Author Archives: Maria

Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.
All In Two Diapers Cloth Diapers Diaper Covers Giveaway Hybrid Diapers Natural Fiber One Size Diapers Prefolds PUL

Econobum Giveaway (CLOSED 8/13)


I received an econobum free with a coupon code last year, and I didn’t really give it a fair shake.  I wasn’t terribly impressed, I was happy with my pocket diapers, and I figured I might as well sell it before I fully prepped it and used it a bunch.
The econobum consists of a really nice, quality prefold and a cover.
Like the flip, it is “one size” via a snap down rise, and has snap closures.  It’s like an economy version of the flip.  Thinner and doesn’t have the flaps to tuck the insert under.
It’s definitely pretty basic.  It comes in white only and its pretty thin.
It’s not called the “luxurobum,” it’s called the econobum, and for good reason.  The cover and prefold are just $9.95. 
The prefold that’s included is very nice, and you could really supplement the system with some cheaper prefolds to really stretch the budget.
For myself, I figured as long as I was spending less on cloth than I would be on disposables, I was doing all right.

As I’ve said before, I built my stash gradually, washing twice a day for a while, but something like the econobum would get you in cloth in no time flat!

So, I got sucked in by my favorite 4 letter f-word (free!) and bought something I could have paid less for, just to use a “spend $xx get a free one-size diaper” coupon.  I had read comments of what others had received and I was hopeful that I’d get something new.  Doncha know I ended up with another econobum.

So, I thought I’d give it to one of my readers, and I’m making this quick and easy (insert off color joke here.)

If you win, you will get the brand new, in it’s package, econobum pictured here.

Here’s how to enter:

Comment on this post.  That’s it.  Told you it would be quick and easy.  Say anything you like, but I’d really love some feedback.  Things you’d like me to review or give away, what you think of my usual giveaway entry methods and so forth.  Please do make sure to leave your email address in your comment if it isn’t visible in your profile.

I’ll accept entries until Friday, August 13th, 2010 (oohh Friday the 13th!) at 9 P.M., Eastern.  I’ll draw a winner using’s true random number generator and notify him/her by email.  S/he will have 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and other winner chosen.

This is open to the U.S. only.  Sorry Canadians, I don’t really understand the rules up North, and I don’t look good in orange.  ‘Cause, you know…they put people in orange jumpsuits when they throw ’em in the pokey.  Bah-dum-ching.  I’m here all night folks.

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Mailbox Mondays

Mailbox Mondays 8/9/10


Every Monday I will answer user submitted questions.  They don’t have to be about cloth diapering!  I’ll always answer questions via email, but if you would like your question to be answered in a Mailbox Mondays post, send an email with the subject “Mailbox Mondays” to at gmail dot com!

Ash says:

Hi Maria! Love your blog! You were the first blog I found that I started following when I started blogging. 🙂

So right now I am exclusive to only one brand of cloth diapers. But I want to get some other brands soon. My question is…When you have more than one brand of diapers, how do you wash them? I know that most brands have different instructions for washing, so do you just keep washing with whatever you find that works, or do you wash each brand separately?

Thank you!

Ash from The Adventures of Ash and Rowe
OK let me stop doodling big puffy hearts around Maria + Ash and answer the question.  I love when someone tells me that they enjoy my blog, like my reviews etc.  It makes me feel all warm & fuzzy and happy.
This is a very, very timely question given my recent issues with my Rumparooz delamination.  Most of the differences in washing instructions (that I’ve noticed) have to do with the order of cold rinses/hot washes/cold rinses and when to use the detergent.  Some say it’s OK to tumble dry, some recommend hanging to dry. 
I always follow initial washing instructions, since some materials need to be washed separately a number of times to remove natural oils (like hemp.)  Some materials (usually organic cottons) need to be washed around 3 times to prep, and up to 10 times to achieve maximum absorbency.
Beyond that, I do what works for me.  Cold wash/rinse, hot wash/rinse with the occasional extra rinse.  I do not bleach my diapers, or use additives on them, though I do use an occasional dab of bleach (and/or RLR) on the inserts only, followed by many extra rinses.
If I had to keep track of specific washing instructions for each manufacturer and wash separately, I would lose my mind.
That brings me to the other issue.  Detergent.  The majority of diaper manufacturers have the same list of “no-nos” including enzymes, brighteners, whiteners, dyes, scents etc.  This issue is a hot button for me since the lack of “safe” affordable, local detergent is the #1 thing that stopped me from CD’ing from day 1 with my son.
Rumparooz, Drybees and at least one other (slips my mind right now) diaper company specifically recommend “standard” detergents like Tide, which contain dyes, scents and enzymes that are on the detergent black lists.
I stand by the idea that you should use what works for you.  Don’t use too much or too little, and rinse them clean. 
The problem with that is this: what if you have an issue with one of your diapers while it’s under warranty, and your claim is denied because you didn’t use the “right” detergent?  Well, I’m not terribly worried for myself, because my choices were disposable diapering, paying outrageous sums to have one specific detergent (that was on all of the “safe” lists) shipped, or to use what worked.
Also, warranties don’t cover staining, repelling or stink.  If a “safe” detergent isn’t getting my diapers clean, what good is it?
I really don’t like to use this thinking but, plenty of people have used any number of detergents with no issues.  I’m using what works for me and that’s that.  There’s no way I’m going to wash diapers separately so that some can be clean and stink free and others can be smelly, washed in pricey detergent, but covered under warranty!
In conclusion, yadda yadda, I bet you’re sorry you asked.  😉

