Motherhood Personal Posts

Slightly Strange Reasons I’m Proud of My 2-Year Old

We’re all proud of our kids. They’re the cutest, sweetest, most brilliant children on the face of the earth. After all, they are our children, right? 😉

My daughter was so verbally advanced that I have to try really hard not to compare. When the pediatrician asks questions about my son’s development, he has to remind me that my daughter is/was exceptional, and I can’t use her as a benchmark! However, my son has totally shocked me in the past several months.

I’m going to be annoying and say he’s “28 months old.” I promise I will not be saying 40whatever months, leaving you scrunching up your face, doing mental math! It just seems like there’s such a huge, huge difference between a child who just turned two, a child who is 2 and 2 months, 4 months, almost 3 etc.

In the months since his birthday, his vocabulary and sentence structure has exploded. He’s counting to 15, singing songs and all that good stuff. Not only can he count to 15, he seems to have a slight grasp on #s, as in, he knows that “free bellypops” (three lollipops) are way better than one or two!!

The other weekend, he used a public potty with no potty seat and he accidentally drew a perfect lower case e on his magna doodle. Oh accident schmacksident, he’s a regular Einstein! Tee-hee!

He also understands if/then propositions way better than my daughter did at that age (heck, better than she does now!) He totally gets we’ll change your diaper, then we’ll go down and play. Picks a diaper, lays right down, then hops up ready to go! Unfortunately he also has the selective hearing that’s common to 2-year olds (and the male species in general), so “eat dinner, then you can have candy” backfires, since he only hears “you can have candy!”

The same day he used the public potty, he was holding a lemon slice from my water (and don’t tell me about all the reports about germs on lemons, I don’t want to think about it…ew) and my daughter was having her usual fit of pouting because “I want a lemon too!” (read this like: I want an oompa loompa now!!) and my son, without hesitation, ripped the lemon slice in half and gave her a piece!

I know sharing and 2-year olds is an iffy issue, especially since my 6-year old sets a terrible example. (We’re working on that, but she was an only child for almost 4 1/2 years, so it’s tough!) His willingness to share actually leads me to probably the top reason I’m proud of my son.

He has an uncanny ability to read people’s facial expressions and feelings, and he has genuine empathy for other people. Even when we are reading books, he will analyze the characters and other illustrations and say something like; “Pooh Bear sad, water fall down.” That was in a book where Pooh Bear slipped and knocked his honey pot over.

When we were dropping my daughter off at gymnastics, he saw a child a little younger than him crying, looked concerned, and said “He’s crying. He’s mad.” I didn’t even know if the child was crying out of sadness or anger/frustration, but his mother agreed that he was indeed mad! He is always concerned when his sister has a tantrum (daily, at least) and wants to make things better. He even tries to stick up for her, like the other day when she said my dinner was “disgusting” and wanted “something else.” He tried to ask me for “sunthin’ ewse” for her, on her behalf!

He also has a genuine understanding of “I’m sorry.” He may step on my foot and when I say “ow” (that kid seriously stomps for such a little guy!) he will turn around, say “I’m sorry” and give me a little pat, or otherwise make sure I’m OK. If he spills something, he will say “I’m sorry Mommy!” and he’ll go grab a towel to help clean it up.

It may seem like a strange thing to be proud of, but it seems like American boys/men are taught that they shouldn’t have feelings, let alone show them, nor should they have any regard for anyone else’s feelings either. Two year olds are supposed to be self-centered, so it’s just amazing to me that he’s more in-tune with others’ feelings than his 6-year old sister (or most adults for that matter!!)

Are there any things your kids do that make you proud, that might seem like a weird thing to be proud of?

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All In Two Diapers Cloth Diapers Giveaway Inserts Made in Canada Natural Fiber Pocket Diapers Sized Diapers Snap Closure Virtual Baby Shower Event

AMP Sized Duo Cloth Diaper Giveaway (CLOSED 10/11) US/Canada

Amp Diaper

I posted my AMP One-Size Duo Diaper review a year ago, and it’s still in my regular rotation. It fits well, and the super-absorbent insert means it’s one I grab for first thing in the morning, when I know the diaper has to make it to drop my daughter off at school and back!

Just like the one-size duo diaper I have (which fits 7-38 lb via a snap down rise), the sized duo diaper is Canadian made, can be used as a pocket or all-in-two, has a super soft fleece inner, is available with a bamboo or hemp insert and a comes in a ridiculously huge array of colors. It’s available in small (6-18 lb) and large (15-35 lb.)

Amp Diaper Amp Diaper

Giveaway: AMP Diapers is offering one winner a sized duo diaper in his/her choice of size (small 6-18 lb or large 15-35 lb) and color! ARV $18.95.

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Cloth Diapers Giveaway One Size Diapers Pocket Diapers Snap Closure Velcro/Aplix Closure Virtual Baby Shower Event Warranties

3 Bumgenius 4.0 Cloth Diapers Giveaway (CLOSED 10/17) US/Canada

Bumgenius Cloth Diapers

The Virtual Baby Shower Event is here! If you’ve been paying attention, you already know that October 2011 also marks two years of cloth diapering for me! Yep. In October 2009, my stash started with just three Bumgenius 3.0 cloth diapers (shortly followed by three more.) I washed those suckers twice a day, then every day for a long time! Three of those were replaced under the awesome Cottonbabies warranty, two are in need of Velcro replacement and one is still going strong!

I’ve had a great experience with their products and their customer service, and I have a lot of respect for Cottonbabies owner Jennifer Labit. Not just as a business owner, but as a human being.

I thought it was only fitting to kick off the Virtual Baby Shower event with a giveaway for three Bumgenius 4.0 cloth diapers (4.0s are even better than the 3.0s I started with) in your choice of solid color and closure. I will purchase the diapers from my choice of reputable online retailer, including any of my affiliates, or another of my choice.

Giveaway: Three Bumgenius 4.0 cloth diapers in winner’s choice of solid color and closure (ARV $53.85.) Entries go in the Rafflecopter form.

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Inserts Mailbox Mondays Microfiber Natural Fiber Stink Washing

Cloth Diaper Advice – Mailbox Mondays 10/3/11 – Microfiber vs. Hemp or Bamboo Inserts

microfiber vs hemp or bamboo for #clothdiapers via @chgdiapers

Mailbox Mondays posts are where I answer a reader submitted question, whether they are looking for cloth diaper advice, or something else!

Questions don’t have to be cloth diaper related, just email maria at with “Mailbox Mondays” in the subject, or fill out my contact form for readers, which you will always be able to find on my Contact Page.

Stephanie says:

I really despise microfiber and would rather go for hemp or bamboo for my pockets. Will these eventually develop the “stink” of microfiber? Do you have any recommendations on a good insert and washing tips? My stash is primarily made up of BG elementals, can they all be washed together?


Sorry it’s like 4-5 questions, you just do a great job answering my questions I can’t help myself! 😉


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Blog Hop Cloth Diaper Blog Hop Linky

Cloth Diaper Blog Hop for October 2011

cloth diaper blog hop

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October already, wow! Monday begins the virtual baby shower event, but for now it’s cloth diaper blog hop time! If you always (or just sometimes) blog about cloth diapers, please link up! Please spread the word about this unique blog hop!

This hop is easy to participate in; you don’t have to blog about the hop or post the button. Of course, I’d love it it if you would blog, post the button, tweet and/or share on Facebook.

You don’t have to follow certain blog or leave comments. I hope you will stop by the other blogs, follow them if you like what they’re writing about, and leave a comment if you have something to say!

I love to read blogs, so I will follow anyone who links up!

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