Personal Posts Pregnancy

My Hubby’s Home Remedy for Heartburn/Acid Reflux

My husband has suffered from awful acid reflux for years. It was actually an allergist that discovered that his constant coughing was largely caused by acid irritating his throat (combined with post nasal drip.) He had tried all of the over-the counter remedies like Tums, Rolaids, Zantac, Prilosec, Prevacid etc. Zantac took the edge off a little, but the only thing that really worked was prescription Nexium. With all of the OTC alternatives available, our insurance at the time refused to cover it. At $150 for 30 pills, he only took that for a month!!

Anyhoo, when I was pregnant with my son, I had horrible, horrible acid reflux that gave me new found sympathy for my husband. I have no idea how he ever lived with that. He has found that when he’s not as overweight, eating a healthier diet, exercising and avoiding alcohol (ha, like that happens) it isn’t as bad. Unfortunately for me, the only thing that “fixed” it was giving birth!

The acid isn’t quite as bad this time. With my son, I was trying to sleep sitting up, since the acid was too terrible if I was reclined, but then my neck ended up all scrunched up and I woke myself up snoring. As you recall, I went to an OB and gave birth to him in the hospital. The OB told me to take 150 mg of Zantac 2x daily preventatively, and it was combined with 40 mg of prescription Prilosec when that wasn’t enough towards the end. Even then, it wasn’t enough to make it go away; it was just enough to make me able to get through the day. Anything & everything exacerbated it, no matter what I did or didn’t eat or drink. I was absolutely assured that it was 100% safe, only to recently discover that Prilosec is associated with fetal heart defects (I saw that on one of those junky TV/internet class action lawsuit commercials, so I don’t know how valid it is.)

It’s not as constant this time, but at times I feel like (TMI) I have acid right in my throat that I will vomit at any moment. Heaven forbid I have to bend over to get something, I feel like I will leave a puddle of acid on the floor.

So as my hubby has watched me suffer, he keeps saying “I’m telling you, just use my trick and it will be gone.” His trick is about 1/2 of a tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in a little bit of water. He told me it was nasty, but you’d let out a big belch and feel all better within a few minutes. Uhm, no.

Eventually, I was having such a miserable, acid-filled evening, that I gave in. He was right, it was disgusting. I dissolved the baking soda in just enough water, downed it, and had another glass of water ready to chug. It tasted like a mouth full of ocean water. (note: given that a teaspoon of baking soda has 51% the RDA of sodium, I seriously doubt this is a good/healthy thing to be doing regularly, LOL.)

We sat down on the couch and every time I shifted, he looked at me expectantly. I told him that if I bubbled over like an elementary school volcano science experiment, it was his fault and he was cleaning it up! Eventually a burp snuck up on me and the acid was somewhat relieved, but it was by no means gone. I’ll not be doing that again, LOL.

Has anyone ever told you a bizarre or unusual home remedy (for heartburn or whatever else) that they swore by?

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

GoGreen Champs & Adapt-a-Snaps Winner

gogreen winner

365 people entered this giveaway!! The winning entry is #177, which is “.:karen:.” That is definitely a clever way to make sure it is you, and not another Karen! 🙂

Congratulations Karen, I’m sending you an email so you can claim your prize and choose your colors!

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Baby Products Giveaway Review Virtual Baby Shower Event

SwaddleDesigns Swaddle Duo Review & Giveaway (CLOSED 11/1) US/Canada

swaddle designs 0 box

Founded by Lynette Damir, RN, in 2002, SwaddleDesigns was the first company to introduce the large square swaddling blanket to the US and many countries around the world. SwaddleDesigns is known for their premium quality fabric, fabulous colors and prints, decorative edge, and the innovative 123 Swaddle® instructional label that helps new parents master the art of swaddling. SwaddleDesigns swaddling blankets are perfect for swaddling and have many uses such as a privacy throw for breastfeeding moms, a tummy time play mat and a cover over the stroller.

SwaddleDesigns strives to help new parents care for their baby by providing accurate and up-to-date information, so parents may make informed choices. SwaddleDesigns Safe Sleep Program includes recommendations from the AAP and the NIH as the company strives to increase awareness of Safe Sleep practices and help parents reduce risk of SIDS.

