All In One Diapers Cloth Diapers

Black Friday Sale at Kelly’s Closet!

>Kelly’s Closet has some excellent deals, starting today!

Can I tell you how much I wish I had some money to spend!  I want the Happy Heiny’s Applix Peace Bears Diaper, maybe another Fuzzi Bunz one size (butter perhaps?) and I really want to try some other Blueberry diapers (one size deluxe, lemon lime applix and blue on chocolate snap).  The email says they are 20% off but I don’t see the price drop right now.

I’d also love to try one of the sized Fuzzi Bunz (medium) diapers in the cute new prints (blue & brown dots, I love blue and brown, what can I say!)

Here some of the info!

  • First 10 orders of the day receive a FuzziBunz One Size Cloth Diaper with inserts -a $18.9 5 retail value
  • Orders 11-75 of the day receive a FREE mini-kit from Running Press (for example: Scrapbooking Kit, Serenity Kit,Bath Gourmet Kit,Passionate Pregnancy Kit {let us know if you are pregnant in the comments section}) $8.95 retail value
  • Orders 76-88 Receive a FREE pair of BabyLegs Super Soft – $21.95 retail value
  • Orders 89-100 Receive a FREE Gro Baby One Size Shell Set -$24.95 retail value
  • At 6pm est the first 10 orders receive an Econobum One Size Diaper (cover & prefold!) $9.95 retail value

*Limit 1 free gift per household.

Save 10-35% off selected items.

Prices as marked. No coupon code necessary. Visit our Black Friday-Cyber Monday Specials page.

35% off:

  • Gro Baby Original Production Shell Sets
  • Thirsties Pocket All in One Diapers

20% off:

  • Econobum Individual and Paks
  • Flip Stay-Dry Individual and Paks
  • Flip Disposable Inserts
  • bumGenius detergent
  • bumGenius Size All-in-Ones Diapers
  • bumGenius bamboo fitted Diapers
  • Kissaluvs One Size Marvel Fitted Diapers
  • Kissaluvs Diaper Lotion Potion
  • Kissaluvs Hybrid Contour Diapers
  • Blueberry Minky One Size Diapers
  • Blueberry Deluxe One Size Diapers
  • Blueberry Daytime Trainers
  • Bummis Swimmis

15% off:

  • FuzziBunz-entire brand!
  • Happy Heiny One Size Diapers (individually and in packages)
  • Thirsties Fab Fitted Diapers

10% off:

(these items are only on sale Black Friday):

  • Bummis Super Brite Covers
  • Bummis Super Whisper Wrap in Prints
  • Baby Beehinds One Size Fitted Diapers
  • Baby Beehinds Wool Covers
  • Thirsties Covers
  • Thirsties NEW! Duo Diapers

Visit our sister sites and for 15% off storewide thru Dec.1st. Use discount code GOBBLE

EVERY order placed at on  Buzzzzz Day will be automatically entered to win 1 of 35 wonderful prizes.*

1 AppleCheeks Mini Test $42.75
2 Baby Beehinds Kit: 2-Hemp os fitteds,2-Bamboo os fitteds,1-Minky AIO,1-Wool Cover,1-PUL Cover, 1 Wetbag$165.50
3 BabyKicks Organic Pak: 2-Organic Fitted Diapers,1-Premium Washie,5-Regular Washies $50.00
41-Blueberry Bamboo Minky One Size Diaper in new print$32.97
5 Bummis Starter Kit: 1-Bummis Med Cover, 6-Prefolds,1-Medium Wetbag,1-Fleece Liners Pk, 1-Flushable Liners roll $58.25
61-Charlies Soap Laundry Powder Combo Kit $52.50
7-261-Gro Baby Intro Package $34.95 each
($699 total value)
27-29Knickernappies Starter Kit: 1-Pocket Diaper, 1-Loopy-Do Insert,1-Changing Pad $33.43 each
301-Knickernappies Diaper Sprayer $38.99
311-Moby Wrap $44.99
322 bags of Rockin’Green Cloth Diaper Detergent $29.98
331-Thirties Duo Diaper $18.50
341-Northern Essence Diaper Care Kit: 1-Diaper Rash Salve Stick,1-Body Butter Stick,1-2 oz.wipe solution $19.95
35 Moby Swaddle Blanket $29.95

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All In One Diapers Cloth Diapers Fitted Diapers Giveaway

Huge Diaper Giveaway!

>The Eli Monster is giving an awesome diaper package away!

