Author Archives: Maria

Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Winners


Getting to pick two winners this time was fun!!  Each winner will receive the hand soap, dish soap and countertop spray from Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day in their choice of scent!
I know this wasn’t quite as popular as diaper giveaways, I hope to have more of those for you soon!  As always, please drop me a line if you think of something you’d like to see me review or give away, and I’ll see what I can do!
Comment #146 is janetfaye of Blog-Giveaways, Janet’s Book Place and Grammy Janet’s Place.  Whew, three blogs, she must be busy!!
Comment # 206 is Louis.  I love the profile pic of a kitty in a hat.  Aww!
The winners have been notified!  Thank you so much to Mrs. Meyer’s and to everyone who entered!
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Dads change diapers too!


Last week marked 9 years of marriage for my hubby and I.  Sometimes I think he deserves a medal for just putting up with me, but he’s been supportive of all of my seemingly “crazy” ideas, including cloth diapering.

In fact, he even changes a few diapers.  The Pocket diapers with Velcro are just as easy as disposables for him, and he even changes dirty diapers.  That’s right folks!  If any of your hubbies/partners/significant others/male counterparts are hesitant, you can ask mine.  It was no harder to flip the poop in the potty and flush than to deal with (pee-yew!) a dirty diaper again on trash day. 

I wanted to do something special for him on Father’s Day.  We celebrated a little early since he will be on a plane for the actual day.  I’m shocked and amazed that I managed to pull this off.  Dana of Dana Grayson Photography took photos of the kids (we’ve never had professional photos done) and I managed to keep it a secret!  I think the trick was not telling my daughter what we were doing or that it was a surprise.  She usually spills the beans instantly, but smugly adds that it’s “a surprise.”  Ha.

I had special, custom embroidered shirts made by Nikki’s Little House.  She also made my son’s birthday shirt.  Beautiful stuff at great prices.

We did some shots in formal outfits, but I wanted to get some photos in their special shirts.  I was worried that the matchy-matchy shirts would look like something on Awkward Family Photos, but I think they look great!

It was nearing bedtime; I had just fished a rock out of my son’s mouth, and he was pretty mad at me for not letting him eat rocks.

That is another rock he is contemplating tasting.
Dana squeezed me in at the last minute, but still edited/touched up the photos and got digital copies to me in time for Father’s Day!  If you live anywhere near the Maryland/D.C./Virginia/West Virginia/Pennsylvania area, I highly recommend Dana Grayson Photography.  She does amazing Wedding/Engagement photography and I thought she did a fabulous job with my kids.  Especially considering the real reason we’ve never had professional photos done is not so much because of the cost, but because of how uncooperative my daughter has been since birth!
My husband chose to go to the Chinese Buffet for lunch, and I gave him a special, manly “bouquet.”
Yum yum!
There are too many reasons to list why my kids are lucky to have my husband as their Dad!  Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads, especially the cloth diaper-changing, baby wearing ones!
I wanted to do a special, Dad related giveaway for Father’s Day, but I wasn’t able to think of anything in time!  If anyone has any great ideas for something to do in the future, let me know.  In the meantime, check out the giveaways that are still going on:
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day (Last chance on this one, ends 6/21!  Two winners.)
Please remember you can email me any time at at gmail dot com.  I love to help if you have any questions, or if you have any comments or suggestions about my blog.  I especially love suggestions for what you would like to see me review or give away!  just remember to be gentle if you have constructive criticism for me, I’m still working on thickening my skin!
Please note: I received permission from Dana Grayson Photography to use the above, copyrighted photos on this blog. 
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Giveaway Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Winner of the Preston’s Pants Pocket Diaper


Congratulations to Allyson from A Heart for Home!
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Eco-Friendly/Green Giveaway Made in the USA Reusable Products Review Wet Bags & Pail Liners

Planet Wise Diaper/Swim Wet/Dry Bag Review & Giveaway CLOSED


Is there a company that you love?  One that makes great products, has great service and great company practices?  Do you get excited when you find out they’re coming out with a new product?  Do you tell everyone you know about them?  For me, that’s Planet Wise Inc.

If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know that I love my small, medium and large wet bags, wet/dry bag and wipes pouch.  Planet Wise are the only wet bags I’ve ever bought; I never felt the need to look for any others because they are so great. 
In case you’re wondering, I bought all of my wet bags myself.  I haven’t been paid to endorse Planet Wise.  I’m having no luck coming up with a clever joke about how I’m cheap and can be easily bribed.  Hmm…
In any case, I had the opportunity to review a brand new item from Planet Wise, the Swim/Diaper Bag.  I also have one to give away, so that’s your carrot to see this through to the end (or just scroll down, but I know you would never do that, would you?)  By the way, who would seriously be enticed by a carrot?  How about a cupcake or something at least.  Jeez.  If you’re gonna bribe me, it’s going to have to be better than rabbit food.

