Author Archives: Maria

Maria is an aspiring "fit mom" of 3 children, writing about cloth diapers, going green, and her life as a single mom. Maria works with many companies within the cloth diaper industry and beyond, providing social media management, product development, and other services.


>We’re having some seriously crazy weather here.   Before it began a week ago, someone reminded me to “buy formula and diapers.”  I didn’t have to worry about either of those things since I breastfeed and cloth diaper.

I didn’t have to worry about groceries either since I use a rock bottom purchase/stockpile shopping method.  I am almost out of milk but hopefully we’ll get out of here soon!

However, it did occur to me that if the power went out, I wouldn’t be able to wash diapers!  I only have about two days worth of diapers, and with the conditions outside, I would not be driving to a laundromat, hotel or family member’s house any time soon!  We have a well, so without power we’d be without water.  I guess I could melt snow and handwash diapers.  Hee hee.

I do have one econobum cover and I figure I could fold flannel blankets or even towels to stuff in it.

Then I remembered that I actually have some diaper pins, and I could really use flannel reeiving blankets and pin them on in a pinch. 

Except…I don’t know how to fold a flat/prefold without looking at instructions online!  I guess I need to study and make sure I know how to do it.  Tee hee! 

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Just have to share!

>My friend wrote a guest blog post at Abe’s Market

She and her family are gradually switching to natural products.  I’m always extra interested in what she has to say since she’s a scientist, and can provide extra insight into the safety and efficacy of different ingredients.  Using her science_spot cafemom account, she has analyzed several different products. 

She is hoping to potty train (learn) her youngest in not too long; I’m still holding out hope that I can convince her to CD her next baby, but her hubby is reluctant.

I haven’t gotten a lot of time to look around at their offerings, but they have natural products from baby bottles to nail polish, along with handmade items like soaps and baby blankets.  Here are some of their sellers.

I think this would be a great opportunity for some of the ladies selling on Hyenacart to expand their businesses even further.  I know there are some very talented ladies making all kinds of products that would fit in wonderfully on this site.

Reading about selling at Abe’s, it sounds like you hand a lot of your profit over to Abe’s, but you could make your products available to a wide audience without any up front expense.  I’m kind of torn on that.  You make a little more money per item than you’d probably make selling wholesale, but of course less than you would selling directly.  You would still have to package and ship orders as well.  It also wouldn’t work for people who don’t have a product with set options available to order at any given time.  Anyway, just something to think about.

I was just excited for my friend and wanted to share!

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Handmade Items Made in the USA Toys WAHM made

A cloth booty for Baby Alive Whoopsie Doo!

>As I said in my previous post, my daughter wanted a Baby Alive doll for her 5th Birthday.  Since her Birthday was today (Happy Birthday!), I can finally post some good photos of the diapers I bought for her doll!  She was so thrilled with her gift, I couldn’t really pry it out of her hot little hands in order to take “good” photos.

I bought 4 diapers from Heartland Dreams.  Her daughter actually made them; they are flipping amazing!  I paid $4 for each and they are well worth it.  The normal price is $3 each, but I asked for an extra layer in the middle since these need to absorb a bit too!  I think the Baby Alive brand sposies go for around a buck a piece, and even preemie size disposables are horrendously expensive, as well as wasteful.

baby alive

You can see the Baby Alive diaper on the right side of the photo.  The HD diapers are quite a bit larger, but work just fine.  I almost forgot that she included a cloth wipe for free!  You can see it on top of the diaper in the front.  It is soft, double sided and very well made.  I’d love some for my son!

The diapers (and wipe) are amazingly well made.  I would be thrilled to receive a “real” diaper made as well as these.  They are very easy for a child to use, the stitching is perfect, the prints are adorable…I could go on and on. 

My daughter was so happy to get these, and was very excited that she could “feed” her baby water, then just let them dry and reuse them!  She loved the prints (I didn’t ask for specific ones).

Baby Alive (named “Sophie,” for today anyway) says “Hooray for cloth booties!”

Slightly related Sidenote:

I am still peeved at myself for not buying this diaper while it was still available, and then missing out on this one too.

Even this one and this one were snapped up before I had a chance! 

I’m such a waffler.  Ugh, I swear.  If I see an AI2 listed that I like, I am stalking that puppy and buying it!  After seeing the doll diapers, I wouldn’t hesitate to buy anything she sells.  In fact, if the doll diapers were bigger and had elastic at the legs (and a few more soaker layers), I’d put them on my son, ha ha!


