525 people entered this giveaway, with 846 entries in all.
Bumgenius introduced two new prints in their “genius” series; Irwin & Maathai. I purchased one of each to show you, and to give away! (links are to my affiliate, Kelly’s closet)
Bumgenius Elemental Cloth Diapers Old vs. New Style Comparison

I bought a Bumgenius Elemental in 2010 for my older son. I had only been cloth diapering for about a year at that point, but I was quickly figuring out what type of diapers I preferred. When my older son potty trained, my stash that felt like not-quite-enough-for-2-children, was a bit overwhelming for just one! I pared down my stash and donated diapers that weren’t my favorites, and this one didn’t make the cut. As I just posted this week, that doesn’t mean it’s a bad diaper, it just means it’s not my favorite. 🙂 I was definitely intrigued by the changes and wanted to offer you a side by side comparison, so here it is. Two spankin’ new Bumgenius Elementals; one old style, one new, compared. (side note, no idea what is wrong with my *&*^&* picture color. My white balance looks great on the camera screen, then on the computer…blue. Edit pictures?? Ain’t nobody got time fo dat! 😉 This post better shows what Dazzle actually looks like!)
Today I’m co-hosting Diaper Junction’s feed Your Stash Friday (FYSF) giveaway on their Cloth Diaper Blog! Each week, they give away cloth diapers to one lucky winner.
My love of fluff began in 2009 with 3 Bumgenius 3.0 cloth diapers, so it’s only fitting that I would give away a Bumgenius 4.0 to welcome all the new faces (and to say thanks to the folks that have been around a while!)
Consider “liking” me on Facebook, following me on Twitter, adding my Google+ page to your circles, subscribing to my YouTube channel, RSS feed, email updates or following me on Pinterest. However, this is a one click giveaway entry, so you don’t need to do any of that to get entries.
Giveaway details: One winner will receive a Bumgenius 4.0 one-size cloth diaper in his/her choice of color and closure (ARV $17.95.)
Winner may choose Albert or Lovelace print however, they may be backordered. I will purchase the diaper from a reputable cloth diaper retailer of my choice, including (but not limited to) my affiliates Cloth Diaper Outlet, Kelly’s Closet, Diaper Junction and Mom’s Milk Boutique. Winner name, address & email may be shared with the retailer for order fulfillment only. This giveaway is open to the U.S. and Canada, excluding Quebec, and will end Tuesday April 3rd, 2012 at 9:00 P.M. Eastern. I will select a winner using Rafflecopter, and notify him/her by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen. View my giveaway rules for complete details.
Please note: This giveaway is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by, nor affiliated with any cloth diaper manufacturer or retailer. I was not compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own.
This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking the link, I receive a small portion of the sale. Thank you!