I thought this would be a great opportunity to shine the spotlight on Planet Wise, but I accidentally brought my interrogation lamp instead of my spotlight.  Hee hee.
Planet Wise is owned and operated by Nicki Maynard and her husband Jesse.  Their products replace their disposable counterparts and can be used for so much more than just diapers.  Their prints and colors are fantastic and are a departure from the usual “baby” prints.  Wet bags are great for travel, to keep toiletries, shoes or dirty clothes separate.  Wash and reuse instead of putting another plastic bag in the landfill!  Their packaging is also printed on recycled/recyclable paper using soy based ink!
I wish I could work for Planet Wise; employees are allowed to work flexible schedules to work around family time and school schedules and employees are welcome to bring their young children to work with them!  Alas, Planet Wise is based out of Wisconsin.
Planet Wise chooses as many USA-made materials as possible, and all products are manufactured in a locally women-owned facility.
So why do I like the wet bags so much?  Not only do they look pretty with their beautiful prints and hidden seams, they have sealed seams that will not leak, and a locking, lead free zipper.  The bags do not wick and hold in smells like nobody’s business.  They’re both versatile and durable.  They’re not going to wear out before your kids are out of diapers, but you won’t be passing them along either because you’ll be using them for a dozen other things.  Mine have been washed nearly daily since I got them, and still look new.
So clearly, it’s no secret how much I love Planet Wise.  I was like a kid on Christmas Eve when I found out the company was sending me one of their brand new swim/diaper bags to review.
I chose the spring green color which is pretty, but still neutral, and not too girly for my hubby to carry.
The swim/diaper bag has the same great features as their other wet/dry bags.  It measures about 19″ x 15″ by 8″. 
It has a large, waterproof, PVC-free inner section.
Plus a generously sized “dry” zippered section.
They say it can hold two large swim towels, plus clothes and accessories.  I of course put that to the test.  The bag looked like the perfect thing to use for a long or overnight trip. 
13 diapers, plus my Planet Wise wipes pouch stuffed with wipes and a spray bottle of wipes solution.
Yep, it all fit!
No trouble zipping it, and the structure of the bag made it stand up nicely, it didn’t topple over.
So how about 4 large beach towels, my swimsuit, my hubby’s swimsuit, my daughter’s swimsuit and my son’s swim diaper?
It all fit, zipped with no problem, and I could have fit a few snacks/toys in as well!
For swim lessons I put in: a towel, a blanket for my son to sit on, water wings and toys and snacks.  There was tons of room left!
This is a spankin’ new product, so your favorite retailer may not have them yet, but you can win one!
Planet Wise is sending one of my blog readers their own swim/diaper bag in their choice of color (subject to availability, substitutions may be made.) 

Here’s how to enter:  The first entry is mandatory, you may do as many or as few of the rest as you like.  Leave a comment for each entry  and be sure to leave your email address in at least one comment.  If I can’t contact you, I will choose another winner.

1. Visit Planet Wise and tell me what your favorite print is.  Since the swim/diaper bag is a new product, the prints aren’t yet listed on it’s page, but it should be available in all the usual colors and prints.
2. Follow my blog.
5. Tweet about this giveaway linking back to this post.  One tweet per day please.  You may use this tweet if you like: @chgdiapers has a Planet Wise swim or #clothdiapers bag #giveaway for #summer #swimming!
6. Blog about Planet Wise, the new swim/diaper bag, this giveaway or this blog.  Please be sure to link back to this post and leave me a link to your blog post.

This giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. only.  I will accept entries until Monday, June 28th, 2010 at 9 P.M., Eastern.  I will select a winner using’s true random number generator, and contact the winner by email.  S/he will have 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and another winner chosen.
Planet Wise provided the review product to me at no cost, and is providing the winner’s item as well.  I was not given any monetary compensation.  I wasn’t requested or required to write a positive review, Planet Wise is a great company that I personally support.
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All In One Diapers All In Two Diapers Giveaway Made in the USA One Size Diapers Review WAHM made

Bagshot Row Bamboo Hybrid AIO Review & Giveaway! CLOSED


Bagshot Row Bamboo were the first bamboo snappiable/pinnable fitted diapers on the market.  They’re very popular, quickly selling out after each store stocking.

