qdSpray Portable Cloth Diaper Sprayer Review
I purchased this item myself. I was not asked to write, nor was I compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. Post contains affiliate links. I’ve heard so often that a diaper sprayer is a “must have” cloth diapering accessory. In fact, many families consider it a necessity, not a luxury. After 5.5 years of cloth diapering without one, I’ve finally tried a sprayer or more specifically, the qdSpray portable cloth diaper sprayer.
UPDATE: qdSpray sent me the new Elite sprayer head to attach to my old qdSpray and it’s a total game changer.
I smooshed/rubbed peanut butter into two towels and tried the old sprayer (blue towel) and new sprayer (green towel). The new sprayer blasted the mess off with zero effort, even with my spotty water pressure.
I HIGHLY recommend buying a qdSpray Elite if you need a diaper sprayer but can’t permanently attach one, or just want one that’s easy to store away and take for traveling.

When I was still in the research phase, I was overwhelmed by all of the things I would “need” to successfully cloth diaper, and I had an extremely limited (nonexistent) budget. I decided to focus on buying diapers and grab only accessories I felt I truly needed. I figured when I felt like I could no longer deal with the poop using my current method (scraping with TP, then washing the rest – occasionally dunk/swish without touching the water), I’d buy a sprayer.
Well, my method always worked for me so I never bought a sprayer. I did wonder if I was missing out by not having one, but I had my reasons for being happy without it. First of all, they are $50-$70 which is a lot when you’re on a tight budget (though I understand many feel it is a worthwhile expenditure). You have to install them and although rare, I’ve heard a couple of horror stories about improper installation leading to an undetected leak, or improper use causing a gigantic mess. With my luck, I’d be one of the rare cases of disaster! I also had visions of my kids having water fights. I just didn’t feel like it was worth it for me when my method was working just fine.

Last year, Courtney of Diaper Wrecker brought a newer business qdSpray to my attention. I was intrigued by the idea of a sprayer that could be connected to your sink when you needed it, and put away when you didn’t. No permanent installation needed and ability to adjust the water temperature (giving it lots more potential uses in the future). While I still don’t feel like I need a diaper sprayer, I decided to buy one and give it a try.

The standard qdSpray has a 4 foot hose and retails for $39.99. This would be perfect if your toilet is directly beside your sink. For my setup, I chose the 8 foot sprayer, which has an extra piece of hose securely attached and is $44.99. You can also buy a sprayer with a 12 foot hose directly from qdSpray for $49.99.
The most important thing is to read qdSpray’s online manual and examine the sink to which you plan to attach the sprayer. Though qdSpray works with most sinks, there are some exceptions, as well as a few styles that require additional adapters. (They even offer a garden hose adapter!)

QdSpray looks like a standard kitchen sink sprayer and comes with a quick disconnect faucet adapter.

This allows you to simply slide the sprayer on when you want to use it, rather than having to remove the aerator each time.

It only took me a few seconds to make the swap. The adaptor allows you to use your sink as usual when you’re not using the sprayer. While not completely hidden and not particularly stylish, it isn’t hideous either. 🙂
When you want to use the sprayer, slide back the collar, place on the adapter, slide the collar back up and make sure it is securely attached.

Adjust the water as you like, then test it in the sink. There will be some initial sputtering as the air comes out of the line. Since we have well water, we’re used to this! Any time the power is out for an extended period of time, our well pump doesn’t work, and when the water comes back on, we end up with air in all the lines and lots of sputtering!

With our well pump, the water pressure drops dramatically if there’s another source using water. Ex: if the washer is filling, my kitchen sink sprayer does not spray. If the dishwasher is running, you’ll be pressing yourself to the back of the shower to stay in the water, then get blasted in the face when the pressure picks back up. (Yes, we’ve had it looked at, it’s fine!) Due to this, I find that the diaper sprayer works better if no other water is running, but it does work even if there is. I get the best results when I turn the cold full blast, add a little hot, and hold the nozzle very close to the diaper (as in, within an inch). I’m not sure if it’s our water pressure, the 8 foot hose or just the design but I feel it is more of a diaper rinsing tool since it really doesn’t spray forcefully enough to blast messes right off.
When you’re finished, turn the water off first, then squeeze the sprayer in the sink to relieve any pressure before disconnecting. Before you stow it away in the mesh bag, just empty any residual water out of the line. With the 8 foot hose it did take a few seconds of holding it up and straightening out the hose to allow the water to run all the way out. It wasn’t difficult or terribly time consuming, but I imagine it would be even faster with the 4 foot hose.
While I’ve enjoying having the qdSpray around, I still don’t feel that a diaper sprayer is a necessity for our family. I am curious as to how it compares to a traditional sprayer, but not curious enough to buy and install one. 😉
Have you used both a traditional sprayer and a qdSpray? Which did you prefer? Did you notice a difference in performance?
[…] and makes it a snap to blast diapers clean. If you can’t permanently install one, there are portable diaper sprayers that hook onto your sink faucet (also great for travel). Splatter shields can ensure that nothing […]
[…] Diaper sprayers, splatter shields, and disposable cloth diaper liners can be helpful but plenty of families have success without them. […]
[…] and all opinions are my own. Post contains affiliate links. After 5 1/2 years of cloth diapering, I finally tried a diaper sprayer. Most families feel a splatter shield is a must-have when you have a sprayer so I thought it would […]
Water fight!! Lol, never thought about that! I was really hoping to purchase one of these because I loved the idea being able to travel with it (not that I travel a lot lol ) , and how easy it is to install. But, my sinks are not compatible. Boo. So, as the world of solids is slowly approaching me, I have to figure out what methods will work for our family 🙂
I really feel like solids have been no big deal! TMI but my 3 year old’s diapers are still the disgusting mess type with a very rare ploppable one. Scraping works well for us. 🙂
I love my diaper sprayer. I didn’t have one with my first baby but find that I really like it with babe #2. Is it a necessity? No. But it sure does make those peanut butter poops easier to remove. (We’re on a tight budget too and my hubby got me a sprayer as an anniversary gift while it was on sale. How romantic, right?!)
Sounds pretty romantic to me! He was listening and got you something you wanted, on sale no less!