Author Archives: Maria

Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.
Detergents Giveaway Natural Household Products Review Washing

Yoreganics Laundry To Go Travel Trio Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 2/22)

yoreganics laundry to go

Yoreganics sells USDA organic personal care and laundry products including shave gel, lip balm, foaming wash, soap nuts, stain remover and brightener/whitener.

yoreganics natural laundry products

I received the travel size laundry trio, which is enough for 25 loads, and retails for $14.99.  The set is also available in sample, medium, large and extra-large sizes.  The travel set included a generous helping of soap nuts, a muslin bag, .41 oz stain remover spray, and two small baggies (6 oz.) of brightens & whitens.


Kim included a handwritten note, which was a really nice touch.  I realize she probably isn’t able to do that for every order, but as a reviewer, it was really nice to get!

soap nuts

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 2/14/11 – Making Your Own Diapers, Materials & Wool

DIY #clothdiapers via @chgdiapers

It’s Valentines Day, my Dad’s Birthday, and it’s Mailbox Monday! Every Monday (if I have received a submission), I will answer reader submitted questions, and ask readers to weigh in with their opinions.

Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject, or Fill out my contact form for readers, which you will always be able to find on my Contact Page.

Melissa says:

Hi Maria,

I know you usually purchase your diapers but I was wondering if you have any advice for making your own cloth diaper. I am currently pregnant with my first so I am still a newby with all this. I have found several great templates with step by step directions online and they all recommend using flannel as their main material. I was wondering about using fleece for the layer that touches that baby’s skin, since that is what seems to be most popular with the name brand diapers. What is the difference between the fleece that I can purchase from the cloth store and microfleece? Is it really necessary to purchase microfleece?

Also, do you have a source for good wool soakers and longies?

Thank you so much for helping me wade through this world of cloth diapers 🙂


You’re right that I don’t sew my own diapers!  I don’t have a sewing machine and while I thought about getting one, I don’t realistically think I’d have time to spend on that right now.  I think it’s awesome that you are a) going to cloth diaper your first baby (why was I such a chicken??) and b) sewing your own!

So, when I had my bright idea that I wanted to try to make my own diapers, I joined the group Sewing Diaper Divas on Cafemom.  There is lots of great information there on materials, patterns and techniques, though my membership lapsed since I wasn’t active there.  There are also a lot of talented WAHMs in the Cuties With Cloth Booties group on Cafemom, that can give you tips!

The benefit of fleece against baby’s skin is that it will wick moisture away from the baby’s skin into the insert or soaker of the diaper, while flannel will stay wet against the baby’s skin. 

Microfleece and fleece are both polyester, but microfleece is made of smaller, and more tightly woven fibers.  It is a lighter “weight” than something like Walden Mills Fleece (which can be used as the outer of night time diapers.)  Generally speaking, water will pass through the microfleece more easily, and it doesn’t get as pilly over time.

What materials you use will depend on what you want to make.  It’s not a bad idea to just start out with some extra, or inexpensive flannel receiving blankets, and get some practice before buying materials.

I have three wool soakers: a Little Beetle Little to Big Cover, a Kissaluvs Kissa’s Wool Lover Diaper Cover and a Mobums Wool Interlock Night Night Soaker.  Wool longies/shorties/skirties are often stocked in The Cuties with Cloth Booties Congo and The Bliss Congo, both of which are stuffed full of talented WAHMs!

I don’t own any wool other than what I listed above, largely because wool is just out of my price range.

I think the readers would be better qualified to answer these questions this week!  How about you all?  Do you make your own diapers?  Do you have a favorite place to buy wool?

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways Linky

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for February 11th, 2011


It’s Friday giveaway roundup time!  Browse the list of cloth diaper/accessory/baby wearing giveaways I’ve found, and find some you’d like to enter!

If you’d like me to feature your cloth diaper, accessory, baby wearing (etc.) giveaway next week, send a link and description to maria at, or Fill out my contact form for readers.

