If you click & buy, we may receive a small commission, thank you. I’ll be honest, I’m spoiled by free shipping, and I’m happy to announce that Diaper Junction now offers free shipping on all USA orders.
If you weren’t able to make the 2016 Best of Awards Winner Announcements, you’re in luck! There are some amazing giveaways that are still open until Saturday, January 28th at 9 PM Eastern! Head to the Change-Diapers Facebook page to enter!

I received a product at no cost for review purposes. Post contains affiliate links. Diaper Junction‘s Diaper Rite line was introduced to give families an option that is both high quality & economical. I have previously used the Diaper Rite pocket diaper, and Diaper Junction sent me their newest Diaper Rite product, the one-size all-in-one.
Today I’m co-hosting Diaper Junction’s feed Your Stash Friday (FYSF) giveaway on their Cloth Diaper Blog! Each week, they give away cloth diapers to one lucky winner.