Like most other cloth diapers, Bagshot Row Bamboo (BSRB) diapers were created when Joyce wasn’t able to get quite the right fit with the snapping bamboo diapers she was using.  Her two-part soaker was also unique at the time, though many imitations have followed.  She made them extra long to allow for folding to gain more absorbency, and they were sewn in two parts for faster drying.

For those of us that prefer a waterproof diaper, Joyce created the Bagshot Row Bamboo Hybrid All In One.
This is a great example of why I think diaper names are confusing
The BSRB Hybrid AIO has two full layers of non-pill fleece, and a decorative layer of cotton knit in the outer shell of the diaper.  Note that there is no PUL, so it’s a great alternative for Mamas who want a waterproof diaper, but have babies with PUL sensitivities.

There is no absorbent material sewn into the shell.  The diaper comes with a two part soaker made with bamboo/organic cotton fleece which snaps into the shell.  This is what I would call an all in two.  However, as I’ve discussed before, some people feel that only hybrid systems like the flip, where the shell can be wiped and reused for multiple changes, are all in twos.  Anything that can only be used once before laundering (in the opinion of some) is an all in one, despite being made up of two pieces.
I had no issues with wicking on this diaper, and I think that’s because the decorative cotton outer is sewn toward the back of the diaper, and not in the wet zone, where the legs would be prone to wicking.
The soaker is purposely made extra-long, to allow for double, or even triple folding.  If you double both soakers over, you will have 12 layers of absorbency.
This diaper is closure-less, meaning it does not have snaps, Velcro or another closure method built in.  You have to use pins or a snappi to secure it.  The benefit is that you’re not constrained by rise or snap settings; the fit is infinitely adjustable.  I only have one other closure-less diaper, so I’m really not the best at using snappis.  I am sure if you use them more regularly, they will be easier to use.  I’m getting better at it already. 
Even so, I still prefer snaps, and Joyce offers snaps as an option.  However, they are done by another WAHM, so you would need to contact her for a quote, pay, and wait for Joyce to send your diapers to her for the addition of snaps.
Not too bad for my first attempt!  My subsequent attempts were better, I swear!
Even though these diapers are waterproof, you should not let your baby wear them alone (no clothes) and also follow Snappi Baby’s safety instructions to NOT use a Snappi fastener on toddlers who have the ability to undo their cover and take off their diaper and/or clothes.  Snappi fasteners do have somewhat sharp grippers, and the plastic tabs could potentially be chewed/choked on.
The first time I used my BSRB AIO, the soakers were hardly wet when I changed it.  The second time, he pooped in it immediately (soakers didn’t stain at all by the way.)  So, the third time, I purposely left it on him longer than usual, so I could really test the absorbency.  I was quite surprised when I realized I could have left it on him even longer still!  There was no leaking, no wicking, and the soakers had tons of absorbency left.  They weren’t even fully saturated.
If you want your own Bagshot Row Bamboo Hybrid AIO, you’ll have to stalk her Hyenacart store.  She stocks each Friday at 4 and 6 P.M. central time.  Her diapers sell for $20-$25 depending on style. 
Or, you can win one!  Joyce will make one lucky blog reader a BSRB diaper in their choice of style and print!

Here’s how to enter:  The first entry is mandatory, the rest are optional.  You may do as few or as many as you like.  Leave a separate comment for each entry.  Please make sure to include your email address in at least one comment, if it isn’t viewable in your profile.  Giveaway is open to residents of the U.S. only.

1. Visit Bagshot Row Bamboo’s Store and tell me what style and print you would choose if you won.  If there isn’t much in the store, you can see the items that will be stocked shortly here.
2. Follow my blog.
5. Tweet about this giveaway.  One tweet per day.  Please be sure to link to this post.  You may use this tweet if you like: @chgdiapers has a #giveaway for a Bagshot Row Bamboo Hybrid All In One #clothdiaper ends 6/24

I will accept entries until Thursday, June 24th, 2010 at 9 P.M., Eastern.  I’ll select a winner using’s true random number generator, and notify him/her by email.  The winner will have 48 hours to respond before the prize is forfeited and another winner is chosen.
Bagshot Row Bamboo provided a diaper to me at no charge, for the purpose of reviewing it.  No monetary compensation was given and all opinions are honest and my own.  BSRB also will provide a diaper to one blog reader at no charge.  Thank you BSRB!
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