On a somewhat related topic, my daughter’s preschool allows the parent to bring a snack on their child’s Birthday.  I’m not into excessive sugary “stuff,” and they actually don’t allow it.  My daughter loves fruit, so I bought cherries, blueberries, strawberries, grapes, oranges and bananas.

I sliced and pitted the cherries, removed the strawberry stems, sliced the bananas (also also crinkle cut them and soaked them in orange juice), and cut and sectioned the oranges.

I bought some wooden skewers, I think they were 10″.  The store had two lengths and these were the shorter of the two.
I alternated fruits and then topped then off with blueberries to the end of the pointy tip.

They were a huge hit and were gobbled more quickly and enthusiastically then cupcakes!

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Stink Stripping Washing

The Last Resort


My last resort to fix these stinky diapers was going to be bleach.  I don’t have the dislike of bleach that some others do, but it was my last resort nonetheless.
Worked like a charm.  I bleached only the inserts, since bleach can damage PUL, and I only used a few tablespoons in the washer’s bleach dispenser.
The diapers are good as new.  PHEW!  I only wish I had tried it sooner.  From now on, I’ll bleach at the first sign of stink!
I washed my new ones separately so the stink wouldn’t spread.  My new ones aren’t really bleachable, so hopefully they won’t get stinky.  They don’t have microfiber, so I don’t expect them to!
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Cloth Diapers Fitted Diapers Made in the USA One Size Diapers WAHM made

Fitted Buddy Bear Bottoms (say that 10x fast!)

>Buddy Bear Bottoms are made by a work at home mom, and sold on Hyenacart.  P.S. Read here if you’re curious about the website name.

Sellers do not stock items continuously, and beause of the nature of the items/craft, diapers are often one of a kind or limited.  I hesitated too long on the diaper I really wanted from Heartland Dreams and it sold.  I was really disappointed and kept looking at this one.  I finally told myself that if it was still there when I got home (I was at the grocery store at the time), I was buying it!  It was, and I did!

I love little touches like that adorable piece of yarn tied in a bow, but it scared me for a second.  I thought, oh no!!  I didn’t mean to buy a girly diaper with a bow on it!  Oh well, maybe hubby won’t notice!  Don’t worry, I’m not that stupid, it only took me a second to figure it out.  Hee hee.
This is a fitted diaper, which means it does not have a waterproof layer, and should be used with a cover.  They’re wonderful because they are so breatheable.  You can put your baby in a shirt, diaper and babylegs and just change often, rather than using a cover.  Then you don’t cover the adorable diaper.  Some of the cutest diapers and prints are fitteds.
I don’t know what it is about this kind of diaper, but they speak to me.  I see them in their photos all squishy and trim and they call out “Buy me!  Buy me!”
They look so scrumptious stacked up.
I just fell in love with this print.  I know hearts are a little girly, but I think the colors make it boyish also.  Right?  Right?

The diaper has a thick, squishy snap in soaker.

The soaker is made out of ZORB, the outer of the diaper is cotton knit, and the inner is anti-pill fleece.
It took no time to dry.
This is a one size fitted with a fold down rise.  It has adorable color coordinated snaps.

As well as an extra row of snaps on the inside, for folding down the rise.

If you notice the snap on the right between the orange and green, you’ll see you can overlap the wings to get a snug fit.
The weight guidelines are 10-35 lbs, which can vary baby to baby, as I’ve noted before.  The max rise is 17″ and the max waist is 22″.
It seemed to fit my 15.5-16 pound kiddo fine on the standard (unfolded) rise setting.
However, it didn’t add much bulk to use the smaller setting with the soaker folded down.

He had it on (no cover) for at least an hour and a half, if not more than two hours (I wish I had looked at the clock!) with no leaking and no wicking.  The soaker was fairly soaked (hardy har har) so as I folded it and held it in my hand, I could feel some moisture seeping into the outer layer.

I would probably use a cover in any situation where he’d be susceptible to compression (like in the car), but it’s a darn shame to cover up such a cute diaper at home!  Although, the econobum cover is so thin, you could see the diaper right through it!

I wouldn’t hesitate to buy another Buddy Bear Bottoms diaper!

Edit August 2010: I ended up selling this.  Fitteds are not my preference for daytime use, and it wasn’t absorbent enough to hold up to my heavy wetter at night.

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