Nicki’s Best Bottom Diapering System Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 10/19)
Nicki’s Best Bottom Diapering System is a one-size, all-in-two system designed by Nicki’s Diapers. If you visit the website, for heaven’s sakes, don’t leave the “diapers” off the web address, take that from me!
I received a “mint chocolate chip” (yum) diaper along with medium and large stay-dry inserts.
Two things that stood out to me about the Best Bottom diaper were the leg gussets, and the four size settings.
The diaper has velcro closures, which I love. However, I think they would be even better if the laundry tabs were rotated 90 degrees. They don’t seem to want to stay attached in the wash, so I may try turning the tabs and attaching them at an angle!
The features page has a comparison on features/pros/cons and cost of various diapering systems. The Best Bottom system actually has a leg up on covers and prefolds as far as cost goes. I think they have the additional advantage of being super easy (inserts just snap in) and having a stay-dry insert. I see no reason why you couldn’t use the diaper as a cover over prefolds as well, if you already have some in your stash.
Here is the Extra-Small setting:
Medium (the size we used):
The photos below show the Best Bottom diaper on the medium setting with a medium insert. I was able to use the large inserts in the medium setting as well. I just had to fold/tuck the excess insert in, and of course, it was a little bit bulkier! My son is about 18.5 lbs and 30″.
You may be thinking to yourself, “Maria, these photos look like you put the diaper on him while he was standing, then chased him around trying to take photos of him!” If that’s what you’re thinking, you’re exactly right. I was able to get this sucker on him while he was on the move, and I still had no leaks at all.
Hemp/organic cotton inserts are also offered, as well as overnight inserts and doublers. This system is so easy to use and affordable (8 covers and 24 inserts are recommended) I think it would be a great way to get started in cloth or pump up your stash. They’d also be a fantastic choice for road trips and vacations since they take up less space than pocket diapers, fitteds or AIOs.
Each shell retails for $16.95; stay dry inserts are $3.75 each. The hemp/organic cotton inserts are $5.75 and the overnight inserts are $6.50.
Giveaway: Nicki’s Best Bottom Diapers is offering one winner a one-size shell and 3 stay dry inserts!Here’s how to enter: All entries go in the form below. Feel free to leave a comment about the post, or simply to remind yourself that you entered however, comments will not be counted as entries. Mandatory entries include name, email address and your favorite Best Bottom color (there are new ones!) You may “like” Nicki’s Diapers on Facebook and/or follow Nicki’s Diapers on Twitter and/or Follow the Nicki’s Diapers Blog for bonus entries (there are often giveaways on their blog!) This post will be updated daily (or so) with the # of entries received, for those of you who like to know your odds.
I will accept entries until Tuesday, October 19th 2010 at 9 P.M. Eastern. I will select a winner using’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and a new winner is chosen. View my giveaway rules page for complete details. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
Entries as of October 19th, 2010 at giveaway closure: 443
FTC Compliance: I was provided with a review product at no charge; I was not compensated for this post. All opinions are my own.
Every Monday I will answer user submitted questions. They don’t have to be about cloth diapering! I’ll always answer questions via email, but if you would like your question to be answered in a Mailbox Mondays post, send an email with the subject “Mailbox Mondays” to Maria at change-diapers dot com.
I’m looking for MM submissions for late October and beyond!
Rebecca says:
Hi Maria-
I’d love to hear your thoughts about one size diapers. Are they really worth it? Can you get them to fit well? I am using sized diapers right now.
This is a great question! When I was expecting my daughter (about 6 years ago, wow!) an acquaintance gave me information on cloth diapers. I did some research and settled on FuzziBunz sized pocket diapers. When I started adding it up though, it seemed awfully expensive. I didn’t know what I know now, and I didn’t know how to get the information.