I’m trying out a new format this week.  Giveaways are in date order, and giveaways that have appeared on a previous roundup have an asterisk beside them.  Giveaways that will end before the next roundup still have the date in bold.  Let me know what you think of the new arrangement!

GoGreen Champ Noir Pocket Diaper


The Cloth Diaper Whisperer

*2 Itti Bitti Bitti Tutto Diapers from Kelly Wels (ends today, 2/11)

*Rumparooz Diaper from Thanks Mama and A Mommy’s Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends today, 2/11)

Green Bumkin Wet Bag from Crum’s This n That (ends today, 2/11)

*Thirsties Duo Diaper from The Little Hedgehog Mandatory GFC follow (ends tomorrow, 2/12)

Knickernappies Custom Fit Diaper from So Easy being Green Mandatory GFC follow (ends tomorrow, 2/12)

$15 GC to The Willow Store from Love You Always and Forever Mandatory GFC follow, Facebook “like” and comment (ends tomorrow, 2/12)

WAHMies Wet Bag from The Nurse Mommy Mandatory Facebook “like” (ends tomorrow, 2/12)

*Econobum Diaper from I’m That Mommy (ends 2/13) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Ragababe Wet Bag from Padded Tush Stats Mandatory survey (ends 2/13)

Small gDiapers from The Reynolds Mom Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/13)

Bright Star Baby AIO from Cloth Diaper Addiction (ends 2/14)

*Bummas Wipes from Midget Momma (ends 2/14) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*Tot Wraps Dream diaper from Soliel Selene (ends 2/14)

*Thirsties Fab Wipes & Booty Luster from Soliel Selene (ends 2/14)

*My Precious Kid Cloth Diaper Bundle from Soliel Selene (ends 2/14)

*$25 Sugar Dipes GC from Soliel Selene (ends 2/14)

*GoGreen Pocket Diapers Bundle from Soliel Selene (ends 2/14)

*Fluffy Tot Cloth Wipes from Soliel Selene (ends 2/14)

*Doodle Dypes Cloth Diaper Bundle from Soliel Selene (ends 2/14)

*Bummis Easy Fit from Triple Duty Momma (ends 2/14)

Nature’s Fabrics Fitted Diaper from Knocked up and Nursing (ends 2/14)

In Stock Cloth Diaper from Nutured Baby Boutique and Dibs (ends 2/14)

Nana Pants Diaper from A Heart For Home (ends 2/14)

Rockin’ Green Detergent from So Easy Being Green Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/14)

*GoGreen Wet/Dry Bag and Cloth Wipes from happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/15)

*Ergo Baby Carrier from Diary of a Devil Dog Wife Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/15)

Hemp inserts from Life with my Littles Two Mandatory GFC follows (ends 2/15)

Blueberry Deluxe Diaper from modified Momma Reviews Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/15)

My Baby’s Green Diaper from My This n That Life Mandatory GFC follow and email subscription (ends 2/15)

Ruby Moon Detergent from So Easy Being Green Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/15)

*Thirsties Duo Fab Fitted from Go Baby Go and Crazy 4 Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/16)

*Zookies Diaper Cover from Cloth Diaper Contests & Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/16)

Sprout Change Diaper from The Willow Store, Life With My Littles and Triple Duty Momma Two mandatory GFC follows (ends 2/16)

Bummas Wipes from Triple Duty Momma Two mandatory GFC follows (ends 2/16)

$15 Monkey Toes GC from Crazy 4 Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/17)

Clean B Detergent from So Easy Being Green Two mandatory GFC follows (ends 2/17)

Bummas Wipes from Sweet T Makes Three Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/18) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Tiny Tush Elite Pocket Diaper from Momma in Flip Flops (ends 2/18)

WAHMies Pail Liner from So Easy Being Green Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/18)

*Bumgenius 4.0 Artist Series from Bottom of the Sixth Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/19)

*Doopsy Diaper from Diary of a Devil Dog Wife Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/19)

Twinkletoes Fleece Shorties from Stuff Parents Need (ends 2/19)

*My Baby’s Green Diapers from Lindsay’s Family Reviews Mandatory GFC follow and Newsletter Subscription (ends 2/20)

