The Change-Diapers Facebook page is active and fun. There are lots of great cloth diapering families, and it’s a great place to ask questions! Don’t miss any posts! Subscribe to our new RSS Feed or subscribe via email.
Lalabye Baby Cloth Diaper Review & Giveaway (CLOSED)

I received a diaper at no cost for review purposes. I was not otherwise compensated for this post, and all opinions are my own. Lalabye Baby diapers are pocket diapers that are designed by a U.S. family and manufactured overseas. At first glance, they look very similar to other diapers, and share many features. However, they do have a unique combination of features.

I purchased these items myself however, this post contains affiliate links. When I found out The Honest Toddler was publishing a book, I immediately pre-ordered two. One for me and one for you. I knew it would be awesome, and I was right!
Thirsties NEW Polka Dance Print + Giveaway for TWO Diapers (CLOESD)
I have not been compensated for this post however, Thirsties is a long-time Change-Diapers sponsor. I am excited to share Thirsties’ newest print, “Polka Dance” with you!
Do you “like” on Facebook? The group is filled with wonderful people, and you could win a prize. Don’t miss any posts! Subscribe to our new RSS Feed or subscribe via email.