Remember that my blabbing shouldn’t be taken as expert advice.  Always pay careful attention to the manufacturer’s instructions.  I’m not responsible for any damage or diaper injuries, insert other verbiage as you see fit to cover my hiney.  🙂

Bonus question since the first was so long, this is quick.  It’s just a snippet of an email since it wasn’t a MM submission.

How did you get your comments numbered?

I followed these instructions from Blogger Sentral.  Those are for use with blogger.  I’m sure I could fool around to get them nicer looking, but this was just one of my many HTML “projects” and I was ready to be done by the time I got it working!

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Giveaway Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

SoftBums Giveaway Winner!


I wanted to note than with further washing & drying, the organic pod is a lot smaller now.  I still prefer the stay-dry pod, but the organic is much more manageable now!  This is an awesome diapering system, and it’s landed itself in my favorites pile!

The winner is Guggie Daly!  I’ve emailed you, and you have 48 hours to claim your prize.  Congratulations!

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Friday Giveaway Linky Giveaways

Weekly Friday Giveaway Roundup for August 6th, 2010


Before I get into this week’s giveaway roundup, I wanted to mention The Cloth Diaper Foundation.  Formerly Miracle Diapers, they are a non-profit organization that helps families in need get started in cloth diapering.  Unfortunately, they need about $300/mo to stay in business, and right now they receive about $20.  They announced on their Facebook page that they would be taking a sabbatical due to lack of funding, and may need to close their doors indefinitely.
You can make a monetary donation in any amount, or you can become a member.  Family memberships start at just $15/yr and include a small gift and entries into monthly giveaways.  The Platinum family membership is $50/yr and includes a Drybees Hybrid AIO and a 3-pack of Loopydos!  This is a wonderful organization to support, and donations are tax deductible.  If you can spare any donation amount, it will help more families get started in cloth.  Read their mission statement if you want to know more about what they do!
On to this week’s Giveaway roundup!
Each Friday, I will post cloth diaper, babywearing and “green” giveaways that I’ve found, or that readers have submitted. The post will be accompanied by a linky where you may enter any family friendly (no “adult” products please!) giveaways, they do not need to be diaper related.

If you have a cloth diaper/accessory/babywearing/green giveaway you would like to be listed in the next giveaway roundup post, please email a link, blog name, giveaway title, end date and photo (if applicable) to at gmail dot com.

My SoftBums Echo Slide2Size Dry Touch Solo Pack giveaway ends TODAY, 8/6!

This week’s giveaway finds:
Bummas Wipes from Florida Frugal Family (ends 8/13)

SoftBums Diaper from My Life as a Married Girl (ends 8/14)

SoftBums Diaper from Biehl Adventures (ends 8/9)

Bum Essentials Diaper from Arizona Mama and The Baby Plus Store (ends 8/28)

pediped® Originals® from One Savvy Mom (ends 8/31)

Thirsties Duo Diaper from A Mom’s Take (ends 8/13)

Thirsties Duo Diaper from Happily Southern (ends 8/21)

Happy Heiny’s Diaper from Happily Southern (ends 8/21)

TK Cuddlers Diaper from Mommy of 1 and Counting (ends 8/14)

Mother-Ease Diaper & Cover from My New Life as Mom (ends 9/3)

Planet Wise Wet/Dry Bag from Mommy is Green (ends 8/19)

Nifty Nappy Diaper from It’s Me Melbie (ends 9/4)

Best Bottom Diaper from A Mom’s Take (ends 8/13)

Tiny Tush Diaper from Liz Has a Life (ends 8/18)

FuzziBunz Starter Kit from Pregnancy360 (ends 8/31) Super easy entry!!

Smartipants Diaper from Mom Most Traveled (ends 8/10)

Giveaways still running from last week:
You may enter any family friendly giveaway in the linky below. The format Blog name – Giveaway Item – Ending date works well. At a minimum, please include the item and end date, and link directly to the giveaway.

Please view my post on where I list my giveaways to find more great places to link up!
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Cloth Diapers Delamination Warranties

My Rumparooz Delamination Issue

I couldn’t make a long story short to save my life, but I’m great at making short stories long.

I recently had an issue with Rumparooz PUL delamination, and I wanted to share my experience with you, in case you have Rumparooz, or had heard anything about this issue. 

Let me very clearly state: While the delamination problem is a known issue, it is a small portion of the diapers that are affected.  If you are not having problems with your diaper.  Good.  Don’t worry about it.  If you are having a problem, contact Rumparooz.