*Rumparooz Diaper from Happy Baby Co. and Monkey Tales Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/20)

*Mother-Ease Diaper from Mommy and Me Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/20)

Thirsties Fab Wipes & Botty Luster from Coping With Frugality (ends 2/20)

Bummis Easy Fit Diaper from The Small Town Mom Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/20)

Bummas Wipes from Crazy 4 Fluff Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/20)

Best Bottom Diapering System from Cloth Diaper Contests Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/20)

Itti Bitti D’Lish and Tutto Diapers from Dirty Diaper Laundry (ends 2/21)

RearZ Diapers from Cushy Tushy and West Coast Mama (ends 2/21) Open to the U.S. and Canada

*$20 Abby’s Lane GC from Mama to 4 Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/23)

Wee Expressions Diaper from Sweet T Makes 3 Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/23)

Mini Maestro Diaper from Momma In Flip Flops (ends 2/24) Open to the U.S. and Canada

$20 GC to Doable Diapers from Mama to 4 Blessings Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/26)

*Knickernappies Diaper from Wee Little Changes (ends 2/27)

*GoGreen Champ Pocket Diaper from Happenings of the Harper Household Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/28)

*Bumgenius 4.0 from Cloth Diapers n More and Mommy and Me giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/28)

*$10 Abby’s Lane GC from Mommy and Me Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 2/28)

Thirsties Duo Wrap & Prefold from Mommy Kat and Kids (ends 2/28) Open to the U.S. and Canada

Bumgenius 4.0 from Maine Cloth Diapers and Mommy and Me Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/5)

*Bummas Wipes from Smile a Day Giveaways Mandatory GFC follow (ends 3/12) Open to the U.S. and

*giveaways that have appeared on a previous roundup

Feel free to enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The form Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. Please at least include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

View my where I list my giveaways post, to find more places to link up your giveaways!

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Tiny Tush Winner

tiny tush winner

149 people entered this giveaway, with 374 entries in all.  The winning number is #149, which is Sarah Colvin!

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Cloth Diapers Pocket Diapers Review Sized Diapers Velcro/Aplix Closure WAHM made

Designs by Cace Pocket Diaper Tester Review

designs by cace pocket diaper tester

I reviewed a Designs by Cace all-in-one diaper last year, during my “year of fluff” event.  One thing I had mentioned was that a “heavy wetter” style diaper would be a nice option.  Sara at Designs by Cace decided to test a brand new pocket diaper pattern, to make absorbency customizable for heavier wetters.
side rear
Keep in mind that this is a tester diaper, and changes and improvements will be made based on tester feedback!

aplix closures and laundry tabs

The diaper looks very much like the AIO, with aplix closures and laundry tabs.

rear pocket opening

Except of course, it has a pocket opening rather than a sewn in soaker.

medium diaper folded stretched

The medium is estimated to fit 10-22 pounds.  My son is about 21 pounds and he’s definitely getting close to outgrowing the diaper, but he still has some room.

medium diaper on 21 lb baby 9

rear side

It took me a while to get my feedback to Sara.  I generally get a diaper, wash it once, then use and wash it at least 3-4 times before providing feedback.  Well…  The first three times I put the diaper on my son, he pooped in it almost immediately!  I joke about him and pretty new white diapers, since he always seems to do that.  Never three times though!  Maybe the super soft inner relaxed him, I don’t know, ha ha! 

In any case, I was finally able to give it some really good use, and it has been washed 7+ times.  Sara included a microfiber towel to use in the pocket; she is planning on making inserts for the diapers, but wanted to focus on the diapers for now.  The last time I used the diaper, the towel was pretty soaked, and I had a little bit of wicking at one of the legs.  I think this could be corrected by using an insert in the pocket, and I’m going to try stuffing it with one of my spare inserts next!  I’m looking forward to seeing photos of round two testers or the final product!


DBC sells her AIOs from $9 (smalls) to $15 (large prints) and I’d expect the pockets to be fairly similarly priced.  Designs by Cace diapers are a great value and are work-at-home-mom made!

FTC compliance: I was not compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.

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