I was assuming I would need 25 or so diapers in every size: extra-small, small, medium, large, extra large etc. That would put the cost to cloth diaper equal to, or greater than, disposables. That, combined with feeling overwhelmed at the idea of washing diapers in addition to learning to care for and breastfeed a newborn, made me forget the idea altogether.
Now, I know that I could have used Extra-Small and Mediums alone and been just fine! In fact, my daughter could probably fit in a medium FuzziBunz now at 5 1/2!
With my son, I decided on one-size diapers. He is also tiny like my daughter, and is still in mediums. I only have a few sized diapers, but I like them since they are so trim.
I am able to get a good fit with one-size diapers, and they really aren’t that bulky. Most don’t fit well until 10-12 pounds though (there are exceptions to that) so if you cloth diaper from birth, you will still need to buy something else for the newborn stage.
I’ve also heard several people say that one-size diapers didn’t really fit their larger babies through potty training, so they had to buy some larger diapers later on.
I guess it’s really just a toss up based on what you prefer. There are also a few companies (like Thirsties) that make two size diapers, so you can get the best of both worlds. The size 1 and size 2 should truly take a child from birth to potty training with 3 size adjustments each.
I hope all of this made sense, I tend to talk in circles sometimes! 🙂
A question about “the other cloth”:
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else in your family uses cloth wipes (i.e. Mama cloth)?
Initially, the idea freaked me out a little bit. The more I read, the more interested I was. I’ve looked at WAHM made mama cloth (like the ones made by Addicted) and it looks great! Cute designs, luxurious materials; definitely better than the alternative. I hate the crinkly paper feeling, the trash etc. Hopefully I will get to try some soon (which sounds weird to say!)
Family cloth: I would definitely do family cloth for #1, I’d love to find some soft, affordable wipes to use, and maybe a smallish wetbag to keep in each bathrooom for them. I’d be a little afraid they’d get thrown in the potty by accident though, and I’m not brave enough to use them for #2 yet!
Reusable Tissues: Better for Grownups has some awesome reusable tissues that I can’t wait to try, once I have the money to spend!
What do you guys think? Do you use sized, or one-size diapers? Ever used any “other” cloth?
Bumgenius Elemental (A.K.A. Organic AIO) Review
I purchased this Bumgenius Elemental, Organic One-Size All-in-One with the $20 Abby’s Lane gift certificate I won from Show Your Amor the day after my Birthday. Happy Birthday me!
The elementals come with snap closures only, and the price is a little steep at $24.95 each. They are very similar to the Flip or Bumgenius 4.0 in size and shape, but it is certified organic cotton on the inside, and it’s an all-in-one style. Since it’s organic cotton, it does need to be “prepped” by washing 5 or more times, to gain maximum absorbency. I think I may have washed it 3 times before using it the first time, knowing that it would gain absorbency with further washes.
The soaker is sewn in a loop style to dry a bit faster, and wash a bit more thoroughly, but I found it still took quite a while to dry. While the soaker is all organic cotton, there will still be PUL touching the baby’s skin at the front and back (which will serve as a stopper to prevent leaking and wicking.)
The size is very similar to the Bumgenius 4.0, but I prefer the leg elastic style of the 4.0. The elemental is one-size via the same snap down rise the Bumgenius 3.0 & 4.0 Pocket diapers have.
Measurements are of course a wee bit subjective, since you can eke out a little more or less depending on just how you hold it.
Here is the small setting, folded and stretched:
Medium folded and stretched:
Large folded and stretched:
Here it is on my son, who is in the medium setting, at about 18.5 pounds and 30″:
It did fit well, and did not leak (even before it was fully prepped) but I did have to roll the leg elastic in a bit. My personal preference (which you know if you’ve been reading for a while!) is a pocket diaper with a stay dry inner and Velcro closure. However, if you are looking for an easy to use all-in-one with an organic soaker, this may be your ticket!
FTC Compliance: I paid normal retail price for this item, which was purchased using a gift certificate I won. I was not compensated for this review.