I have been using Tide (which Rumparooz and a few other manufacturers recommend, but many do not.)  I typically hang my shells to dry, but occasionally throw them in the dryer on low for the last 20 or so minutes with the inserts.

Saturday, I took my diapers down, and a few were a bit damp on the inside, so I turned them inside out.  This was totally by chance, since I don’t normally do that.  I immediately noticed “bubbles” where the water resistant PUL lining had pulled away from the outer.  I checked the other Rumparooz I have, and that was the same way, but had actually torn free in some places.

Here are some photos, I know I have mad MS Paint skills, don’t be jealous, LOL. 

Rather hard to see in photos, sorry.

I sent an email from their website around 11 P.M. on Saturday and I had a response by 3 P.M on Sunday!  Sunday!
I received a polite response acknowledging the issue, with instructions on how to receive replacements.  I thought that was great.

I asked to post the explanation of the issue in their words, but they declined.  They seem to want to handle problems as customers bring it up, rather than issuing a statement about it.  Personally, I think they would have been much better off to issue a statement when they discovered the issue, to assure people who did have a problem, that they would stand behind their product.  To let everyone know that they have corrected the issue, and don’t forsee any problems in the future.  By keeping it so “hush hush” it’s just led to discussions about how “my Rumparooz fell apart.”

In fact, I was ticked off, complaining, and wasn’t sure I should even bother contacting them…but after a few other moms in an online cloth diapering group had a similar problem, I thought I’d try.

Since they will not allow me to actually post their explanation of what went wrong, what was affected, how they have fixed the problem, how to know if your diapers are affected and so forth, I will paraphrase.  They know of a delamination problem with some diapers.  It wasn’t all diapers, but they aren’t able to pinpoint which ones it was, until the problem arises with an individual diaper.  It usually shows up after tumble drying.  They have a new PUL supplier and do not expect this to be an issue again.  Some of the affected diapers are still out there.  If you have a problem with your diaper, contact them.  Obviously, if you do not have a problem, you don’t need to contact them. 

In addition to the claim form, there were instructions on how to complete it, take photos and send it along with my receipts.  Once submitted, I immediately received an auto-reply explaining that they would send my replacement diapers within 48 business hours.  Since then (4 days ago, as of the time this post is being published), I haven’t received any correspondence.  No claim approval, no shipping notice.
For any rotten folks out there, you have to contact them to receive the claim form, then send your receipt as well as photos that show the defect, with the completed claim form also visible in the picture.  So no sneaky borrowing pictures to try to pull one over on them!

My reason for sharing this with you is two-fold.  One is that I was not happy with Rumparooz Saturday night.  However, I am glad they are standing behind the product.  It’s just a shame that all companies can’t be as up front as Rockin’ Green was with their recent recall. 

Not all companies are even this responsive to problems.  I contacted Blueberry in January after my Minky Aplix diaper had one of the laundry tabs pretty much shred off of the diaper.  Keep in mind I’d had this diaper less than two months when I sent the email, and the laundry tab had started coming off almost immediately.

This is the response I received:


Good afternoon!!!
Thank you for your comments. Unfortunately Velcro is a beast. I prefer snaps myself, just due to the no maintenance aspect. We have tried many different varieties/brands of Velcro and have tested many different scenarios. Either we can have soft velcro that looses it stick or one like that is too stiff and will scratch the baby. We are always looking for way to build a better mouse trap.

Thanks again and have a greta day!!!

Bet regards,


First off, I am so guilty of typos, especially reversing letters or leaving one out.  However, receiving a typo-riddled response made me feel less than important.  I also felt very brushed off.  Like this was no surprise and no big deal to them that my THIRTY THREE DOLLAR diaper was a hunk-o-cr…junk.  No request for more information or photos, nothing.  I clearly explained that I’d had the diaper about a month and that the velcro was so “sticky” that it was nearly impossible to remove from the laundry tabs, and that one laundry tab had torn almost completely off.

Needless to say, I haven’t been able to bring myself to buy any more of their diapers, even though I like the snap closure diaper I have.  Yes, I spent $33 on a diaper.  I’m appropriately ashamed.  Isn’t it interesting that the 3 most expensive diapers I’ve bought are the 3 with the biggest problems?

OK, the second reason I wanted to share this with you is to urge you to check your diapers.  If you have a Rumparooz that you purchased in the past year or so, turn it inside out and look at it. 

If you have washed your diapers many times, occasionally tumble drying them and you do not have any problems, you do not need to contact Rumparooz, your diapers are fine!

The worst of my delamination (the torn part) is in the back, but if it were in a wet zone, the diapers would likely be leaking.

In case you didn’t notice, customer service is a pet peeve of mine.  When I initially thought that RaR had identified the issue and was owning up to it, the tone of this post was much more positive (and had a different title.)  Hopefully this post will help spread the word, so that people who have diapers with problems can get them replaced (since RaR doesn’t seem to be planning to go “public.”)

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