301 people entered this giveaway with 918 entries in all.
I received a product at no cost for review purposes. I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. Kushies is a worldwide leader in cloth diapers, including the reusable swim diaper I reviewed more than 4 years ago (and am still using!)
I had sort of been feeling sorry for myself because I had entered so many giveaways and never won. You know the feeling, you’re happy for the winners but wonder when it will be your turn! Shortly after that, my luck changed and I started winning, so I wanted to share with you what I won!
July 28th-$20 Abby’s Lane gift certificate from Show Your Amor (bought a Bumgenius Elemental, watch for the review next month!)
August 3rd-Mother-Ease reusable shopping bag-Facebook win (I’m keeping my Boba Carrier in this, but it makes a great shopping bag because it has a drawstring. Plus, I maybe someone will comment on the cloth diaper logo and I can bring them over to the dark side tell them about my cloth diaper addiction habit use!
August 12th-Yummy Dough from The Simple Things
August 16th-Kushies Kritter-Facebook Win
August 24th- Unwind beverage from My Life as Married Girl and Mommy
September 1st-Knickernappies 2G pocket diaper from http://www.theclothdiaperreport.com/
September 20th-Knickernappies 2G pocket diaper from Earth Angels Diaper Co. on their blog. Since I was lucky enough to win the same diaper twice, one courtesy of Knickernappies/The Cloth Diaper Report, and the other from Earth Angels, watch for a giveaway of the second one next month!
September 21st-Kissaluvs Fitted from The Abby’s Lane’s blog chat giveaways! Watch for a review of this next month, along with a giveaway (with two winners!) sponsored by Kissaluvs!
So, it does pay to enter! I hope some of my readers are winning a few of the giveaways I post on the Friday roundup!! Get ready to enter a whole lot of great fluff giveaways here during the Year of Fluff event in October!!
Kushies is a Canadian company that is the world’s largest washable diaper leader (didn’t know that until now!)