I couldn’t carry her for more than a few minutes, even when she was tiny.

boba babywearing carrier

boba soft structured carrier

boba carrier

One of the most important things about the Boba (to me) is that my son is sitting the same way he would be if I were holding him.  His legs are held in a natural position.


My husband is more average sized, and the carrier fits wonderfully on him as well.

boba carrierboba baby carrier

bobaboba babywearing carrier 

My husband also tried him on his back, but it was about bedtime and my son was not happy that I was taking pictures of him instead of holding him!  We’re happy with the front carry right now with my son’s size and development, but the fact that we can use it in a back carry is great!

babywearingboba babywearing soft structured carrier 

In conclusion, we LOVE the Boba Baby Carrier!  My son is so happy when he is in it, and it’s very comfortable.  I was sad when he seemed to be getting too big for the Sleepy Wrap, but now I can grocery shop, vacuum and do everything else I need to do in complete comfort.  Woo-hoo!

Discount: Use coupon code Boba10 to get 10% off any Boba Baby Carrier.

FTC Compliance: I received the above product at no cost in order to review it.  I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.  I was not requested or required to write a positive review.

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