
New Name!

>Yippee!  Fitteds and Pockets and Snappis, oh my! now lives at https://change-diapers.com/ 

Old links will still work, they will redirect, but please update any links or bookmarks you may have, and send me an email if you have any problems!

Thank you to Derrick at Axis 80 Interactive Web Design & Development for all the help & guidance!

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

SodaStream Winner!!


I guess the early bird gets the worm this time, but who wants a worm?  Katrina gets the worm, err…SodaStream!!
Yay!  I’ve emailed you, congratulations!
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All In One Diapers Giveaway Made in the USA One Size Diapers Review

Kissaluvs Marvels AIO Diaper Review & giveaway CLOSED

>kissaluvs marvels aio

We love our Kissaluvs Wool Lover diaper cover, so when some readers told me they’d like to see me review wipes and wipe solution, I immediately thought of Kissaluvs.  I had looked at their diaper lotion potion and premium wipes several times, but hadn’t tried either.

I was hoping to review the wipes and lotion potion, but then I saw the Marvels one size all-in-one diaper.  Kissaluvs sent me one for free to try and review, and one reader gets one (their choice of color!) as well!  The colors are: Butter (with yellow inner), Raspberry (with Pink), Kelly Green (with Yellow) and Summer Sky (with White).  They retail for $22.95, which is the middle of the road price wise.

You’ll have to forgive me for some of these pictures.  It was really sunny and I was having a hard time getting enough light but not too much!  I know I could edit them but I think you’d rather read a review with a couple of washed out pictures than read nothing because I’m busy trying to edit the pictures.  Tee hee.

Generally speaking, an all-in-one diaper (AIO) will look pretty much the same as a pocket diaper except the soaker is sewn into the diaper.  The Goodmama One is an exception to that, it has a snap-in soaker.  Like a pocket diaper, an AIO has a waterproof outer or hidden layer, usually PUL.  They also usually have a stay-dry inner made of microfleece or suedecloth.  I like AIO diapers for their ease of use, but they take longer to dry and are harder to get clean.  So why was I so interested in the Marvels?

The soaker is only sewn into the diaper on the end, so it’s almost like a pre-stuffed pocket diaper.  The insert can agitate out of the diaper in the wash and turn the diaper inside out (it did in mine), which reminds me of the Smartipants diapers.  Very nice not to have to pull a yucky insert out! 

The pocket also allows you to add additional inserts if needed.  The opening is wide enough for easy use, but not gaping open.

The Marvels have the snap down rise adjustment, which is my preference for a one-size diaper.  They aren’t too difficult to undo, but I didn’t have any trouble accidentally popping them open either.

The wing snaps are easy-peasy too.  There are just two snaps on each wing, I prefer it, and I get a lot less complaining from my hubby.

There are two overlap snaps for smaller babies.  The guidelines for this diaper are 7-35 pounds (varies by baby as always of course!) and I do think this is likely to fit smaller babies better than other one-size diapers.

The large setting is about the same size as the medium on the Flip.  No fear though, it’s really just because the leg elastic is drawn a bit tighter.

When I fully stretched them, they were about the same size.

The small setting is pretty small though!

It doesn’t seem bulky, even on the small setting.

I can’t get over how soft the diaper is.  Not just the inner, but the PUL too!

I didn’t have any issues with marks from the leg elastic, but we also had no leaks.

After washing, it was less work than a pocket diaper, since I didn’t have to find the matching soaker, then make sure I had it in far enough (but not too far!) and laid flat.  However, I did have to flip the diaper right side out and then smooth the insert flat.  So, it’s not quite as easy as a sewn in soaker.

I really ended up liking this more than I thought I would.  It looks so basic, but it’s so soft and easy to use!

I didn’t get to try the premium or hemp wipes, but Kissaluvs did send me some of their “awesome knit terry wipes.”

At $1.25 each, they are more affordable than other wipes, but they are really, very basic wipes.  They are single thickness and feel like thin washcloths.  They are a bit larger than baby washcloths (8 x 8), but they curl up after washing just like our cheap Target brand baby washcloths do.  Maybe I’m spoiled by other wipes now, but I don’t think I would buy these, I’d save my money for nicer ones, like their premium wipes (those are $2.00 each.)  I will certainly use them though, they do the job!

Now, want to win a Kissaluvs Marvels one size all-in-one diaper?  Kissaluvs is sending one to a lucky blog reader, in the winner’s choice of color! 

Here’s how to enter:

Be sure to leave your email address in a comment if it isn’t in your profile.

1. Visit Kissaluvs and tell me either what product you’d like to try or what product you wish Kissaluvs made.
2. Follow my blog, current followers count.  Comment saying you’re a follower to get your entry.
3. Like me on Facebook, current likers count.  Comment saying you’re a fan/liker (can’t get used to that!) to get your entry.
4. Follow me on Twitter, current followers count.  Comment saying you’re a follower to get your entry.
5. Tweet about this giveaway.  Be sure to include @kissaluvs and @chgdiapers.  You can use this example “If you love #clothdiapers enter this #giveaway from @chgdiapers for a @kissaluvs Marvels AIO before 5/19 http://bit.ly/d9OqVB”
6. Like Kissaluvs on Facebook.  Comment saying you’re a fan/liker to get your entry.
7. Follow Kissaluvs on Twitter.  Comment saying you’re a follower to get your entry.
8. Blog about Kissaluvs and/or this blog or giveaway.  Just spread the fluffy love, you don’t have to be all like “Golly gee wilikers mister, I sure would like this diaper!”  Hee hee.
9. Bonus Entries Review a Kissaluvs product you’ve tried and liked on Amazon, on diaperpin or on the review tab of Kissaluvs Facebook page.  One entry per review, leave a link to your review in a comment to get your entry. 

