Category : Potty Training

Giveaway Natural Fiber Diapers Potty Training Review Side Snapping Snap Closure Training Pants

Flip Trainers Review – Updated 11/11/13

Flip Trainer 33 small side

Post contains affiliate links, I purchased this product myself. I finally received the Flip Trainer I ordered the day the new products/colors/prints were announced! My son is 2 1/2 and isn’t terribly interested in the potty. He was doing pretty well before the baby arrived, but backpedaled a little bit. I know that’s normal and I’m not concerned! I was, however, excited that Cottonbabies had created a trainer, because I knew it would be good!

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Giveaway Large/Special Needs Diapers Made in the USA Potty Training Review Training Pants

Super Undies Pocket Potty Training Pants Review Updated 11/11/13

Super Undies 0

Post contains affiliate links, I received a prouct at no cost to review. Super Undies are adorable cloth training pants designed to look like big kid undies. The super hero inspired training pants are made in the U.S.A., and are trim, absorbent and easy to use.

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Personal Posts Potty Training

Slacker Mom, or Genius? My Potty Training “Method”

By nature, I’m a planner, and I have a hard time with things that are out of my control (though I think I am getting much better about this as I get older.) In fact, I had a moment of panic while still pregnant with my first child, about potty training! So, it’s really funny that I ended up being the way I am, when it comes to potty training!

As I said in the Mailbox Mondays post this week, my approach is different than most. When I got into the cloth diapering “world,” I started hearing the term “potty learning” instead of “potty training.” I sorta scrunched up my face because the term sounded a little hokey to someone who had never heard it before, but that’s really what I have done.

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Large/Special Needs Diapers Mailbox Mondays Pocket Diapers Potty Training Side Snapping Snap Closure Training Pants

Cloth Diaper Advice – Mailbox Mondays 8/15/11 – Cloth Training Pants

#clothdiapers training pants cia @chgdiapers

Do you have a question for me? Every week (on Monday!) I answer questions readers have asked, and ask my other readers to weigh in too.

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Giveaway Large/Special Needs Diapers Pocket Diapers Potty Training Review Side Snapping Snap Closure Training Pants

Snap-EZ Training Pants Review – Updated 11/11/13

Snap EZ Trainer 1

I first heard of Snap-EZ during the great cloth diaper hunt, when I swear I spent hours looking at a virtual store shelf of trainers on an extreme sponsor’s site! What really caught my eye is the extreme size range they have, to fit older children, special needs children, and adults. They have extenders available to make them even larger. Though the pocket diapers have the widest size range (starting at youth small, and going up to adult XL), the training pants come in sizes that will fit kids with a 22″ rise, 20″ thighs and 30″ waist!

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