It includes:

  • 3 diapers
  • 3 inserts
  • Medium wetbag
  • 12 cloth wipes
  • Sample of diaper pail dust

Click here for all the details and to enter.

This would be an awesome way to get your feet wet with cloth diapering, add to your stash, or just try something new!

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All In One Diapers Cloth Diapers Made in the USA Sized Diapers

His Tooshie is Cooshie

>Yesterday I got the Cooshie Tooshie diapers I purchased.

These are my first WAHM made diapers.  They are very clearly individually vs factory made.  The thing I like best about WAHM made diapers (aside from supporting another Mom) is the adorable prints.
I love that the inside is black.  No stains!
The red rodeo diaper is a pocket style.  It was sent with a microfiber towel to fold & stuff.  Some WAHMs do not include an insert.  You can make one, buy one, or use a towel.
The pocket opening is in the front, which doesn’t matter, but is different than I’m used to.
I washed them separately since they are brand new & so dark, then hung them to dry.

The Curious George diaper is an all in one, the first I’ve owned.  The soaker is firmly stitched in and didn’t bunch while washing.  It definitely took a while to dry!

These are also both size mediums.  They’re the first non one size diapers I’ve purchased.

They seemed similar to the medium BG setting in length but seemed narrow through the middle.

They were trim & adorable on!

He only wet these diapers.  They didn’t fit quite as snugly around the thighs and we had a little wicking around the legs.  The price was excellent, they’re adorable and I’m happy to support a WAHM. 

I definitely think if you were to do AIOs full time, you would need to double the stash since they take so long to dry.  I also think it would be much more difficult to keep them clean & stink free since you can’t treat the soaker separately, and you do not want to damage the PUL.

I’m very happy to have these cute diapers!

Edit August 2010: I ended up selling these because I didn’t love the fit on my son as much as others I have.

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Cloth Diapers

Free Sample of Grandma El’s Diaper Rash Remedy & Prevention

>Click here to request your sample of Grandma El’s Diaper Rash Remedy & Prevention.

This stuff is miraculous, zinc free and cloth diaper safe!

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Cloth Diapers Made in the USA One Size Diapers Pocket Diapers

Not that kind of Blueberry

>I was most excited to get this diaper.  The print looked adorable online, and the outside was a soft “minky” material.

blueberry diapers

In person, the print wasn’t nearly as cute as I expected, but it is cute and soft.

I really dislike the insert.  It is hemp and microfiber and I had to wash it numerous times before using, to remove the natural oils.  I found it confusing to snap and fold.  The instructions said to fold it in thirds and snap, but doing that put the microfiber sandwiched in the middle, and I thought microfiber was supposed to be on the baby side inside the pocket.

The other diapers I have used have had the PUL layer directly on the outside.  Since this is minky outside, I think the PUL is sandwiched inside (need to look at it more closely).  Once I had the diaper on him, it had this weird plastic crinkle to it that is hard to explain, but it was as if he had plastic pants on.  At first I thought there was something strange going on with the insert but I am almost sure it was the PUL layer.  Like it was moving around inside?

This seemed to be the only diaper with good laundry tabs.  They remained firmly attached and I actually had a hard time undoing them when it was time to put the diaper on.  The diaper was a member of the diaper chain in the wash though, the hook part of the velcro on other diapers gravitated towards this one.

I have never seen a diaper more expensive than this one.  Between the price, washing issues of the hemp, the weird insert, plastic crinkle and so forth, I would not buy another one.  Plenty of WAHMs make dipes with minky on the outside if that’s what you’re looking for.

Blueberry has other diapers, some have snaps.  They have several prints that I like and the non-minky diapers are about $5 cheaper, but they are still very, very expensive.  I believe Blueberry is in some way affiliated with Swaddlebees, and I wonder if their diapers are any different, they look very similar in photos online.  I would love to try a different type of Blueberry diaper, but there is no way I can bring myself to pay almost twice as much for one.  I would much rather have two fuzzibunz!

After having used this for four months, I love the insert (just had to figure it out) and HATE those “sticky” laundry tabs.  It’s near impossible to rip the velcro off of them, and one of the laundry tabs is shredded and torn almost completely off.  The company just emailed me a virtual *shrug* and said that you can’t win with velcro, either it’s too sticky or not sticky enough.  The inner is also quite pilly and gross looking.

On the other hand, my Blueberry Bamboo diaper still rocks.  It looks new, the snaps work wonderfully and so on.  I just prefer a stay dry inner, but I can always get a liner for it.

I should have listened to the reviews that said to stay away from Blueberry velcro!!

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