I will accept entries until Wednesday, May 19th, 2010 at 9:00 P.M. EST.  I’ll use random.org’s true random number generator and will email the winner.  The winner will have 48 hours to respond to claim his/her prize.

Thank you to Kissaluvs for sending me a Marvels diaper and terry wipes at no charge.  I’ve reviewed them both the same way I would have if I had paid for them.  Thank you also for agreeing to send a blog reader a Marvels AIO as well.

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Baby Food Giveaway Natural and Organic Food Review

YoBaby Yogurt Review & Giveaway CLOSED


YoBaby organic yogurt isn’t new to us, we’ve been buying it since my 5 year old was a baby.  We never actually stopped buying it.  My daughter still loves it, both for the taste and the cute babies on the package!
YoBaby also has codes on the lids for the Stonyfield Farms Reward Program.  The points add up quickly (the 6-packs or 32 ounce containers are 4 points I believe) and redemptions start at 25 points.  The rewards are pretty good too I think!  I got 2 free HappyBabyFood product coupons for 25 points!  If you register, you can also print coupons, I think they reset monthly.
The plain variety is new to me.  It seems to be the same as the Stonyfield Farms organic plain, whole milk yogurt we usually buy, but in different packaging.  I was able to find it at Whole Foods when I made the trip to get some of the Happy Baby Food items for my review, that I couldn’t find locally.

There’s no added sugar, and it’s so good with some fresh fruit mixed in, maybe a drizzle of agave nectar if the fruit is tart.  I believe it has the same active cultures as the Stonyfield Farms, which recommended most often for use as a homemade yogurt starter because of the active cultures.  It’s of course a bit more expensive per ounce than the big tub, but that’s to be expected.  It’s nice to be able to grab a 4 ounce container to take with us somewhere.  I just wish I could find them locally!

The YoBaby 6-packs also come in banana/vanilla, peach/pear and blueberry/apple varieties.

It does have added sugar, though there’s no HFCS or dyes.  The package states that the count includes natural milk sugar, I’d just like to know how many of the 12 grams are added.  Other yogurt marketed to kids has 13-18 grams of sugar in 4 ounces.  YoBaby is the only one (that I know of) made with whole milk, and I don’t know enough about milk to know whether that increases the natural sugar content when compared to low fat milk.

My favorite flavor is the apple, so I had to taste one (purely in the name of research of course!) since I haven’t had one in quite some time.

This is cream top yogurt.  This is what it looked like after being squeezed and manhandled (babyhandled?) by my son, prior to opening it.

Stir to mix and enjoy.  Mmm…heavenly.  At 110 calories in 4 ounces, it’s a bit higher in calories (and fat, but…duh) than light/low or no fat yogurt.  However, I don’t really enjoy the artificially sweetened, artificially flavored, thin stuff.  A 4 oz YoBaby is more filling and satisfying to me than a 6 oz. container of the “other stuff.”

Oh wait, this stuff was called YoBABY, right?  Oops.  It makes me want to make jokes like, “Yo’ Baby’s diaper is so fluffy…”  OK never mind!

Other products include Fruit and Cereal, drinkable yogurt, YoBaby Meals, YoKids Yogurt and YoKids Squeezers.

Anyway, one lucky blog reader will win two coupons for free YoBaby yogurt 4-packs, along with an Eric Carle growth chart! 

Please be sure to leave your email address in one of your comments (you can use the format name at domain dot com to hide from spam bots.)  If it’s in your profile, no need to leave it in your comment.  If you’re the winner but I can’t contact you, I’ll choose someone else.

Here’s how to enter:

1. Leave me a comment.  Do you like yogurt?  What’s your favorite kind?
2. Follow my blog, current followers count.  Comment saying you’re a follower to get your entry.
3. “Like” me on Facebook, current “likers” count.  Comment saying you’re a “liker” to get your entry.
4. Follow me on Twitter, current followers count.  Comment saying you’re a follwer to get your entry.
5. Tweet about this giveaway (make sure you use @chgdiapers) and link to your tweet in a comment to get your entry.  Please tweet no more than once per day.  I don’t want your followers to associate me with annoying spammy tweets, LOL.  You can use this tweet if you like “@chgdiapers has #organic YoBaby yogurt up for grabs until 5/11 http://tinyurl.com/22q53rf #giveaway”
6. Write a blog post about my blog.  It doesn’t have to be specifically about this giveaway, but please be sure to link back to my blog.  Comment with a link to your post to get your entry.
7. Fan Stonyfield on Facebook (“like,” whatever you want to call it!)  Comment saying you’re a fan/liker (whatever!) to get your entry.
8. Like YoBaby on Facebook.  Same deal, comment here to get your entry.
9. Follow Stonyfield on Twitter.  Comment saying you follow to get your entry.

As always, you can do any of the above.  You don’t have to do one in order to do the other.  🙂

I’ll accept entries until Tuesday, May 11th, 2010 at 9 P.M.  I’ll choose a winner with random.org’s random number generator and contact the winner by email.  Coupons will be mailed to the winner by the company.

HappyBabyFood/YoBaby provided free product coupons to me and will provide the coupons to the giveaway winner.  The freebies in no way affected my review. 

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Guest Posting

Come Visit Me


Over at I’d Rather be Changing Diapers!  Heather “interviewed” me a while ago and has posted the interview today.  Gosh it was a while ago since my son is more like 11.5 months old now!  Boo-hoo!

You just might learn something about me.  :-p

Also, check me out, I finally got a domain name.  https://change-diapers.com/  For now, it just redirects here, but hopefully someday, Fitteds & Pockets and Snappis, oh my! will have a new home.

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