According to leading SIDS researchers, both overheating AND overchilling are risk factors for SIDS. In addition, it’s important for parents to understand that when baby is too cool during sleep, baby will use valuable energy to stay warm instead of growing and thriving. Over the past few years some juvenile product companies have over focused on overheating as a SIDS risk factor, and there has been a lack of balanced conversation regarding insufficient thermal insulation – the danger of baby being too cool – as a risk factor for SIDS. It is time for a balanced information where parents are educated and reminded of their important responsibility to make sure baby is not too hot or too cold, but comfortably warm.

The SwaddleDesigns Goldilocks Guide™ says baby should not be too hot, or too cold, but just right ~ comfortably warm. The Goldilock’s Guide helps new parents remember the importance of keeping baby comfortably warm. Visit the SwaddleDesigns Safe Sleep page to learn more about Safe Sleep Practices and the SwaddleDesigns Goldilocks Guide.

SwaddleDesigns is best known for their Ultimate Receiving Blanket and Marquisette Swaddling Blanket, and they are now introducing the SwaddleDuo.

SwaddleDuo offers two premium, yet different, baby soft cotton swaddling blankets – two swaddle blankets in a wonderful gift box:

  • The Ultimate Receiving Blanket® is a lightweight premium cotton flannel blanket – for moderate to cooler environmental temperatures
  • The Marquisette Swaddling Blanket® is a very lightweight openweave cotton blanket – for warmer environmental temperatures

With the SwaddleDuo, parents will be prepared for a variety of environmental settings – cool, moderate and warm

  • SwaddleDesigns Cotton Marquisette is similar to muslin but is made from premium quality yarns.
  • SwaddleDesigns Cotton Flannel is made from premium preshrunk domestic cotton.

swaddle designs 3 tips and cautionsswaddle designs 4 instructions

Swaddling instructions are sewn right to the blanket, and you can also visit their “How to Swaddle” page to view “How to Swaddle” and more information regarding sleeping environments and the benefits of swaddling.

swaddle designs 1 packagingswaddle designs 2 packaging

SwaddleDesigns sent me the Swaddle Duo “modern duo” in lime with brown

swaddle designs 5 light and heavier weight

The blankets are packaged perfectly for gift giving, are soft and generously sized. I can’t wait to swaddle the new baby!

The SwaddleDuo is available in 17 styles with MSRP of $38, so you’re sure to find one you love!

Follow SwaddleDesigns on Twitter and “like” SwaddleDesigns on Facebook. Facebook fans get the inside scoop, previews of new collections and Fan discounts. SwaddleDesigns would love for you to leave a comment on their Facebook wall stating your favorite print or product!

Join SwaddleDesigns’ exclusive email club and get the inside scoop for special offers (and receive a promotional code in your email for 10% off full priced items in your first purchase!)


Giveaway: One winner will receive a SwaddleDesigns swaddle duo classic peace love swaddle duo in blue or pink (ARV $38.) Entries go in the Rafflecopter form.

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Baby Wearing Giveaway How To/Demo Retailers Review Virtual Baby Shower Event

Maya Wrap Ring Sling Review & $30 Eco Mom Gift Certificate Giveaway (CLOSED 11/1)

maya wrap ring sling 1

EcoMom sells eco-friendly and organic products for moms, kids and babies. I received a $30 gift certificate to spend on a review item for the virtual baby shower, and I had a hard time choosing. I felt like a kid in a candy store with a pocket full of money! EcoMom sells organic food, cloth diapers, natural/organic bath and skincare products, wooden and organic toys and way more eco-friendly gear than I could possibly list.

EcoMom is offering free shipping on all U.S. orders for a limited time. If you buy an Ecopass, you get free shipping all the time, plus 15% on all your orders! They have my favorite…a sale section! All products EcoMom sells are EcoMom approved, and their customer service is excellent!

EcoMom has quite a few slings and carriers, and I finally decided to put my $30 gift certificate towards a Maya Wrap Ring Sling. I love the plum and olive colors, but I decided on the neutral chocolate. The slings retail for $74.95 and are available in small, medium and large sizes. There’s a 6″ length difference between sling sizes, and the small is recommended for people under 5′ 2″ and/or who are slender. Even though I’m not exactly slender right now at 34 weeks pregnant, I am petite and small framed, so I went with the size small so I don’t have to worry about tripping on, or getting tangled up in the sling’s tail!

The slings are recommended for babies from 8-35 pounds, and the strong, light anodized aluminum rings are smooth, weld free and tested to 250 pounds. The 100% hand loomed cotton is soft, cool, breathable, durable and gives without stretching, for support and comfort. The shoulder is padded for comfort, and the unpadded tail can be used as a nursing coverup. The sling came with an instructional DVD, and it also has a zippered pocket to store keys, phone, burp cloths etc.

maya wrap ring sling 2maya wrap ring sling 2-2

I was a little overwhelmed when I first opened the sling, but I was determined to figure it out before the baby came! I took lots of photos and videos to share with you. I’m sure I made mistakes and some seasoned ring sling’ers will point them out for me. 😉 I think it will be easier with a real baby vs. a teeny, squishy bear too.

Maya wrap ring sling 3 prep tags together maya wrap ring sling 4 prep gather sides of tail to middle

To get your sling ready to use the first time, hold each end of the sling with the tags facing each other. Gather the edges of the tail to the middle.

maya wrap ring sling 5 prep rings over wrist maya wrap ring sling 6 prep fabric through rings

Put the rings over your wrist to make this next step easier, then bring the tail through the rings.

maya wrap ring sling 7 prep over and under rings maya wrap ring sling 8 prep under ring

Then you bring the the tail over the closest ring and under the other ring, then spread the fabric over the rings, making sure it isn’t twisted.

maya wrap ring sling 9 prep checking height

Hold the ring at your shoulder and pull the tail through the rings until the bottom of the pouch is around your hip bone.

Quick video demo (and yes I know my videos aren’t very good! They look so darn dark now, but they didn’t look that way on the camera or my computer. I need to find time to edit them more (just added fill light in YouTube!), but I’m hoping to do this better after I’ve used it with the new baby!):

Once you have done this, you’re pretty much ready to use it every time.

maya wrap ring sling 10 putting on arm through maya wrap ring sling 11 putting on over head

Put your arm through the sling, then bring it over your head.

maya wrap ring sling 12 putting on pocket for baby maya wrap ring sling 13 putting on support baby while putting in pocket

You will make a pocket for the baby, then support the baby’s weight while you place them in the pocket.

maya wrap ring sling 14 putting on support baby while tightening maya wrap ring sling 15 tightening

Continue to support your baby’s weight while you tighten the ring sling. Make sure you have read all about babywearing safety! The material that came with the sling had lots of good info about using the sling safely. You want to make sure the baby is positioned correctly, is snug & secure, has his/her face/airway clear and head supported

Maya Wrap Ring Sling 16 On-shoulder side maya wrap ring sling 17 on side (2)

Again, I’m sure I didn’t do this perfectly!

Maya Wrap Ring Sling 18 on back Maya Wrap Ring Sling 19 on side
maya wrap ring sling 20 on-ring side

It wasn’t nearly as difficult as I thought it would be though!

Maya Wrap Ring Sling 21 pocket maya wrap ring sling 21-1 zippered pocket

The zippered pocket on the tail is really convenient.

Here’s another terrible video, this time of me putting the sling on:

One reason I really wanted a ring sling is that it’s really easy to take it off without disturbing/waking the baby.

maya wrap ring sling 22 removal support baby and pull rings away maya wrap ring sling removal 23 support baby and pull fabric over baby
maya wrap ring sling 24 removal baby is out

Just support the baby’s weight while you pull the rings away from yourself to loosen the sling. Then lift the fabric over baby (while still supporting the baby’s weight of course!) and you’re done. Then it’s just as easy to put it back on again!

Be sure to follow the EcoMom blog, EcoMom on Twitter and “like” EcoMom on Facebook!

Giveaway: One winner will receive a $30 Gift Certificate code to spend towards anything you want from Ecomom. Entries go in the Rafflecopter form.

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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

Itzbeen Winner

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226 people entered this giveaway. The winning entry is #80, which is Christine Mitchell.

Congratulations Christine, I’m sending you an email so you can claim your prize!

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